Expelled :(

Nursing Students General Students



I was recently expelled from nursing school due to the fact that I ticked off the dean of nursing. The reasons that were given were "unprofessional behavior" despite the fact that I had a great clinical record and a 4.0 GPA. I have one semester left.

First off, for those of you in this situation, I would like to recommend Excelsior College, which will take anyone who has finished at least half an ASN program (or has an LPN). Because thier program is exam-based, the worse case is that you will have to take a bunch of exams again, but there are no lectures or clinicals. (I just could NOT sit through my OB clinical again! Or any other of them for that matter.)

But the real reason that I am writing is that I am very angry and sad about the situation. I feel that my future was spat apon by a few people who met me once and didn't give a damn about me or my possible career. I have worked in health care for some time now and my coworkers have refused to let me give up. These people, who have worked with me for years, strongly believe that I will make a wonderful, principled, and very professional nurse!

Anyway, I was hoping to hear from other people who are in this position, or who have been in the past. I have heard a lot of stories from people who were singled about and expelled for silly reasons. I would love to get some input.

in your opinion which looks worse academic or administrative dismissal? I would appreciate any response.

It appears that you are still fixated on how to "get around" the situation instead of facing it and learning in the process. The nursing community is small and trust that what happened will get out even if you withdraw and go to Excelsior. You might find yourself on the "whisper" list when trying to get a job. Although no one ever says anything to your face you just won't get calls back when you place an application. Face up to your mistakes and WORK THROUGH THEM with the school. Its better to clean it up now than have to run from it your entire career.

If I'm understanding the OP correctly, then you havn't been expelled yet right? Like someone else has posted before, usually schools bend over backwards to keep students in. So sit down and be real honest with yourself, own up to your mistakes, learn from them, and let the committee believe you when you meet them.

Don't waste another second blaming others or feeling sorry for yourself. You have limited amount of time to potentially change your fate, DO IT!

It might prevent your expulsion. You'd have to ask your school about that. However, you might end up with something on your transcript that indicates that you were under some sort of disciplinary action at the time of your withdrawal. It might also show up on your transcript as "course failures" during this semester.

You'll have to discuss the results of that option with your school to know how your transcript will appear. They might be kind to you if you save them the trouble of having to go through an actual expulsion, but there is no guarantee of that.

in your opinion which looks worse academic or administrative dismissal? right now I am given the option to w/draw voluntairly and I would receive W-F on the transcription and academic dismissal. if I would along with the appeal and if the appeal is not granted toward my favor, then the transcript would stated administrative dismissal. I would like to which looks worse on the transcript? I would appreciate any input.

It appears that you are still fixated on how to "get around" the situation instead of facing it and learning in the process. The nursing community is small and trust that what happened will get out even if you withdraw and go to Excelsior. You might find yourself on the "whisper" list when trying to get a job. Although no one ever says anything to your face you just won't get calls back when you place an application. Face up to your mistakes and WORK THROUGH THEM with the school. Its better to clean it up now than have to run from it your entire career.

In the work place word gets around. One time I was told about a former co-worker whose habit for tardiness was well known and talked about. I was told that she was even late to her own graduation from nursing school. At a job interview, no less, I was told comments about a former supervisor. So, yes, word does get around. If there is going to be any kind of gossip concerning the OP, it certainly would start out with the fact that they were expelled multiple times from nursing school.

May I ask of your opinion on a dismissal subject. Do you think administrative or academic dismissal is worse? Also there is a huge distinction on dismissal vs expulsion, correct? I am able to return to my program after I improve on the reason why I might be dismissed, I have never been in this predicament and I am unsure of applying to another nursing program. I would appreciate any input from you on this matter.

pls advise me on this rational and if i am on the correct path:

anybody know what happens once you are expelled, it is on the transcrip of nursing school. here is my dilema, I am due for a hearing to determine if I should be expelled, I am wondering if I withdraw myself does that mean I am not techincally expelled becuase I did not proceed thru the hearing process. I am thinking about cutting my loss and avoid expulsion from the nursings school.

does anybody what I am talking about and is my rational correct?

May I ask of your opinion on a dismissal subject. Do you think administrative or academic dismissal is worse? Also there is a huge distinction on dismissal vs expulsion, correct? I am able to return to my program after I improve on the reason why I might be dismissed, I have never been in this predicament and I am unsure of applying to another nursing program. I would appreciate any input from you on this matter.

Specializes in hospice, ortho,clinical review.
It appears that you are still fixated on how to "get around" the situation instead of facing it and learning in the process. The nursing community is small and trust that what happened will get out even if you withdraw and go to Excelsior. You might find yourself on the "whisper" list when trying to get a job. Although no one ever says anything to your face you just won't get calls back when you place an application. Face up to your mistakes and WORK THROUGH THEM with the school. Its better to clean it up now than have to run from it your entire career.

Faith, this is the crux of it. If you really are reading and trying to make better choices, you'd get that.

Why does it matter which "looks" better?

Honestly? Neither.

Nursing is highly competitive right now with students that have the dedication and aren't seemingly trying to get over on the system. Many graduate without any marks against them, and those that do I'm sure put in the blood, sweat and tears necessary to prove that they deserved the honor of being called a nurse, and FIXED their mistakes/s.

The best you can hope for right now is that *you* can work with your school and be humble enough to admit wrongness and a plan for improvement. However all we're seeing from your posts is how can you get around this, what the easiest, "best looking" route for you is.

From what you're posting, it doesn't look like you're even remotely close to having the mindset or inward drive to really understand why you were wrong, instead you provided a litany of excuses, or that you need to fix this, instead of focusing on what "looks" better.

A HUGE part of nursing is the critical thinking skills that direct you in making sound judgments and better choices. That is what you are not apparantly willing to see and therein lies your problem.

in your opinion which looks worse academic or administrative dismissal? I would appreciate any response.

Good gosh - academic. Missing even one point on an exam can lead to academic expulsion. But getting expelled for behavioral reasons labels you as having serious issues with the safety of your patients or with authority. And studying harder to pass a test is reasonable if you want to go for an appeal and get reinstated by repeating a course. In my school, if you get expelled for behavioral reasons (administrative) you never get invited back. But many that miss a few questions on an exam and plead for re-entrance get to come back. Also, expulsion and dismissal are the same thing - you're kicked out and not allowed to return.

Also, don't listen to the rest of these negative Nancy's. If you want to work on improving yourself and can admit you made *some* mistakes, barring you were assaulted or something totally insane, you should go for it and continue your education. Leave the state if you have to. Start over, be nice, work hard.

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

This is a pretty old thread...

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Also, don't listen to the rest of these negative Nancy's. If you want to work on improving yourself and can admit you made *some* mistakes, barring you were assaulted or something totally insane, you should go for it and continue your education. Leave the state if you have to. Start over, be nice, work hard.

This thread is from nearly 2 1/2 years ago. I'm sure the expulsion hearing is done and decided by now. The poster with all the issues as to what "looks better" hasn't even posted since December 2011.

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