Expelled :(

Nursing Students General Students



I was recently expelled from nursing school due to the fact that I ticked off the dean of nursing. The reasons that were given were "unprofessional behavior" despite the fact that I had a great clinical record and a 4.0 GPA. I have one semester left.

First off, for those of you in this situation, I would like to recommend Excelsior College, which will take anyone who has finished at least half an ASN program (or has an LPN). Because thier program is exam-based, the worse case is that you will have to take a bunch of exams again, but there are no lectures or clinicals. (I just could NOT sit through my OB clinical again! Or any other of them for that matter.)

But the real reason that I am writing is that I am very angry and sad about the situation. I feel that my future was spat apon by a few people who met me once and didn't give a damn about me or my possible career. I have worked in health care for some time now and my coworkers have refused to let me give up. These people, who have worked with me for years, strongly believe that I will make a wonderful, principled, and very professional nurse!

Anyway, I was hoping to hear from other people who are in this position, or who have been in the past. I have heard a lot of stories from people who were singled about and expelled for silly reasons. I would love to get some input.

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.
because you can not refute my statement, you attack.....childlike......

I just did...I cannnot help it if not enough neurons are firing up North for you to see the difference.

Specializes in Critical Care-Neuro/Trauma ICU.

Here's the thing...as a student who is set to graduate in May...I'm really sorry for what happened to you but you seem to have an issue with taking responsibility for your own actions. All I have read about your reasons is really bad excuses. I can assure you that they have given you FAR more forgiveness than my program would have given. We are only allowed 2 absences for clinical OR class..no excuses...no arguing...if you miss them you are OUT. I really can't stand when students make SOOOO many excuses for what went wrong and why it's everyone's fault but their own. Everyday of nursing school has been one big mess after another for me, but somehow I get my work done, I make it to clinical, and I never make excuses for anything that might go wrong. Instead I realize that even if it's bad luck, it's my fault and/or my responsibility to make it right. I would suggest that if you do get expelled again you might want to think about another career. No manager is ever going to want a nurse that has no leadership skills and cannot accept responsibility for their own actions. Good luck to you in the future..I hope this works out for you and you learn your lesson about who to blame.

I just did...I cannnot help it if not enough neurons are firing up North for you to see the difference.

i have plenty of neurons firing, thank you, dear child; and for many more years than ye. Your attitude is the same that much of society has towards rape victims....."they did something to deserve it, therefore if i dont, it won't happen to me." This reasoning is false in both cases.

i am not saying that every case of a student having issues is thus, but that it can, and does happen.

Faith2473, "Closed my eyes out of boredom"? I cant think of a single instance in clincals when I would have thought it appropriate to close my eyes out of boredom. Part of my job as a student was to act interested even when I wasnt. Perceptions are very important, especialy as a student nurse. Gotta be honest, the top students in our class were always looking for a chance to show they were interested and for a chance to appear to be a leader, even when bored out of our minds. Perceptions are very important.

I really feel for you though. I hope you get into a program that can give you credit for time already spent studying.

Specializes in hospice, ortho,clinical review.

I'm sorry too for the frustration you must be feeling this close to potentially graduating.

But I gotta agree, I'd never dream of sleeping or closing my eyes in any class, let alone the floor, and I do agree with Babylady, in my experience and what I've seen backs up that the school has to prove their case of why a student deserves expelling. If they could just expel at will or some black ball list, I'm sure we would have had them, evident in the mouthing off and disrespect/storming offices when a test review didn't go their way :rolleyes:

In my preceptorship working 3 twelves there were many dead periods and the nurses would go online poker games etc...I never followed suit, I would either study my own stuff, or read up on their procedure manuals/equip manuals, anything to show them I took this seriously. There was no way my instructor would be popping by at 3am but what you do on the floor can definately get back to them or the nurse manager. Aside from the fact that I have a strong work ethic no matter where I am

Even if you don't agree and aren't interested in that floor or whatever, you still have to maintain professionalism and constantly put your best out there.

I agree that there is usually more to the story when someone complains of unfairness due to behavior or absences.

I think the reason that you're not getting more feedback aside from the great advice of llg is *you* have to be the one to realize what you did was wrong and that's got to come from your introspection. And *you* have to be the one to come up with what changes need to be made and that comes from soul searching. If we told you want to say, even if we could, it wouldn't be sincere as it didn't come from you.

Good luck in the future.

I am sorry but you were expelled not once but twice? And yet you blame it on others? Wow! Many would have loved the chance to go to NS. You will be the one terminated over and over and yet you will still say it was other people at fault. I say it to my 7 year old son and I'll say it to you "Accept responsibility for your actions-no one can make you do, say or behave in anyway you do not choose to behave." "You are in control of your life and how you choose to run it or not run it."

I used to serve as a student represented on a "student appeals committee" that would hear cases like yours and others who had flunked courses, or been expelled, etc. We usually gave the student a 2nd chance if they truly had not already received mulitple chance and if:

1. They were able to clearly state what they had wrong and why it was wrong. We didn't want to hear excuses. We didn't want to hear that the bad grade was given or the student disciplined "for no reason" ... "because she never liked me, etc."

2. We wanted to hear a specific plan from the student as to what they were going to correct their mistake -- or to assure tht it would not keep happening.

3. We wanted to hear that the student wanted to improve their behavior NOT because it would be necessary to stay in school, but that they truly believed in their hearts that they had room to improve and had things they needed to work on.

So ... dress professionally and be prepared to apologize for anything you may have done wrong. Be prepared to explain why your behavior was wrong and what you are going to do to improve it in the future.

4. If there is any evidence to be presented because you believe that what the Dean is saying is untrue, have multiple copies prepared to present. If you are claiming that you are innocent and did nothing wrong ... don't be accusatory. Instead, say that there has been a misunderstanding and that you did not intend to offend the Dean (or whatever). Being accusatory only makes the other people defensive. Apologize for any part you played in the misunderstanding and go from there.

pls advise me on this rational and if i am on the correct path:

anybody know what happens once you are expelled, it is on the transcrip of nursing school. here is my dilema, I am due for a hearing to determine if I should be expelled, I am wondering if I withdraw myself does that mean I am not techincally expelled becuase I did not proceed thru the hearing process. I am thinking about cutting my loss and avoid expulsion from the nursings school.

does anybody what I am talking about and is my rational correct?

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.
pls advise me on this rational and if i am on the correct path:

anybody know what happens once you are expelled, it is on the transcrip of nursing school. here is my dilema, I am due for a hearing to determine if I should be expelled, I am wondering if I withdraw myself does that mean I am not techincally expelled becuase I did not proceed thru the hearing process. I am thinking about cutting my loss and avoid expulsion from the nursings school.

does anybody what I am talking about and is my rational correct?

It might prevent your expulsion. You'd have to ask your school about that. However, you might end up with something on your transcript that indicates that you were under some sort of disciplinary action at the time of your withdrawal. It might also show up on your transcript as "course failures" during this semester.

You'll have to discuss the results of that option with your school to know how your transcript will appear. They might be kind to you if you save them the trouble of having to go through an actual expulsion, but there is no guarantee of that.

Specializes in ..

If this is your second expulsion, I'd say you're doing something wrong.

Your school transcript will probably show "Withdraw-Failing", but at least that should prevent expulsion. Certainly talk to them to see what your options are. And good luck.

If you have been written up (or expelled) multiple times, then you (the royal you, that is) most likely have an issue that is not conducive with being as nurse (as perceived by your school) and is not being positively modified.

Everyone seems to lose site of the fact that nursing schools have an obligation, legally, ethically, and socially, to produce graduates who provide safe and effective care.

It's not just about knowing the material. Knowledge, skills, professionalism, and interpersonal skills are all used to measure that capability.

in your opinion which looks worse academic or administrative dismissal?

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