February NCLEX Test Takers....


Specializes in M/S Short Stay/TCU.

Hello everyone....

I just received my ATT to test today... I am scheduled to take the NCLEX on February 8, 2010 which is about 3weeks.... I would like for anyone who is scheduled to take NCLEX in the month of February to share their stories and stradigies for preparing for NCLEX exam..... We can accomplish this together...

I am using NCLEX 3500. the Saunders CD & textbook as my resources.... I do 150 question in test mode each day... I use my school's library as my focal point for studying because being at home for me JUST DONT WORK:eek:. I love it because my schools' library has open access to alumunae graduates.... I know this may sound korny but I can't wait to take it... I know we can ALL do this together...

WE MUST STAY CALM, CONFIDENT, FOCUS, & POSITIVE on this journey to becoming an official RN:nurse:

hello ...good to hear you are taking ur board in February....i am taking in March.....even good u can go to library and study .....I wanna go but its not possible for me. I have one daughter my husband has to work....I can hardly do some time 20-25 questions...i wanna do more but get tired and house hold work..........any advise appriciated.

Specializes in M/S Short Stay/TCU.

hi kaur79 , you are taking the boards in march thats awesome..... welcome... we can work together... i understand juggling a family is hard; but you will get through it....

Specializes in AF Medic.

I am taking my NCLEX in Feb. I am currently doing the Hurst Review online and answering questions from several diffrent NCLEX review books. I am studying hard so I can take this once and move on with my life :) Good luck everyone!

Specializes in Psych NP.

Got the ATT today and scheduled for Feb. 3rd (20 days from now, hope I'm ready). I read through the Kaplan strategy book, have been doing 100 questions a day with rationales (aiming to do 3000 in 30 days) and reviewing content in Saunders Comprehensive. Also did ATI (gave me 98% chance of passing on first attempt) and went through LaCharity as a part of school. Somedays I feel good about my ability to pass and some days not so much :uhoh3:

We can do this, we're ready!

I really completed the program in Jun 2004 but could not pass the dreaded HESI Exam. After a year of taking the HESI a few times and raising can. I graduated in September 2005. I took the NCLEX thereafter and had 265 questions but failed (near passing in every area). I was a no show twice (2006 and 2007). 2008 I just said the heck with it. I just got up my nerve and took in December 2009.

I had major issues with test anxiety in school. I was just turned off by my experience so I really did make a fuss over it one way or the other. Anyhow, I did not study for the Dec 2009 and went in cold to face my test fright issues. It was worth the $200. I failed which I new I would. However, in a few areas I was near passing. One area I was above average. Three areas below. Anyhow, I am studying as we speak. I await my ATT. I am going to take this exam until I pass so people won't tell me I am not really a nurse.

i am taking nclex feb 15. i am using kaplan. i am listening to lecture and using my kaplan book at the same time. them i am reviewing the content questions and then i use the testbank for the sections that i have already completed.

i feel good about it kaplan. i am getting questions right in areas i am weak in because i am using ther strategies so we will see how it goes.

I am still waiting for my ATT...I have done my part, but waiting for the school to send out our paperwork...so once I get that, my plan is to try to sign up for mid February.

I just finished my Kaplan review course today and I plan on continuing to review that book as well as take the Qbank questions and possibly Saunders.

Good luck to everyone!!! And yes, WE CAN DO IT!!! :nurse::yeah:

Specializes in M/S Short Stay/TCU.

Yes everyone.... sounds like a plan.... We are ALL going to pass the NCLEX... I just BELIEVE it....:D

Specializes in Vascular Surgery.

My test date is set for Feb. 4th. One thing I should study is drug lab values and RX names. Working on 200-300 questions/day and listening to Kaplan lectures.

Hi all,

My scheduled test date is also in February, and I just finished taking Hurst Review. It was a live 4-day class, and I think it really shed some light on many topics. So, I am planning to start re-reviewing the Hurst, and also I have Saunders and Kaplan books, so, I am planning to look through them, hopefully:)

I still need to make a plan where to study, at the library or at home.

Does anyone have any tips on how to study? Are you guys taking practice tests and then reviewing afterwards or doing some other way?

I believe all people here are first time NCLEX takers and relying on Kaplan and saunders to pass. This is my second time and have used KAPLAN already , was getiing average of 80 % in qtrainers and after studying so hard i failed. After couple of weeks of mourning, i decided to do Live review for Hurst and came to realize after that my Kaplan instructor contributed nothing to my knowledge.

Kaplan has decision making model, testing elimination strategies and over 1000 ques to practice. I believe kaplan is for those people who were very bright in school and were mostly straight A students and need some practice questions. There might be exceptions though !

I managed to get over 3 GPA in nursing school and was confident that Kaplan will help but the Key element of every question is mostly underlying patho and practical nursing questions and HURST prepared me fully for that. I have even started answering drug questions about whom I have never heard based on Hurst question solving strategies. I know Hurst costs some money but Marlene Hurst has book on Patho which is so helpful. Hurst has made me confident in drugs and body systems.

I cannot solve every type of ques which NCLEX asks but if I know my patho then it is possible to get "more right than wrong" according to Hurst. I was reading med-surg book and memorizing diseases but I have passed nursing school then why I need to read all these books.

Hurst Lady gives clues to solve any question . The best statement which I liked about her was " When you enter the NCLEX center there is somebody waiting to greet you at the door and that will be devil. Devil will tempt you with all distracting answers and would like you to think all answers are correct. He wants to tempt you with wrong answers".

Well, I gave in to that devil while selecting pharma questions during my first time.

I am not at all bright student and am audio and visual learner and learn everything in steady pace. I am taking NCLEX again on Feb 6th and would do evrything what Hurst lady told me. I have grown confident and am doing my part and will leave the rest to God. I will try my best to have that license in my mail box.

Good luck to everyone.:up:

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