Published Jun 17, 2016
29 Posts
So I was wondering if you delete your Facebook can employers or schools still be able to see it? I know they have their own system. Is it ok to have a personal Facebook while in nursing school or is that unprofessional ?
thanks !!
Also with Instagram , is it bad to have pictures of you drinking ?
173 Posts
How are your privacy settings? If you don't make everything public, there's not much they can see. Be smart about what you post, and know how to set your filters. Example: your username on here looks like it could be your real name. This is a public forum; that means everything you post is there for the world to see. You tell me if that's smart...
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Even with tight privacy settings, any classmates who are Facebook 'friends' can share any of your offhand posts or pictures with your school's administrative staff.
My advice: limit your social media activity during school. Contrary to popular notions, nothing good usually arises out of social media while in nursing school.
I wonder if I delete my profile if they have a way of getting that info back...
483 Posts
Any professionally managed computer system will be backed up on a regular basis (at least daily) to some form of off-line or near-line media to prevent data loss in the event of hardware/software failure.
Theoretically, yes your info could be restored from backup after you have deleted your profile.
Facebook is highly unlikely to restore your data without some court order. Just don't assume that by deleting your data that all copies of it are gone.
If you delete your profile, it is unlikely that your school or a future employer will be able to see it.
TiffyRN, BSN, PhD
2,315 Posts
My husband strongly dislikes social media, which he found out after he set up FB. He claims you cannot delete your profile, only make it inactive. I am his "friend" and I can't pull anything up on him.
He activated his profile for a short time several months ago to try and contact an old friend and his profile easily came up. Just saying, I think you'll be safe if you inactivate your profile for now.
If there are seriously unprofessional things on your current profile maybe start a new profile and be much more selective with your privacy settings, what you post and how you share.
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
Why would you do that regardless? Sure, post happy pics of you socializing with your friends, but do realize that these kinds of photos (drinking photos) can lead to a whole array of subjective interpretations, none of which might actually be accurate.
3,726 Posts
Your profile can work to your advantage if you lead and post a life that is in line with what your employer is looking for. It's gives a first impression and an idea of personality. I like seeing potential employees that have hobbies and lifestyle that show energy and balance.
Because it's my Instagram and I can do what I want with it
In spite of the tightest security settings, anything you post is discoverable. Is self-expression via drunk pictures worth the future opportunities you might jeopardize?
Emergent, RN
4,278 Posts
Just remember, your friends can and will post pics of your drunken revelry, if you are hanging with a party crowd.
I vote for living a wholesome life that you wouldn't be ashamed of, or worried about it getting you kicked out of school over.