Published Mar 5, 2009
462 Posts
I already applied and sent my transcripts to Excelsior college. I am waiting for them to do their review and then I will need to enroll. How long does it take? I don't want to seem pushy but I want to get the ball rolling. Should I call them and ask to speed things up. I have the complete fee needed for enrollment and I want this. I have already tested on micro. and i have a test date for health saftey but i can't test anymore until they finish doing the eval. How long does it usually take them?
Baloney Amputation, BSN, LPN, RN
1,130 Posts
Mine was well within 3 weeks, but I don't remember exactly. Good luck!
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Good luck, Lisa. I'll move this post to the Distance Learning Forum so that you get more responses.
Hooked on ER
36 Posts
Mine was also well within the 3 weeks. Do you have any more gen. ed. classes? You can be working on some of those. My advice is to take as many CLEP and DSST as you can. You can also start working on another nursing course to test on as soon as you get accepted.
Good luck!
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
mine was about 2 weeks i can get rolling on the other exams you need.....good luck
38,333 Posts
It took less than three weeks for me. Concentrate on preparing for the test you have scheduled. You can take the health safety test prior to enrolling. Then, you have to enroll to take the next nursing test. By then, you will be enrolled and ready to roll. For that matter, if you are taking the health safety test very soon, you can go to ebay, and obtain study materials for the next test, and start going over it before you can download the study outline. You have to be enrolled before you can obtain the study outline for the second test. Good luck with the program. Hope you like doing it this way.
8 Posts
It took excelsior less than 2 weeks to review my transcripts. I kept calling to make sure they had received each one since I had been to several colleges. I would call and ask for the nursing advisement dept. Hope that helps!:wink2:
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Mine took extra time only because some of my transcripts had to be sent from Germany, and they weren't exactly speedy about it. But it still only took about 4 weeks, total. :)
Raggedy Ann
756 Posts
2 weeks to the day for me. Good Luck! Traci