Published Dec 14, 2007
I want to know if female nurses have more advantage over male nurses.
1,756 Posts
No. I never expected to be at a disadvantage and I've never felt that I was.
When I start a new job, I negotiate my salary based on experience and qualification, not gender. Size can be an advantage with lifting, but it can be a disadvantage when working with smaller people. And yes, I've been told "only you could get away with this"(call me a practical joker),but I think it's because people appreciate a good laugh in a stressfull environment, not because I'm male.
180 Posts
Well, we do get to pee standing up...I don't envy those who have to sit on the can at the hospital.
I would have to say that is quite the advantage for the males I agree lol
I think the only advantage Females have over males that can be generalized is that it is more accepted that a nurse be female to the majority of the population. Ex: check out children book, N for Nurse with a picture of a woman in white, cliche.
Men do tend to have that advantage of upper body strength which is helpful with lifting patients, but those sam men, might struggle with dainty tasks and small objects, who knows all depends.
I personally, don't care your gender, we have Guys, Gals, and Gays in our Program, and all of them do well and work hard.
Sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen,But Males and Females are treated differently in the nursing profession! In the State of Oklahoma, Males are disciplined at a higher percentage rate by population percentage than females according to the OBN year end reports.So are you saying Males and Females are treated differently by the penal system? All across the country males are convicted at a much higher percentage rate by population percentage.
But Males and Females are treated differently in the nursing profession! In the State of Oklahoma, Males are disciplined at a higher percentage rate by population percentage than females according to the OBN year end reports.
So are you saying Males and Females are treated differently by the penal system? All across the country males are convicted at a much higher percentage rate by population percentage.
42 Posts
I have heard from different sources that male nurses make more money than female nurses--of course we all start at the same pay but the men are more likely to receive bigger increases becasue the boss thinks they will leave without incentive or need more to support a family.. I don't know if this is true or not but there are some articles that have brought this up--like this one.
56 Posts
I have heard from different sources that male nurses make more money than female nurses--of course we all start at the same pay but the men are more likely to receive bigger increases becasue the boss thinks they will leave without incentive or need more to support a family.. I don't know if this is true or not but there are some articles that have brought this up--like this one.
I make the exact same wages as the female nurses that have my qualifications. There is equality in the pay rates, that is for sure. This may be true in the UK but not that I have encountered here in the US.
My point is that male nurses are punished more by nursing boards across the USA.
The percentage of complaints and action against male nurses is higher by by population percent than for females. If a female complains, including co-workers, it is taken at face value, even if it is proven untrue. 20 percent of the disciplinary action taken against male nurses involve a complaint of sexual harassment from co-workers while for women it is only 1 percent. Common sense tells us that the numbers should be close to equal......So to all you females that participate in this kind of crap.....STOP! Additionally, only the people in this profession can stop the discrimination by speaking up when they see or hear of this in their workplace.
1,049 Posts
thats an interesting article.
certainly the majority of men i know in nursing are in mental health.. I only know of 4 NP's. as for more money.. we have a pay grade system which is country wide.. as a np I can expect to get the same pay and conditions regardless of where I work in the country, as long as i remain within the NHS. the head of the RCN is a man..
there is nothing to stop anyone applying for any jobs.. remember a lot of nurses make up their money by doing overtime/ unsocial hours. as an NP I command a good salary.. my best friend is a district nurse, who is on 2 pay grades lower than me.. and she earns more than me because to the unsocial hours!
46 Posts
Where Im going to school most of the students and staff treat the guys the same. However there are always a few coments about gender mostly joking I think?. One Instructor made a coment about men only thinking with the little head in front of the whole class. NOW dont get me wrong this is not entirly untrue but if I was to make a sexist coment in this environment I would be crucified and probablyy tossed out of the program. I think in general men are more easy going about these kind of remarkes. JUST MY OPIOIN.
nursemike, ASN, RN
1 Article; 2,362 Posts
Recognizing that "generally true" does not mean "always true," I agree that men seem to be generally more easygoing about such remarks. I encourage you to hang onto that easygoing mentality. There are enough things to stress over in nursing, and nursing school, that a little playful teasing is nothing to get ruffled over. I've made the observation at work that if there were more men in nursing, there would be a lot less stress, and only slightly higher patient mortality. It's a grossly unfair comment to both genders, but most of my coworkers would agree that boxers don't seem to get in a bunch as easily as panties do, and they value that.
fortunatley due to my back ground I dont ruffle easy or get offened by much! I hope I land in a place where words are just words and everyone can take a joke for what it is A JOKE. I am just very careful what I say and who I say it to for now anyway!
Well, it is just this exactly that I am talking about. The female nurses think it's okay to make a sexist or sexually based comment..but we are demons with four heads if we have a retort. And if we complain, well we are rocking the boat, cause who really got hurt by it right...?
Listen They are the fairer pretty smarter sex! Just ask them! When they get going just smile and know that you could say about a million things that would turn their heads. Sometimes the best thoughts should be kept to ones self. Anyway I really wasnt complaing. I kinda like it when they think they are getting a way with some wise coment. Im not worried about equality at this point im just along for the ride. This is my second career I want to be good at it but I am also going to have a lot of fun in the process. Maybe by the end I will be able to write a book on how women think!!!! and make a millon bucks!!!