End of Monitoring

Nurses Recovery


I am in my last 30 days of a 2 year program, 18 days in fact, not that I'm counting. I wonder if they drug test through Affinity until the final day or if they give good time exceptions? LOL I doubt it, this is TPAPN after all. 

Also I wanted to say to those just entering this program that your career is not over! I was so ashamed of this entire situation but was determined to not let it define me. My case was not about diversion but tested positive for THC after a 2 week vacation. There was so much completely wrong on how this played out, but after fighting it for 5 years, I just played their game so I could move forward with my life. I was so pessimistic about this, thinking it's such a long time to have to contemplate every single thing you put in your body. Vacation had to be scheduled around places with testing sites and the cost was just crazy.!! I have reached the finish line and this will be wiped from my record completely. 

Please know, you can and you will get through this! If you truly struggle with addiction, take this time to really evaluate what's important to you and your life and be prepared to do whatever it takes. All cases are different and this has just been my experience here in Texas. I'm happy to answer any questions I can if it will ease your mind about starting the journey! This does not define YOU! 

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

They usually will have you call in every day until the last days has past. But that's it after that you will no longer be in the system. Relax, breath and congrats 

That's terrible. I'm also in TPAPN, only have 10 weeks left. Stayed clean the entire time, haven't had any real issues besides forgetting to check-in somedays. Mine was 3 years though.. It is doable, and it is daunting when you are first starting.  I'm 27 years old now, was 24 when it started. I remember thinking about how far away it seemed.

Specializes in Justice ⚖️ Nursing.

Congratulations!! OMG...for thc!? These scenarios really infuriate me! Things need to change. I know now they can't base anything on "moral turpitude" ...ridiculous that they ever could!! Pot is legal in some areas, yet for nurses it is treated like a murder. 

If they don't make changes to the way this career field is scrutinized and treated, any how overly harsh things can be handled. No will wanna be a nurse anymore.

My thoughts exactly! The crazy part is that you could drink a 5th of vodka after every shift and that's OK as long as you don't report to work under the influence and clearly noticeable to others. It's mind boggling to me that the BON can control what you can and can't do from behind closed doors. I'm not saying there aren't situations that require them to intervene, but very minor things like my case, doesn't deserve a 2 year program for substance abuse. The cost alone is astronomical and I was lucky to not get stips on my license and could still work. I will say in the beginning I seriously considered voluntary surrender because I didn't know what to expect and if I could even do it. I knew if I did, the BON had won and got exactly what they wanted, another nurse's license. In my exit interview I was asked how TPAN affected my sobriety. I was honest and said the only thing this program has done is that I never want to be in this position ever again! Today is my official last day!!

Did they do anything crazy on your last month? Like a hair follicle test or anything? 

Specializes in Justice ⚖️ Nursing.
6 hours ago, TXStrong said:

Today is my official last day!!

Congratulations!! That is very exciting! Wish you all the best!!

Congratulations! I am close to finishing six year contract (3 year had to repeat due to positive peth test) My question is roughly how long are you officially done after your contract date?  Thanks!


I was done day of. My employer received notice same day and that was that. No idea how long it will take the BON to do their thing but in my case I never had stips or anything show on my license because it was confidential and now that I've completed my program it's completely wiped. Not sure how long it will take them to reinstate my compact license though. You got this!!

On 8/24/2022 at 8:53 AM, philcolb0406 said:

Did they do anything crazy on your last month? Like a hair follicle test or anything? 

No and I was shocked that the last 2 weeks I wasn't tested at all. Could just be random I guess. I've only had UAs and it did vary on what options I was tested for through Affinity. 

On 8/18/2022 at 5:26 AM, philcolb0406 said:

That's terrible. I'm also in TPAPN, only have 10 weeks left. Stayed clean the entire time, haven't had any real issues besides forgetting to check-in somedays. Mine was 3 years though.. It is doable, and it is daunting when you are first starting.  I'm 27 years old now, was 24 when it started. I remember thinking about how far away it seemed.


On 8/24/2022 at 6:39 AM, Lust4life said:

Congratulations!! OMG...for thc!? These scenarios really infuriate me! Things need to change. I know now they can't base anything on "moral turpitude" ...ridiculous that they ever could!! Pot is legal in some areas, yet for nurses it is treated like a murder. 

If they don't make changes to the way this career field is scrutinized and treated, any how overly harsh things can be handled. No will wanna be a nurse anymore.

I could have continued to fight it but after 6 years I know the BON was not going to let me walk away with nothing. The original complaint was unfounded but where I messed up during this fight was testing pos for THC. I had been on vaca for 2 weeks and was not subjected to call but my luck when I got home I had a letter stating I had to have a forensic eval within 30 days no exception from the date of the letter. After my eval before leaving they said last thing was I had to test same day. And that was how I ended up in the situation. I specifically asked what was involved in this eval and being tested was not mentioned. Mediation with the board was horrible and their attorney was going hard like I had literally killed someone. They also had a nurse during the meeting and she did not back me up when I was trying to explain to this attorney that the verbiage she was using was inaccurate. I would ask her to please help explain how things are done and she was silent. Long story short I signed out scheduled Ativan on the DEA she but while signing them out in my charting the computer went down for 4 hours and I failed to go back in when it came back up. When I got called in to discuss with Amins my drug test was completely negative. Just some BS but I just wanted to go on and not have this hanging over my head anymore. I took the deal for TPAPN for 2 years confidential no stips and a clear license while completing the program. It's wiped from my record now that I've completed my program. I figured it was the best I was going to get.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Women's Health, LTC.

Congratulations! I have 4.5 months left on 3 years. Looking forward to being done. I want to ask for early release BUT because my DON was out of town once and submitted her quarterly report three days late, I have a non-compliance against me. Ugh!

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