Fall 2013 FSCJ Nursing Student Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone! Wanted to go ahead and start a thread for our group. I've been following the spring and summer 2013 group a little and figured it might be a good idea to get focused for the fall 2013 group. I've completed all my prerequisites and took my NAT test. Got a 107 on the test and I'm sitting at a 93 will all the prerequisites. So I'm going into the application process with a 203. Does anyone know what the general cut off is? I'm a bit nervous but I'm sure everyone else is too. The only thing I haven't completed is the CPR. I read once that this can be done after acceptance into the program...is that true? Thanks everyone! Can't wait to start chatting!


Studying for the NAT definitely is nerve racking but don't stress too much about it. The first time I took it I freaked myself out and did poorly. I retook it and did much better the second time and I am sure you will too :)

Studying for the NAT definitely is nerve racking but don't stress too much about it. The first time I took it I freaked myself out and did poorly. I retook it and did much better the second time and I am sure you will too :)

Thank you for the encouragement. I'm just praying I get in because I ready to be what I have seeked to be in life.


Delivered my app last week and was told by the front desk that "she" doesn't start sending out letters until the end of July/1st of August. Let the waiting begin!! Good luck to all!


Hi guys :)

I graduated a year ago from FSCJ's ADN program. I know it can be difficult to get answers on here about the programs and what to expect, so I just want to offer to answer any questions you guys may have about the program, good professors, etc. Let me know, and good luck on acceptance!! It took me 3 tries to get in, so if it's a no go this time around, don't give up! Oh and I got my letter around July 23rd :)

I was hoping you could share a little about yours scores for the two times you didn't get in. did you have micro points the first time you tried? I have a 205 as of right now. thanks.

I don't remember exactly, I think the first time it was really low like 160, then maybe about 180. When I did get in I had 203 and I started in the fall.

And I'm not sure what you mean by micro points?

Hi, Do you have any strategies on taking the reading portion of Nat? Right now I have 187.56 points.I will be retaking Nat on the 31st of this month, so looking for ways to improve.

Hmmm I would just say get as many nursing study books as you can (without breaking budget, of course), and study the reading portion of them. And make sure you read slow enough to grasp what it is telling you. I think it is still a timed test, so that may be nerve wracking, but just really try and focus and get enough sleep. If it's difficult for you because of concentration, they do offer earplugs that I recommend you use. Good luck!

Hi everyone :) I just mailed in my application today! I'm applying with a 200.72 I retook my NAT and my points significantly went up. Really hoping I get into the program for the Fall. Guess the waiting begins! Anyone have any ideas on when we should hear back by?

When I applied last semester the deadline was dec 1st and I got the letter feb 27th. The cutoff was 187.04 points.

Hey guys! I dropped off my packet today with 200 pts. The NAT test was impossible!!!! I'm sooo glad I'm done w/ prereqs and the NAT test. Now the waiting begins. Good luck to everyone;)

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