Published Nov 28, 2005
146 Posts didn't know not to use the word "fat".
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,700 Posts
I have to admit on a few patients it's a challenge to get to the muscle for an IM shot.
boulergirl, CNA
428 Posts
Well, I hope I never need an IM shot. And if I do, and the person giving the shot has an issue with my size of my seat, they can kiss my "fat butt".:rotfl:
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
"chunky" or full-figure sounds better :chuckle
Yeah, I could see someone referring to my "chunky butt". LOL
464 Posts
This takes me back--to the days when the needles were not disposable, and we had 2-inch needles. After disposables were the norm, it seems like they were all 1 1/2 inches or less. I do remember getting out a spinal needle to give an IM to a very large (400+ pounds) lady at least once.
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
Hmmmmm...... Big or small butts....some needles tend to land in the wrong spot causing pain to the patient....probably due to the technique the person administering the shot uses. I've had some painful injections to my rear end when I was but a mere hundred pounds. The nurse who gave me the shot injured my sciatic nerve that caused me much pain for years afterwards. Her technique was NOT good! So, now that my butt is a "little more cushiony" :rotfl: it still hurts to get a shot, but it's probably going more into the fat than into the muscle, so I have to agree with this argument of the study done. However....IF I weighed an excessive amount of weight for my height, and someone came near me with a horse sized needle to give me an injection, they would be the one getting stuck with that needle...not me.
It's a good thing the spinal needles come in different lengths.
6,011 Posts
I am speechless. I have a Bertha Butt myself but I'd have to think twice about a spinal needle coming my way.
warrior woman
285 Posts
I have a big butt, and I cannot lie; that's something that I can't deny. OOPS!! Wrong song!!:rotfl:
845 Posts
Needles don't bother me in the least. I don't care if it is for Penicillin... you know, those things that look like they are about a 2 gauge? LOL Doesn't phase me. BUT... Just TRY to poke my finger and watch me run. I can't STAND to have people sticking sharp pointy things in my fingers. Take a gallon of blood with a 14g if you want, give me a butt shot, do what you will but stay away from my fingers.
559 Posts
Imagine putting this on your resume: I did a study injecting fat butts.
Is this really where study money is going? There ARE other places for IM injections you know.