Failing the Nclex-RN, again and again.


To Anyone who is willing to help me. I need advice from people on how to pass the Nclex-RN format (2013-Present).

A little something about me, I graduated from a Nursing Program from another country back in 2012 and have moved here in the U.S.. Since 2013 last year till most recently of this year 2014, I have never stopped chasing the dream of being a US-RN. I will be completely honest to anyone reading this thread. I have failed the Nclex-RN 5 times already and it has been a dreaded experience for me with having my first examination shutting off at 75, my second shutting off at 103 and my third,fourth and most recently fifth shutting off at 75. Im at a loss here guys. I have tried Kaplan,Nclex Cram,Hurst and the saunders books.

I need help and advices from you has been a rough 2yrs chasing the dream but im not giving up. I work and study right now. I rarely go out and barely have anyone to help me with this issue.

My first examination, i used kaplan but it didn't really help me out with content.

My Second and Third take of the exam was based on Nclex-Cram review books

My fourth and Fifth take were Hurst based and saunders books.

can anyone help me? I'm desperate for some support now with my studies.


I hope no one judges me based on my failures. I am a really BAD test taker but a very competent and knowledgeable nurse when in my clinicals back then.

Hello Dear, how are you? I was reading your post and it brought tears to my eyes. I just wanted to let you know that you"re never a failure in the eyes of God. You are not alone. I feel your pain. I too have the same problem. I'm trying to pass this test since 2012, but I'm not giving up. We will make it. We have to have faith, believe that we can overcome, try and never stop trying and we will prevail. Good luck. Sincerely .

no one is going to judge you!

I strongly suggest an NCLEX tutor. They are highly trained to determine what the problem is and how best to overcome the problem. Search threads on this forum to find tutor information, or try Delegation, Prioritization, Infection Control, Pearson Vue Trick Ultimate Guide & Tutoring for the NCLEX

I have never heard of anyone preparing with a good tutor going on to fail the NCLEX again.

No judging. I have always tested near perfect since birth, NCLEX 4 times. Keep the faith.

Specializes in Emergency Department.

You need to seriously review what the Candidate Performance Report says every time you get one. If the computer is shutting off at 75, I would hazard a guess that there's at least one area that you're clearly well below passing. I found that Saunders and the NCLEX 4000 programs helped quite a bit, at least the questions seemed to be worded similarly enough to the NCLEX to be able to get a good idea about how to break down the questions for what I was being asked to do in relation to the areas that the NCLEX tests on.

For certain questions, I pretty much used ABC and Maslow. If the question involved nursing actions, I pretty much went with knowing what a nurse can do without deferring or referring to another allied healthcare provider... even though "real world nursing" would have me do several things - including dealing with those other providers.

Something else to remember is that you don't need to constantly study. That can have detrimental effects upon your ability to process information.

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Have you thought about enrolling in an RN refresher course?

Specializes in ICU.

You need to figure out why you are failing before shelling out another $250 for another test only to fail. Are you reading the report? Have you identified where you are weak? Once you identify this is should be easy to focus on where to study and pass this test. Don't keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It won't happen.

Have you thought about enrolling in an RN refresher course?

RN Refresher courses are options for those who are already licensed RNs but have been out of practice for long enough that they need to 'brush up' on current standards.

What the OP needs is an NCLEX Review course, to get assistance in figuring out what he/she is doing wrong in preparing for the licensing exam.

:( I feel the same as you. I have failed 3 times. I feel the exact.same.horrible.way. I have tried ATI, kaplan, NCSBN...I mean everything. Each time I went to 265 and had near passing in all 8 categories. I am scared to retake..

Try this. Do as many questions. Learn how to answer questions. Elimation, key points and believe in yourself. You already have the content down. And when answering questions look for things that are repeating themselves.. concentrate on those. All the best soo to be RN.

You are not alone and nobody is judging you. I am on the same boat with you. Found out my result a day before Thanksgiving. It ruined everything but I always trust in God and knew that it is not my time yet and I am not a safe nurse out there. I wanted to register a refresher course but Texas State Board stated that if I pass Nclex RN and then I need a refresher course so my license can be issued. Is anybody know where they offer refresher course? I want to register for refresher course so I will be able to know what they expect to be a nurse in US. I am a foreigner nurse and English is my third langue so you all can see that I do have a language barrier here. Can anybody help us whom failed several times by any suggestion?

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