Fall 2013 FSCJ Nursing Student Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone! Wanted to go ahead and start a thread for our group. I've been following the spring and summer 2013 group a little and figured it might be a good idea to get focused for the fall 2013 group. I've completed all my prerequisites and took my NAT test. Got a 107 on the test and I'm sitting at a 93 will all the prerequisites. So I'm going into the application process with a 203. Does anyone know what the general cut off is? I'm a bit nervous but I'm sure everyone else is too. The only thing I haven't completed is the CPR. I read once that this can be done after acceptance into the program...is that true? Thanks everyone! Can't wait to start chatting!


I finally decided to join the site so I can comment. I applied for fall with 190 pts with two 3-credit classes still in progress this summer. I was told by an advisor that I have a pretty good chance of getting in since the points cut-off in the last year or so has been lower than in previous years. If not, I plan to try again for spring since I should have enough by then. I have been procrastinating for 20 years and have finally made the leap to finish school amidst much fear and trepidation. We all have triumphed over many road blocks and deserve to achieve our goals. GO US!

Lucy I have been trying to decide if I should quit my job or continue working while in nursing school. I have no forms of outside support other than grants/loans and as a single mom of two, I am trying to make sure that my kids don't miss out on the few extracurricular activities they enjoy, just because I am in school. Do you have any advice or suggestions about schedules. It sounds like you have n/w classes, but maybe you have some knowledge of day schedules that would give me a better clue of what I may face if I am accepted.

Lucy I have been trying to decide if I should quit my job or continue working while in nursing school. I have no forms of outside support other than grants/loans and as a single mom of two I am trying to make sure that my kids don't miss out on the few extracurricular activities they enjoy, just because I am in school. Do you have any advice or suggestions about schedules. It sounds like you have n/w classes, but maybe you have some knowledge of day schedules that would give me a better clue of what I may face if I am accepted.[/quote']

I was in a similar boat...single mom struggling with whether or not to quit my job and take out loans to live off. I chose not to and just to work through so I wouldn't graduate with more debt than I needed to. It's hard, I'm not going to lie, but it is possible!!

I haven't really seen the schedules for the days classes but from what I've heard their classes are scattered throughout the week which might make holding down a job difficult. However, good news is that you know your schedule one semester at a time and if you have an understanding employer they might be able to schedule you part-time around it.

Remember though that at-home school work and study time is a LOT more time consuming in nursing school. For every hour I'm in class I'm spending at least two or three outside of class studying or reading or doing assignments. So for this first semester which is a full credit load (either 12 or 13 credit hours, can't remember off the top of my head) I'm spending at least double that outside of class. About 3 hours a night and 14 on the weekend, and to tell you the truth it probably should be more than that.

A compromise might be working only part-time so you don't have to take out so many loans. I'm not trying to scare you, it's totally doable...I just want you to have a realistic view of what life in nursing school is like!! Even though it's tough it's worth it and everyone is all in it together!

Let me know if I can help answer any more questions. I don't get on here too much since I'm so busy but will check in with you guys occasionally.


Can someone please point me in the right direction of the application or just the details of how to tally up my score??.. I can't find it online...i'm probably just typing to much into the search engine...;)

Hi everyone, I wish you all the best on getting accepted into the program. I did horrible on the INS section of the Nat which really threw me out of the running's to even be considered. I am so ashamed of my score. I did almost perfect in RC, and did okay in AA but did so bad in NS that I am afraid to take it again in fears of doing bad again. I looked over the study books but none of them seemed to help me. I feel like I need something like Science for Dummies because the test wasn't hard, I just didn't remember a lot of the information from previous classes from HS and college. Everyone is posting there high scores and I didn't even hit 150. Does anyone have any advice they can share about the science section besides the Arco book in the book store or the links on the test preview website. I even have the Teas book and it's science section seems so advance. Is there a level science that you all that did so well on the test could share? Like do you feel it's 8th grade level science like a lot of people say the math is. I am so desperate right now, I will take any advice you can share. I am going to try to apply for Spring now, so hopefully I can build my science score up. Good luck everyone!:up:

Hi Nenepoppz. I have done science tutoring for a longggg time. I got almost a perfect score on the INS portion of the TEAS V. I don't mind tutoring you if you are interested in something like that. Let me know if you're interested and we can exchange information.

Hi mya4414, :yes: I would really appreciate the opportunity to tutor with you. My email address is [email protected]. Please let me know when we can set up some time to meet. Thank you so much!!!!!!

My apologies. I called the test TEAS V. The TEAS V is the test you have to take for UNF Nursing. The NAT is for FSCJ. I can tutor for both but the NAT was the test that I scored in the 99th percentile for the INS section. If anyone else is interested in tutoring, please let me know.

I live in Julington Creek Plantation so I'm just a little further south than you but I am interested in carpooling. Why can't everything be at Deerwood!? lol

Hi mya4414,

I received your email and at first, I was like oh goodness, I need help on the Nat, not the Teas but I was interested anyway because I need all the help I can get to increase that score. Wow, the 99th percentile, yes I definitely need you. I will respond to your email tonight but I am VERY interested in your help with tutoring. Thank you again!

Nenepoppz - Hahaha I'm so sorry for the confusion. I have my interview for Nursing school at UNF tomorrow so all I have been thinking about is everything and anything pertaining to UNF. I applied to FSCJ's Nursing program too which is why I took the NAT. Hopefully, I get in somewhere! The TEAS V is so much more difficult than the NAT so I can definitely help with the NAT!


I would like infomation about your tutoring as well if you don't mind(:

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