OK,so I'm kind of joking around a little bit but I'd love to see what other people in the healthcare field have to say about this one. So I kid you not almost everyday coming into work there is some kind of cake or cookies or anything high in sugar and fattening waiting for me and coworkers as a gift from family members. Now,i do love a piece of cake or a cupcake once every month or 2 but come on now. (Btw, I am very thankful that they give us things all the time) but why not say hey, here's a protein shake , or guys I know your on your feet 12+ hours a day, here's some extra memory foam padding for those shoes, or here's some tasty fruits and vegetables. I know this is crazy but I love the comments I get on here so I thought I'd throw these ideas out there. I know they well but they got to know we don't live off of cupcakes. Also, if we are in the business of keeping people healthy, wouldn't family members want us to be healthy instead of turning us into suger addicted unhealthy binge eaters? Like I said this post is me kind of joking around just wanting to see what you guys think about it.