Family Members With Nothing Better To Do.


I had this really nice 40 something year old patient who was admitted for a cardiolite stress test. He was completely independant, walked to the bathroom by himself and really didn't need any assistance. I would check on him periodically and told him to let me know if he needed anything.

Then his wife comes in and first thing she says when I meet her is why we have a sign posted at the bedside that says we are going to check on the patient every hour and toilet them and assess needs, if I am not really doing what the sign says. She was very fixated on that. Meanwhile the patient was very nice and never had any complaints and even agreed with his friend who had been in our hospital, that we gave great care. However, he must have been afraid of his wife because he did not stand up for me at all.

Then his wife wrote a letter and complained about me. Please tell me people have better things to do with themselves. Yes, I should have checked on the patient every hour like the sign said to do, but sometimes that is really not possible and I didn't neglect him since he was capable of toileting and doing everything himself. Some family members really need to look at themselves and evaluate what is wrong with them instead of picking on others. :mad:

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

i just had a patient's wife complain that i "stole her bible." she had bibles of various sizes, shapes, and languages strewn about the patient's room on the sink, on the bedside table, on the window sill and on the chair i use to chart. in the process of changing his dressing (first thing on my shift since the night shift didn't change the nasty, smelling, leaking thing), i picked up all the bibles off surfaces i was intending to use and stacked them neatly on the shelf intended for patient belongings. when i was finished, i put one of the bibles back on the bedside table so it would be close to the patient in case the words would seep into his obtunded brain by osmosis. evidently the bible i placed next to the patient was not the correct bible. the wife didn't say anything to me. she went out and called the don and the administrator on duty, then went out into the hall and pretended to faint. when everyone rushed to help her. she threw a kicking, screaming tantrum like a two year old.

i couldn't believe a 60 year old woman behaving like a freaking two year old. stupid! it was, however, highly entertaining. and it will make a good story someday.

i couldn't believe a 60 year old woman behaving like a freaking two year old. stupid! it was, however, highly entertaining. and it will make a good story someday.

it makes a good story now lol

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

Its just the world we live in seems that some want everything instantly and have no regard or concern for others. Did that wife realize that you had many other patients that day and probably had way more work than you could deal with.How many times have you heard that word ...."PRIORITZE"..well that is what you were doing. I swear I would have have told her that only really applies to patients that are not self sufficient. You already assessed that he could walk to the BR and pick up a phone and call you and turn on the call light. That is the problem with those stupid systems like that.. they treat you like a trained monkey instead of the intelligent professional that you are !!!!We have that as well where we work and the nurse has to check it off at the door that he or she checked on toileting..ect....Its a have a patient crashing..oops missed your hourly check in....give me break!!!!

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.
the wife didn't say anything to me. she went out and called the don and the administrator on duty, then went out into the hall and pretended to faint. when everyone rushed to help her. she threw a kicking, screaming tantrum like a two year old.

i couldn't believe a 60 year old woman behaving like a freaking two year old. stupid! it was, however, highly entertaining.

i'm sorry my mom was unleashed on you. she must have snuck out of the house while i was at work. usually her two year old tantrums are saved just to guilt me:lol2:

Specializes in ICU, M/S,Nurse Supervisor, CNS.
i just had a patient's wife complain that i "stole her bible." she had bibles of various sizes, shapes, and languages strewn about the patient's room on the sink, on the bedside table, on the window sill and on the chair i use to chart. in the process of changing his dressing (first thing on my shift since the night shift didn't change the nasty, smelling, leaking thing), i picked up all the bibles off surfaces i was intending to use and stacked them neatly on the shelf intended for patient belongings. when i was finished, i put one of the bibles back on the bedside table so it would be close to the patient in case the words would seep into his obtunded brain by osmosis. evidently the bible i placed next to the patient was not the correct bible. the wife didn't say anything to me. she went out and called the don and the administrator on duty, then went out into the hall and pretended to faint. when everyone rushed to help her. she threw a kicking, screaming tantrum like a two year old.

i couldn't believe a 60 year old woman behaving like a freaking two year old. stupid! it was, however, highly entertaining. and it will make a good story someday.

:lol2::lol2::lol2: that is very highly entertaining! wish i coulda saw that one!

We have signs that have numbers 7-7 and we move stars from top to bottom. When people ask what the heck we do those for (we just started and even *I* forget to tell them what they're for), I tell them that it's the last time we checked on the patient.

I would like to bold this out, though... I ALWAYS add for the Q1h checks This is what we strive for. It's not a definite. We typically have to check on patients every 1 - 2 hours, but we try our best to do every hour just in case the patients need something. You definitely don't have to wait for us to come around, though. If you need something push your button.

I also tell them that they're kind of a new thing, so it DEFINITELY is not something we remember to move every time. I forget 1/2 of the time myself if I'm just making a quick check, so it in no way should be thought that it is a DEFINITE that this was the last time we checked on them.

I guess what I'm saying is to tell them it's a goal, but is NOT a mandatory thing.

PS- If she said that to me, I'd probably say, "Oh I apologize was there something that you needed for me to get in the time between last time I checked on him and now??" If she said no, then I would tell her, "Well he does also have his call light, so if he was having chest pain or just didn't feel right, then he knows that he can call at any time."

Sometimes they need to have a little bit of common sense introduced to them to stop wining about something stupid. Sometimes it also (although is not super popular) beneficial to be said, if they are being VERY rude and obnoxious, that the husband unfortunately is not the only person that you're taking care of, but you try your darndest to take care of everything people need as soon as possible. I completely reserve this statement to the most needy / annoying patients though. You know the ones ... they are absolutely unable to be satisfied with ANYTHING you do? In those cases you MUST put up with it for a while and then go about your business. They're not going to be happy that you said this, but it WILL let them know they're being unrealistic and frankly kind of excessive in their demands.

The patient can toilet himself and in a case like that you don't help out. You give the patient his privacy. Checking in every hour can be difficult depending on how the day is going. If he didn't have any major need i.e. chest pain she really has nothing to whine about. He's a big boy and can use the call button. The hospital should take that sign down as it doesn't relate to all patients plus it sets uo unrealistic expectations. We need to prioritize care given staffing disparities. The nagging wife who wants you to check on her hubby who is fine or the patient with explosive diarrhea and severe pain....

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
i'm sorry my mom was unleashed on you. she must have snuck out of the house while i was at work. usually her two year old tantrums are saved just to guilt me:lol2:

i'll forgive you because i know that some poor assisted living nurse and cna are putting up with my mother this weekend. she's been calling me several times a day to complain that dad's cheating on her and "he put me away so he could play." dad's been dead since last january. "i know that," she says. and then goes on to complain about him putting her "in a home" so he could "run around with his girlfriends."

so if mom's nurses are reading this, i apologize for mother's behavior and i appreciate everything you do for her!

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.

We have the rounding flowsheets and keep them on the patients clipboards to avoid prying family eyes. Which sucks because that basically means not a single tech/CNA feels the need to document on them.

Sorry you had to put up with pitiful bored family members.


Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

The patient I admitted to the unit last night with r/o SBO -- stable, pleasant, joking, completely A & O, and appreciative of care. His sister, however, barged onto the unit at 2330 (3 hrs. past visiting hours) and opened her tirade with, "I'm telling you right now he's going to be a mess and be very emotional all night."

I stood there for a moment, pointedly looking from her to the serene patient and back again, thinking I'm in a film noir scene, right??

Consulting doc bystander suggested patient's sister had had a trying day and it was time to go home. Patient agreed. I know as sure as I'm sitting here she will find much to complain about today as she was robbed of her chance to be the martyr for her poor brother last night ...

i think it should be stipulated on that little sign in the room that a patient who requires total care or partial care gets priority.


and would've told the wife, just that.

she went out and called the don and the administrator on duty, then went out into the hall and pretended to faint. when everyone rushed to help her. she threw a kicking, screaming tantrum like a two year old.

i couldn't believe a 60 year old woman behaving like a freaking two year old. stupid! it was, however, highly entertaining. and it will make a good story someday.

i must say, i'm embarrassed for her.

i'm wondering if any of the local psych hospitals, are missing a pt?



and would've told the wife, just that.

i must say, i'm embarrassed for her.

i'm wondering if any of the local psych hospitals, are missing a pt?


i would say, not the bold, but which one...

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