Failed A&P 1... idk what to do

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I just finished my first year of college and i have never felt so unmotivated with my life and career choice. This is because about a week ago i discovered that i failed anatomy and physiology 1. When i looked at the screen and saw it said "D"...i burst out in tears. I felt so angry and sad. I told myself i shouldnt give up so i went to see my advisor. The first thing she told me was "you should start looking at alternative majors". the moment she said that i just wanted to cry and i did after i left the office.

Nothing interests me like nursing does. I have wanted to become a registered nurse since my junior year of high school. But after she said that, it broke my heart. she said i need at least a 3.7 GPA. Now that i failed this course, i have to wait another year to apply, but i feel extremely unmotivated. nursing has been my dream. i worked hard to go to a 4 year university during high school and now i feel like my dream is all gone...

What do you all think?? Have any of you had this experience?

I appreicate any response

Sorry to hear about your grade. You should try and find out what was your weak points during the class. Also if you do decide to go to another school just make sure you are aware of the requirements. The school I attend doesn't accept anything lower than a C in a science to apply to nursing. I start nursing in the Fall. I got a C in A&P1 and a B in A&P2. Good Luck!!!

Wow, while I appreciate what I THINK you were trying to say, i think it was delivered very negatively. We don't know much about this student but do know that encouragement and perhaps a different route to the end goal is all that is needed. I have been a nurse for almost 30 years, the last 3 as an APRN . I remember how tough school was 30 years ago for many reasons most of which were NOT because I couldn't handle the academic rigors. Everyone has a story and just need help finding a different ending. Thank you!!

If nursing is your passion, keep your head up and try again! A&P is one of the most difficult pre-reqs because it is a lot of information, a lot of memorization, and a lot of concepts and body systems that you continue to build on (learn about). So if you don't understand something fully, its simple to get lost because things are so closely connected or intertwined. Best advice I can give is figure out how you learn best. Whatever you were doing obviously doesn't work, so try something new. Flash cards, online videos, read the book, have someone quiz you, pretend like your teaching the subject to others, study groups, read the chapter numerous times, find practice questions, record and listen to the lecture again, rewrite your notes, etc. Don't give up!!

I'm not sure what you expected but obviously you are not prepared to follow through. Are you used to having things handed to you like a "participation ribbon" without any special effort on your part? Sometimes just showing up isn't enough.

Woah, chill out man. You don't know this girl's whole story, and you're actually just making yourself look bad, not her (which was probably your intention).

Don't give up hope, Cardenas. I did poorly the first time I took the A & P series at a 4-year university, and I retook it at a community college and I aced it (I aced microbiology at my CC as well). Nursing is my dream and my passion as well, I understand and you are not alone.

Do not give up.


If you REALLY want to do nursing, then you'll need to retake it. You know that. If you can, retaking it at a Community College will be less expensive. It probably won't be any easier, and you may have a REALLY hard time getting in NOW (since I think most summer programs have started already), but that's what you're going to have to do to get where you want to be.

You need to take some time to understand WHY you failed. Were you not studying enough? 3 hrs before the exam isn't enough. 3 hrs/ week, every week may not be enough depending on how well you understand the material. Were you not seeking out all available help?

The only thing that concerns me is that you write that you 'just discovered' that you failed when you looked up your final grade. Did you not have tests through the semester? Did you think you were doing OK?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I agree with the people who say you should retake it at a community college; that really is the way to go and it's cost effective too. You will be better prepared this time since you have done it before.

Specializes in Addictions, Psych.

What is your school's policy on retaking courses, including eligibility for the nursing major?

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