Published May 7, 2009
FireStarterRN, BSN, RN
3,824 Posts
We have a CNA/tech who is elderly, actually there are two or three in the hospital. This one was being a little slow getting the vitals and one of the younger nurses said "If ya can't get the work done, it's time to quit" in a disparaging way. :angryfire It really made me mad. :angryfire
I love these elderly CNAs, they do a good job and have old fashioned work ethics, even if they aren't as fast as a younger person. They don't gossip about their latest drunken night out or their sex life either.
Do you all work with any CNAs who are over 70?
161 Posts
Yep! And I have learned so much about patient care from them,they know where everything is and will teach you, if you let them. Those who don't take advantage of their wisdom are missing out!
207 Posts
A CNA being 70? Wow - what a miracle. I am a older CNA and have taught a few tricks to new nurses - like hand co-ordination when giving boluses and how to not clog the tube with the meds. I feel so blessed to have worked with so many young and older nurses that taught me the tricks as well, and with time permitting haven't looked down on me when I have seen them do something new - they have taken the time to explain.
Yes I have heard the remarks - and witnessed the ego enlighted younger CNA's drop patients because they feel so strong (daaaa), pump BP Cuffs to 240-still can't get the BP right - and don't get me started about attitudes.
I may be a little slower than some of the younger ones but I don't risk a my safety, the patient's safety. While I know tricks I don't neglect peri-care, mouth-care and so forth. Nurses love me because they know they don't need to check on me all the time have often assigned the young one to learn from me. I am the one the younger Nurses come to to validate - when patients are starting to actively die, and when patients fake siezures just to get a fix. I have a lot of respect for nurses - attitudes or not, and don't cross the line.
Warning to young nurses with attitudes - the same generation of CNAs with attitudes don't care about your license.
Baloney Amputation, BSN, LPN, RN
1,130 Posts
I had one--She was the most thorough aide I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She was much slower than most of the others, but that was because her residents were clean and meticulously and thoroughly taken care of like no one else did. The rooms of those resident were always tidier than when she started the shift. If she hadn't died this past year, she would probably be out there working still.
Grace Oz
1,294 Posts
Bless her heart and may she RIP.
I think people everywhere need to remember that there's a need and a place, for many levels of healthcare workers within the healthcare profession.
Any healthcare worker who denigrates another, for whatever reason, denigrates the profession as a whole.
135 Posts
well, they are slower than the younger ones, however they are so cute to be working and moving around. they give some encouragement to life that no matter how old you can still work. its in yourself to keep going. sit and talk to one , one day, they have lots of stories, funny, sad, experience, i like the funny ones.
107 Posts
My mother was a CNA at 70 and worked even tho she didn't have to and we didn't want her to She used to say she liked working with the elderly lol. when my father died last year she took care of him at home
213 Posts
It sounds like everyone in the previous posts has worked with elderly CNA's who may be slow, but get the job done and done well. I, unfortunately, don't have as good an experience with the older CNA's. The majority of our CNA's are over 50 and speed wise, move pretty well. The problem is when they say that all their years as an aide has injured their back/shoulder/knees/anything and they can't help you turn or boost a patient. When they are physically incapable of doing their job, that bothers me. If you physically cannot do your job, thats when it's time to move on to something else. It seems like the CNA's mentioned in the previous posts still completed their job. The CNA's I work with will say "no" before you can even finish your sentence.
5,758 Posts
One thing all the young nurses should remember is that with the education debt they are carrying they are most likely going to be working till they are in their 70 also. I stopped working about two years ago at age 59 but I have no mortgage, no car payment and my childrens educations were paid for years ago. I doubt if most of the younger generation is going to be able to do that with all the heavy debt they carry. Not only education debt but huge mortgages and creditcard debt not to mention the big shinny new cars. My 69 year old SIL is still working as an aide part time and that is because she is paying off that second mortgage she took out in her 50s. Boy is she sorry she ever did that.
Many of the elderly nurses and aides work to keep up the better health insurance that they get through work. Often they have even older husbands and are doing double duty, caring for sickly spouses after work.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I'm 50 and plan to work until 70 and beyond if I'm physically able. Love working with older workers - their work ethic, reliability, and knowledge are second to none.
1,304 Posts
I find that an older worker may have a physcial limitation such as lift, yet they will still help within their limitation. I have no problem with this.