Published Jul 22, 2005
150 Posts
I found out today through quick results that I passed my NCLEX at 75 questions!!!!!!
I am officially an RN, this is what I worked so hard to accomplish. The feeling is great and well worth all the tears, hard work, and lack of sleep.
I now have two full days off until I start my first nursing job!!!
I still don't think It will sink in or feel real until I have a license in my hand...
could you imagine if PearsonVue says, opps sorry we accidentally said you passed when...........Just kidding!!!
Thank you guys for all of your support!!!!!!!
P.S Congratulations Atlanta, I knew you could do it!!!
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
Very good news...Congratulations to YOU!!!
:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
441 Posts
i found out today through quick results that i passed my nclex at 75 questions!!!!!!i am officially an rn, this is what i worked so hard to accomplish. the feeling is great and well worth all the tears, hard work, and lack of sleep. i now have two full days off until i start my first nursing job!!!i still don't think it will sink in or feel real until i have a license in my hand...could you imagine if pearsonvue says, opps sorry we accidentally said you passed when...........just kidding!!!thank you guys for all of your support!!!!!!! p.s congratulations atlanta, i knew you could do it!!!
i found out today through quick results that i passed my nclex at 75 questions!!!!!!
i am officially an rn, this is what i worked so hard to accomplish. the feeling is great and well worth all the tears, hard work, and lack of sleep.
i now have two full days off until i start my first nursing job!!!
i still don't think it will sink in or feel real until i have a license in my hand...
could you imagine if pearsonvue says, opps sorry we accidentally said you passed when...........just kidding!!!
thank you guys for all of your support!!!!!!!
p.s congratulations atlanta, i knew you could do it!!!
so, it is true that atlanta passed the boards too???? congratulations to you too my friend wep@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!! puerto rican celebrations style... you did it!! :balloons:
ps. it will be a very good idea if all those colleagues that passed the nclexrn share with us what kind of study method they used?? :) please........
thanks much in advance!
:melody: bori
:balloons: omg! congrats to you!! you don't know how i feel after read all this kind of's feels soooo great, cause encourage me to keep going.....and someday i'm gonna make it too! so, it is true that atlanta passed the boards too???? congratulations to you too my friend wep@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!! puerto rican celebrations style... you did it!! :balloons: ps. it will be a very good idea if all those colleagues that passed the nclexrn share with us what kind of study method they used?? :) please........thanks much in advance! :melody: bori
celebration puerto rican style over here too!!!!
i used ncsbn for the review questions and thier content review was so-so, but the review questions were great.
i also used saunders and lippencott review books, the cd's were helpful as was thier content review.
i skimmed through the reading as not to get overwhelmed. then i did tons of practice questions and any time i encountered an area i didn't feel strong in a looked up the info in the review books then made a notebook of my weak areas. i also wrote common lab values on a notecard and carried it with me everywhere; anytime i had a free minute i studied them. i had a couple nclex question on developmental stages, like a select all questions realted to what could be expected of that age group. i didn't really know. wish i would have looked over that a bit. goodluck to you!!!!
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!Celebration Puerto Rican style over here too!!!! I used NCSBN for the review questions and thier content review was so-so, but the review questions were great.I also used Saunders and Lippencott review books, the CD's were helpful as was thier content review.I skimmed through the reading as not to get overwhelmed. Then I did tons of practice questions and any time I encountered an area I didn't feel strong in a looked up the info in the review books then made a notebook of my weak areas. I also wrote common lab values on a notecard and carried it with me everywhere; anytime I had a free minute I studied them. I had a couple NCLEX question on developmental stages, like a select all questions realted to what could be expected of that age group. I didn't really know. Wish I would have looked over that a bit. Goodluck to you!!!!
Celebration Puerto Rican style over here too!!!!
I used NCSBN for the review questions and thier content review was so-so, but the review questions were great.
I also used Saunders and Lippencott review books, the CD's were helpful as was thier content review.
I skimmed through the reading as not to get overwhelmed. Then I did tons of practice questions and any time I encountered an area I didn't feel strong in a looked up the info in the review books then made a notebook of my weak areas. I also wrote common lab values on a notecard and carried it with me everywhere; anytime I had a free minute I studied them. I had a couple NCLEX question on developmental stages, like a select all questions realted to what could be expected of that age group. I didn't really know. Wish I would have looked over that a bit. Goodluck to you!!!!
Thank you very much for your info. Kelly...Good luck and best wishes in your new job!! :)
189 Posts
Congrats to you!!! :balloons: Go out and celebrate!
62 Posts
I still don't think It will sink in or feel real until I have a license in my hand...could you imagine if PearsonVue says, opps sorry we accidentally said you passed when...........Just kidding!!! Thank you guys for all of your support!!!!!!! P.S Congratulations Atlanta, I knew you could do it!!!
That's funny about pearsonvue... Their system was on maintenaine this morning. I thought it was because they messed up about posting the results... but I checked it again... and I still passed.. I just gave my mom 1,000 dollars coz I bet on that... but I owned her a lot and want to give her something when I am a bit more stable anyhow ... Life is uncertain.. I have situation like this so many... from now on, I just try not to be serious about sth much... I will start the same day as yours, Monday. .. I think we can now move on to the next forum "first year in nursing". Good luck!
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
:balloons: :biggringi congratulations to you on your success! :yelclap: :cheers: :smiley_aa and...on your first job! let us know how it goes. :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,695 Posts
Good luck at your new job!
PS. It will be a very good idea if all those colleagues that passed the NclexRN share with us what kind of study method they used?? :) Please........Thanks much in advance! :Melody: Bori
PS. It will be a very good idea if all those colleagues that passed the NclexRN share with us what kind of study method they used?? :) Please........
Thanks much in advance!
:Melody: Bori
I used NCSBN for the review questions only. I didn't study their content.. Their questions are very hard and mentally prepare you for NCLEX!!
I think Kaplan is the best (coz I didn't time to try Mosby or Lippicott) and their questions are worded just like NCLEX...
But you still need to know the content...That's what my weak point and get overwhelmed about exam....
For content review, I recommend Saundras 2nd edition. But their questions are much easier and is less similar to NCLEX, so you may need difficult questions from either Kaplan or NCSBN to strengthen the testing taking skills (like prioritizing or delegation). I was Kaplan that help me with "the most stable, least stable" senerio. However, I am an advocate for Saundras, too. Their rationales are very well-explained and easy to understand.
In conclusion, I recommend either (Kaplan+saundras) or (NCSBN+saundras).
Like "xokelly2", I kept a small notebook that help me organize "lab value", "positions", "diet requirement", and "infection control" of each disease process or procedure.
Anyway, you can't believe me much about test preparation because I almost failed with 265.
I used NCSBN for the review questions only. I didn't study their content.. Their questions are very hard and mentally prepare you for NCLEX!!I think Kaplan is the best (coz I didn't time to try Mosby or Lippicott) and their questions are worded just like NCLEX...But you still need to know the content...That's what my weak point and get overwhelmed about exam....For content review, I recommend Saundras 2nd edition. But their questions are much easier and is less similar to NCLEX, so you may need difficult questions from either Kaplan or NCSBN to strengthen the testing taking skills (like prioritizing or delegation). I was Kaplan that help me with "the most stable, least stable" senerio. However, I am an advocate for Saundras, too. Their rationales are very well-explained and easy to understand. In conclusion, I recommend either (Kaplan+saundras) or (NCSBN+saundras).Like "xokelly2", I kept a small notebook that help me organize "lab value", "positions", "diet requirement", and "infection control" of each disease process or procedure.Anyway, you can't believe me much about test preparation because I almost failed with 265.
Thanks atlanta for sharing that info. :) I am so glad that you passed too! Good luck in your new job i know you'll start Monday, so Best Wishes.....Congratulations!
Indy, LPN, LVN
1,444 Posts
Quick results was up this AM for me as well. PASSED!