Failed the NCLEX-RN for the 5th time!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I just found out yesterday that I failed for the 5th time and here's whats even worse, I failed at 75 questions! Which means I am only getting worse each time I take it! I was so prepared and worked so hard and now all I want to do is crawl in a hole and never leave :( I was seeing a personal tutor whose past students all passed except me. I just sit down and freak out and can't concentrate! I am never going to full fill this dream that I thought was so close! I signed up for the PN exam today bc I feel as if I am never going pass the RN exam even after graduating from the nursing program here in WI.. I found out too that they raised the passing standard here to 95%! How can anyone have a chance to pass?! All my friends that passed after graduation only needed a 78-85% passing average. Does anyone think that I even have a chance to pass the PN exam?! Or any advice for me?! Please help! All I want more than anything in this world is to be a nurse.

Specializes in Stroke/Neuro.
Come on...the NCLEX is not that hard. If a person gets THAT torn up just taking the test, how will they react with a patient emergency??

Sure it was stressful...a lot rides on the results. But nursing is as stressful if not more. And LIVES ride on the results of a nurse's actions/non-actions.

OP, I would advise you to take a break from even studying for NCLEX until your nerves are calmed. Then study a few hours a day and go over any questions you didn't understand. Don't try to know every little detail of every little thing. There are probably 20,000 questions available and no way to know each and every one of them.

Then calm down. Get up early and have a good breakfast (avoid sugar!!) before taking the test. Take it a question at a time. Take breaks if you have to. Do the best you can do and RELAX.

Zeldajane - WOW this was very rude,:down: don't let people with nasty attitudes:argue: get you down.....I am studying right now for my 2nd attempt at NCLEX and I know all about test is something that happens and all we can do is TRY to control it....keep on sound like an amazing person..:up:..again, do what you need to do for yourself and don't even think twice about anything negative :no:that is said!!!! Your feelings are your feelings and nobody else can or will ever walk a day in your shoes!!!! :heartbeat Best of luck to you....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Specializes in Stroke/Neuro.

You are right, poor girl is going through enough and then she gets slammed with that *******??????????? All I can say to that is "WHATEVER"......:eek::no:


I have been through two nursing programs, worked as an LPN and to my surprise passed the RN NCLEX the first time. However, after finshing the exam I was pretty sure that I had passed because besides being well prepared, I kept my anxiety under check, and stayed focused. Presumadely, you have failed because of anxiety. However, before reiterating those things that you may already know about anxiety, the best kept secret that I know of is that the NCSBN has an NCLEX review on line. It is created by the same people making the exam, (Unlike the NCLEX review books sold at bookstores.) It is interactive, and with hundreds of questions more similar to what may actually be on the exam than any other source. Also I do not think that your info about raising the passing rate is correct. The web site of NCSBN states clearly about what it takes to pass. They need 95%certainty that you have shown the needed level of proficentcy. It is designed so that you should get 50% of the questions WRONG. So do not get stressed out. What I am telling you is easily varified by looking at there website, including there link to the review material that they have created. Anyway, for me, like many people, a day or two before the exam just chill out, conserve your energy, schedule the exam only at a time of time that you function best, including a time that will allow you to have your favorite nutritious meal. You might consider a session in Hypnosis, and certainly other conventional ways of relaxing (Distraction visualization, look away from the screen, chocolate, etc.

Good Luck

PS. I had steak and pancakes for breakfast and time to leisurley enjoy a large starbucks coffee before my exam.

I am sorry to hear that you failed the exam for the 5th time. I can imagine how devastating that is. I was in an LPN program and almost finished until I failed Med-surg. I am just getting over it. It is hard to fail and harder to keep going. Instead of continuing to exhaust yourself, why don't you take a break. You need the mental, physical and spiritual reprieve. While you are on break-approach your studying from the prospect of just reading for knowledge instead of studying with the weight of passing.

This is the approach I am taking with med-surg. I read my text book (and med-surg practice books) but now from the point of learning and understanding about the disease process and not from the pressure of having to pass the test. I'm finding that there are some things I missed during school. When I study from my med-surg book, I study all answers but especially those I get wrong. I write the logic for the correct answers right next to the question so that when I study it again, I see the answer and the reason it is correct.

I have to somehow finish this program, and find a way to pass med-surg.

Hang in there-if being a nurse is something you really want, then keep at it! :redpinkhe

I just found out yesterday that I failed for the 5th time and here's whats even worse, I failed at 75 questions! Which means I am only getting worse each time I take it! I was so prepared and worked so hard and now all I want to do is crawl in a hole and never leave :( I was seeing a personal tutor whose past students all passed except me. I just sit down and freak out and can't concentrate! I am never going to full fill this dream that I thought was so close! I signed up for the PN exam today bc I feel as if I am never going pass the RN exam even after graduating from the nursing program here in WI.. I found out too that they raised the passing standard here to 95%! How can anyone have a chance to pass?! All my friends that passed after graduation only needed a 78-85% passing average. Does anyone think that I even have a chance to pass the PN exam?! Or any advice for me?! Please help! All I want more than anything in this world is to be a nurse.

No pain, no gain. Keep trying until you get there. Please don't go for LPN. You have worked so hard for an RN program, be an RN. I know it's hard to fight emotions sometimes, but I'm sending you a :) to cheer you up.

Specializes in L&D, Orthopedics & Public Health.

I believe that you need to take a break. I like the idea of the hypnotherapy thing. I think that you have totally worked your self up and now there is no turning back. I know RNs that failed and they too took the PN NCLEX and passed and they were able to work for a while get some money saved up then they went back and took the RN. Just because you graduated from a RN program doesn't mean you are down grading to take the PN test, as my friend said it actually helped her to take the PN test. She passed, than about two months later she took the RN and passed it too. She just needed that little bit of encouragement that passing the test gave her. It does sound like you have a case of serious test anxiety. GOOD LUCK to you.:heartbeat

Specializes in None yet.
I just found out yesterday that I failed for the 5th time and here's whats even worse, I failed at 75 questions! Which means I am only getting worse each time I take it! I was so prepared and worked so hard and now all I want to do is crawl in a hole and never leave :( I was seeing a personal tutor whose past students all passed except me. I just sit down and freak out and can't concentrate! I am never going to full fill this dream that I thought was so close! I signed up for the PN exam today bc I feel as if I am never going pass the RN exam even after graduating from the nursing program here in WI.. I found out too that they raised the passing standard here to 95%! How can anyone have a chance to pass?! All my friends that passed after graduation only needed a 78-85% passing average. Does anyone think that I even have a chance to pass the PN exam?! Or any advice for me?! Please help! All I want more than anything in this world is to be a nurse.

Don`t give up on your dreams! You may have anxiety related to failing the exam and knowing how much depends on you passing that test. I know what you are going through because I can`t seeem to pass the medication dosage exam. I have taken the exam 3 times now with no sucess yet. I got a 70 first time and than 82 the second time and now the third time 86 but I needed a 90 or better. The sad thing about this is that other nursing students can be so harsh. Instead of them trying to help you to cope because if anyone should know what hell that you are going through it should be another nursing student!They treat you like a throw away and insult you because they passed and you didn`t. For example: Someone actually said that the question that I asked them about the medication exam was basic and to easy to ask. Another student said that anyone who can`t pass the medication exam shouldn`t be a nurse! Can you beleive how mean they can be?

Please keep the messages encouraging every person is different in the testing environment!

Specializes in CNA, Medical Transcription.
Come on...the NCLEX is not that hard. If a person gets THAT torn up just taking the test, how will they react with a patient emergency??

Sure it was stressful...a lot rides on the results. But nursing is as stressful if not more. And LIVES ride on the results of a nurse's actions/non-actions.

OP, I would advise you to take a break from even studying for NCLEX until your nerves are calmed. Then study a few hours a day and go over any questions you didn't understand. Don't try to know every little detail of every little thing. There are probably 20,000 questions available and no way to know each and every one of them.

Then calm down. Get up early and have a good breakfast (avoid sugar!!) before taking the test. Take it a question at a time. Take breaks if you have to. Do the best you can do and RELAX.

This response is a little harsh. It's attitudes like your's that give nursing a bad name. Having test anxiety does not mean a person will fail in a emergency situation which is totally different. If nurses would be a little more supportive of each othe and of nursing students this would be a better career. Get over yourself and realize you were once working hard to get where you are today.
Specializes in Cardiac/Med Surg.

ouch, try the feuer review cd's..worth the money and you can resell them. I never looked at a saunders book passed the first time. Could listen to the cd's in the car and on my ipod which i downloaded them to. also the written material that comes with it is good. A fellow student and I split the cost and then resold it and my ipod with the info on it for what it cost us. Oh and all 3 of us passed the first time.

Good luck and really try to relax, take a break and excersise, yoga something to of luck

#1. Just WHAT is wrong with being a PN?? I know she went to school for RN, but if she can't pass the RN test, maybe she needs a confidence boost by taking (and hopefully passing) the PN test.

#2. NCLEX is a MINIMUM requirement to be a safe nurse. If a person can't meet minimum requirements, who would want to be their patient?

Good luck to you, Zelda, but I hope maybe you can examine why you are not passing the test. Maybe you should take some time away from the medical field, or maybe even work as a CNA, while keeping an ear to interesting patients and their cases, an OJT study, if you will.

If I were you, I'd take the PN exam. That way you can get some experience as a nurse and maybe calm down a bit. I am an LPN and am very defensive when people say no to becomming one. I am also working toward RN, but I will never regret I have been an LPN first. I have also had more people than I can count tell me there is a difference between RNs who were LPNs first, and RNs who have only been RNs. You can pick out the RNs who have been LPNs. Take the LPN boards. It can't hurt, but can certainly help.

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