Jersey College in Tampa - Fail exit exam

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi, anyone know what to do if you fail exit exam from Jersey college in Tampa? I have a friend told me to write complained to department of independent education to let them know. I finished the whole nursing program including clinicals and was holding back from graduated due to fail HESI exit exam. 

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
Christine30 said:

Hi, anyone know what to do if you fail exit exam from Jersey college in Tampa? I have a friend told me to write complained to department of independent education to let them know. I finished the whole nursing program including clinicals and was holding back from graduated due to fail HESI exit exam. 

A lot of schools have an exit exam. The reasoning for this is that if you cannot pass the exit exam while the information is still fresh in your mind, you are unlikely to pass the NCLEX. Students that graduate and go on to take the NCLEX and fail reflect badly on the success rate of the school and its ranking.

This has gone on for a very long time. I honestly doubt there is anything you can do to fight it. Honestly, even if you were to win, the NCLEX would still be the deciding factor and failing HESI is a good indicator of how you would probably do. Rather than going to war against your school, consider going in to chat with them about what you need to do to graduate and move on.

I passed my NCLEX first try and I fail HESI

I missed HESI passing grade by 1 point doesn't mean I am not able to pass NCLEX. That's what the school want to make you think if you can't passed HESI then you can't pass NCLEX.....

I appreciate your concerns. I am not only speaking for myself but for a lot of students who is in the same situation like me. What's the point of us taken multiple classes and get all the training  throughout nursing school but only one exam get to define if you going to be a nurse. Some people are not good test taken and get anxiety build up but that doesn't mean they not going to passed the NCLEX. HESI scores does help determine how well you do on the NCLEX but that doesn't mean not passing school HESI exam will determine you not going to pass NCLEX. Most school requires higher scores than actual HESI required. I hate to see students fail to be a nurse just base on one exam. Especially in a time that we need nurses the most.


Specializes in oncology.
Nurse SMS said:

The reasoning for this is that if you cannot pass the exit exam while the information is still fresh in your mind, you are unlikely to pass the NCLEX.

AND the school is trying to barricade these students from taking NCLEX and lowering the schools pass rate. From what I read FLORIDA schools are  notorious for this. Their  first time taking NCLEX scores to be reported to the Florida Board of nursing (FBON)  are only put into the statistics for that school on the FBON  before 6 months have past. And of course there is more CASH to be flowing into the college for your hopes and dreams.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
Christine30 said:

I appreciate your concerns. I am not only speaking for myself but for a lot of students who is in the same situation like me. What's the point of us taken multiple classes and get all the training  throughout nursing school but only one exam get to define if you going to be a nurse. Some people are not good test taken and get anxiety build up but that doesn't mean they not going to passed the NCLEX. HESI scores does help determine how well you do on the NCLEX but that doesn't mean not passing school HESI exam will determine you not going to pass NCLEX. Most school requires higher scores than actual HESI required. I hate to see students fail to be a nurse just base on one exam. Especially in a time that we need nurses the most.


Many people have said this over the years and I tend to agree; however, nobody has come up yet with a viable alternative. 

As far as failing HESI and passing NCLEX, of course there are exceptions. They track the data over time and the schools hedge their bets on the data. I'm not personally arguing it one way or the other, simply conveying neutral information.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
Christine30 said:

Hi, anyone know what to do if you fail exit exam from Jersey college in Tampa? I have a friend told me to write complained to department of independent education to let them know. I finished the whole nursing program including clinicals and was holding back from graduated due to fail HESI exit exam. 

If you were held back from graduating due to failing HESI, how were you able to take NCLEX and pass NCLEX exam as stated in further posts.  Please clarify your situation.

Jersey College Tampa program should have provided students with resources to study to be able to retake HESI; their website lists resources for NCLEX prep.

Program was initially accredited by ACEN in 2018; repeat site visit was this past March 8th.




Jersey College is proud to announce that it will host a site visit for continuing accreditation of its Professional Nursing program at the Tampa campus by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).

You are invited to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about the program in person at a meeting scheduled at 2:15PM on March 8 at the Tampa campus located at 3625 Queen Palm Drive, Tampa, FL 33619. 

Written comments are also welcome and should be submitted directly to:

Dr. Marsal Stoll,
Chief Executive Officer
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Road
Northeast, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326

Or email: [email protected]


If I paid Day program $48,805.00; EVENING $49,150.00 for ADN program,  passed all exams except HESI therefore being denied graduation, I'd be writing to ALL bodies responsible for program approval and accreditation.

FL Dept. of Education



To voice a concern against a nonpublic postsecondary institution in Florida, please write a letter or send an e-mail containing the following information:

Name of Student (or individual wishing to voice their concern)

Address of Student (or individual wishing to voice their concern)

Phone Number

Name of Institution

Location of the Institution (City)

Dates of Attendance

A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.

The process of the Commission involves contacting the institution to obtain their response to your concern.  If you do not want the Commission to contact the institution you are attending, you must state so in your documentation; however, doing so will greatly hinder the Commission's ability to assist you with your concern.

Send Letter To:

Commission for Independent Education 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400

Or E-mail: [email protected]

Or Fax: 850-245-3238


Please update us so others attending this program are aware.

To answer your question I transfer most of my credit to unaccredited school and able to pass NCLEX.  Because the school was not accredited that's why I went back to Jersey and want to do remediation so that I can get diploma from Jersey. I paid so much money and spend so much time at Jersey college. I hate to walk away with nothing. I passed all remediation class above 80 percent and still they want me to take HESI knowing that I already passed NCLEX first time. I took the HESI exam close to passing and still not enough for them. They want me to repeat the whole program. I feel that the school have no support and careless about their student. I feel that if I passed NCLEX there is no point to make me take the HESI exam. Understand the HESI use to determine your chance of passing NCLEX. On top of that they were using the HESI together with the leadership class which I never told that would be part of deal. If you fail HESI meaning you fail the leadership class. That's is not fair for me or any other students. Since they were too many complaints about exit exam. Now the school change their program and has leadership class separately from HESI exit exam. I am frustrated and angry because I feel that the school only care about money. After they took all my money they don't even care to work with me so that I can pass and move on with my life. What else I have to prove to school besides passing NCLEX first try. I not talking bad about school but if you were in my shoes you will feel the same way. I never give up on school but they sure give up on me. I tried to reach out to school and receive no response from the school. 

By the way, their NCLEX prep is a joke. They have us practice on Kaplan NCLEX questions daily. But in the end we were given HESI exam or ATI. We don't get to know what type of exam they will be given until the day of the exam. As you know, many school prepare their student throughout the program with similar type of exam they will be taken toward the end whether is HESI or ATI. This school doesn't do that. Throughout the program most of our exam questions were make up by the school instructor from corporate. Our instructor don't get to see the question either. Sometimes students find their mistakes and were told they will review and determine whether we should get our point back because the question is unclear or multiple answer to that question according to our textbook. To make it worst we don't get to review which questions we got wrong. We receive scores for our grade and move on with our life. No questions to ask. If you ask to review they will tell you sorry we can't show you because they afraid student will cheat. We only get to see the top 10 questions missed from the exam in general not individual . The school made their rule and we have no choice but to follow it. I always compliance with school policy. But I can't believe this is what happened to me in the end. I have so much believe in school that they will do whatever it takes to make their student success. I love all mine nursing instructors.  Is just corporate that run the school system. Some of my instructors want to help me but there is nothing they can do because is school policy which I never see it written that student can reveal their grade. 

For future student. please check out the school first before you attempt to sign up with their nursing program. You might be end up like me. I use to think HESI would not be that hard if I get through the nursing program. But one test get to determine mine 18months of all the sweat and hard work with tears . That's hard to swallow especially if you are A or B student throughout the program. Not only that it effect my  financial status and confident as a nurse. 

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