fellas what yall think i should do

Nursing Students Male Students


*I'm mobile so excuse any typos*

Ok, I'm in a PN program I'm one of two males out of a class of 33.....the women in my class have takin intrest in me good intrest we are only two months into the program. And I'm not the type of person to try to **** where I eat, but some have been really throwing it at me and truthfully I'm buckling under the peer pressure. is this career really like this where women are throwing themselves at you left and right? What y'all think should I go ahead and mess around with one of em, or just be cool and keep it friendly. its a really good feeling to be this sought after and all this attention thrown at me tho any one have any similar exp.

Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.
*i'm mobile so excuse any typos*

ok, i'm in a pn program i'm one of two males out of a class of 33.....the women in my class have takin intrest in me good intrest we are only two months into the program. and i'm not the type of person to try to **** where i eat, but some have been really throwing it at me and truthfully i'm buckling under the peer pressure. is this career really like this where women are throwing themselves at you left and right? what y'all think should i go ahead and mess around with one of em, or just be cool and keep it friendly. its a really good feeling to be this sought after and all this attention thrown at me tho any one have any similar exp.

i would discourage it because nursing school itself is full of drama already because of all the women there. i messed around once with one of the girls in the class but i stopped it because the "mess" was interfering with my studying (this was during lpn school as well). this girl ended up failing two classes and was kicked out of the program. that's another story though.

but hey you can try and see where it takes you but remember your main goal why you enrolled in the pn program. you have to do everything to achieve this goal because lpn school is very tough. lpn school was harder for me than my rn program. and you will lose several/a lot of the students in the first/2nd semesters so be sure you are one of the ones that make it.

good luck dude! this profession is awesome.

angel, rn

Thanks, for the advice I have a lot of motivation to make it through....but I will keep what you said in mind women come women go, bt my career will last a lifetime right.....besides when I graduate ill have just turned 21 I knw for a fact there will be a schmorgeshboard (sp) of women then anyway.....thnx for the advice again tho

Specializes in ER, ICU.

There is always the possiblity of anything like that ending in disaster (I mean for you, not just the relationship). What, if to spite you, someone accuses you of sexual harassment? True or not it could end your career. Just keep it professional, but I know we guys don't have a lot of practice in saying "no". It is a lot easier in the professional world as there is a greater range of woman from all ages and relationship status (i.e. fewer available hotties). Don't jeopardize your future, there is enough to deal with in school without throwing that into the mix. Good luck.

Specializes in Cardiac, Rehab.

I'm the only guy in my program and I can tell you, nobody is throwing themselves at me. So if they all seem to be clamoring for you, enjoy it while it lasts. This subject has been brought up before and the general consensus is as you stated it, there is just too much chance for drama gone bad.

I just wonder though, if they are that obvious about it, are they playing with you a bit, trying to have some fun at your expense?

Specializes in Orthopaedics, Med/Surg Acute Care.

OK, some advice from a nurse of 13 years and 40 years old - yes, old enough to be your mother, so take it like motherly advice. Don't. Period.

My advice isn't to put a kink in your love life, but only to help you. Like others have said there is enough drama in school plus you really need to be spending that time studying to make yourself a good nurse. Also when you get a job my advice is to not date someone you work with. It will be tempting, but when things go sour they can really make your life miserable. You need your fellow students and co-workers to have your back, not cause problems. Don't forget also when things go sour (and they always do at some time) you aren't going to be dealing with just her, but all of her friends too. There are plenty of other women out there in the world for you to date (or just scratch an itch as they say) but keep it professional where and when you need to and you won't regret it.

Also another thought, you could be wrongly accused of something with a female patient someday and your fellow students or co-workers could help make or break the situation with the police. Something to think about.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Pssh, dont listen to them.

Bend it and send it man

Specializes in critical care.

Keep it friendly and just focus on your studies. Once you graduate and pass your boards, you will have all kinds of time and options to mess around. And can you really afford the UNNECESSARY potential for drama while trying to make it through a very difficult course of study??? If you can, go for it....but if you can't, LEAVE IT ALONE!!!

During nursing school? I wouldn't worry too much about it. There are two things, conflict of interest , and drama. The former is not relevant unless we are talking about your instructors, and the latter is nearly inevitable, and life goes on. People move far and wide. Once you are working, you might want to check it though, for reasons mentioned above.

Too much immaturity among those in my class._____

Like they said...you'll be stuck with these women for years. Don't do it.

Specializes in Emergency, Case Management, Informatics.

Honestly, you should probably be studying right now instead of posting about possibly banging your classmates. I got plenty of this type of attention during LPN school. While it was a welcomed ego boost, I didn't pursue anything. I had waaaay too much on my plate just trying to make the grade.

Also, if you do hook up with someone, and they happen to be doing poorly in the program, they may bring you down with them. Or if they're academically challenged and you're doing well, they may expect you to let them cheat off of you during exams, which is going to get your *** sent right out the door. Is it really worth possibly throwing away your time spent in school just to get some poon?

I mean, unless they're really, REALLY hot. :jester::clown::jester::clown::jester:

But seriously, there's going to be plenty of time for this after you're done with school.

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