El Centro students Spring '06

U.S.A. Texas


i know some of us have received our letters so i was wondering who else i will be making this journey with for the next 2 years.

my name is allison shaffer and it's nice to meet you. i know we will all be close because it's a small group. it would be nice to get to know some of you before november 17. :)

Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.
The article is in the DMN today. It's about the area 'nursing instructor shortage...my pic is in it. I look so fat! THANK YOU NURSING SCHOOL FOR THE EXTRA POUNDS. :angryfire

You look great. Do you always have only 5 students in class? By the way, I thought the article would turn out to be more exciting than this :idea:.

Specializes in Operating Room.

It was lame...

Actually there were only 7 of us there for the review. They quoted Mike, but didn't print a pic of him.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Hey....just thought I would stop by and see what has been happening! I have survived J.B. from Parkland and lived to tell about it. We ended up with 4 people at the end of our clinical....boy were we targets! All I have to say about this semester is it seems like everything was against us. Even the ridiculous Meds Pub, which we pay for every semester, seems to have a "wrong" answer in it......and we did not get points for multiple answers. Is it true we really start next semester a week earlier than classes really start? Katie....the instructor you advised us to take IS teaching 4th. Do you know if Charleton was available for North Lake or just El Centro?


Specializes in Operating Room.

Hope lecture is going well for you, Kendra.

Glad you survived clinical as well. :)

I really don't know my fate as far as lecture...like you said, everything has been against us. I asked for a blueprint or review because we are having to do this online. The response was something like..."Maybe in the future, there's just not time or resources to do it now."

I don't plan to be here in the future, that's why I asked! :angryfire

I know the powers-that-be read this just the same as y'all do, so for the record, I am not saying anything that I wouldn't say to them.

I DON'T plan on being here in the future, as I DO want to pass this semester THIS semester! (EDIT: Of course I do plan on 1 more semester...lol)

Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.
Katie....the instructor you advised us to take IS teaching 4th. Do you know if Charleton was available for North Lake or just El Centro?

I think F. Y. will teach next semester. I am not sure if at NLC or ECC. If you want a stress-less clinical you need to take her class. I don't remember Charlton being offered. We had Baylor Irving, Baylor Dallas, Parkland/Doctors and a Lewisville hospital somehow :idea: offered at the very beginning of the semester. Anyway, they say those who survive J.B.'s clinical make great nurses later. :) Katie

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

On the way in to Parkland one morning, Yang and I ran into a 4th semester ECC student. Things weren't going so well for her class. It was a bit disheartening.

Did you start with 10 people in your clinical group and now you're down to 4?

I'm glad that at least several students were able to tolerate JB Parkland clinical. When I took her clinicals, it became so unbearable for me, until I had to drop. I understand the concept of pushing the student to be the best they can be, but her clinical is virtually unbearable as far as self esteen is concerned.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Hi and welcome to AllNurses, fras. :)

Hope everyone's studying for finals is going well. I'm goin' nuts over here! Just taking a breather.....gotta get up and walk for 5 minutes. LOL

All prayers accepted. :D

I can't believe some of you will be graduating.:balloons:

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Hi and welcome to AllNurses, fras. :)

Hope everyone's studying for finals is going well. I'm goin' nuts over here! Just taking a breather.....gotta get up and walk for 5 minutes. LOL

All prayers accepted. :D

I can't believe some of you will be graduating.:balloons:

Will be praying for you girl!! It is so nice to 'see' you. Hang in there, it will all be worth it at the end. ;)

Jessy (used to be: Future_RN_Jess)

Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.
I can't believe some of you will be graduating.:balloons:

We've just finished our NCLEX review. The only thing I want to do is to eat and sleep now. ADL only please. :lol2:

How many tests do you still have to take? Final only?


Specializes in Operating Room.

Hey Jessy! Nice 'seeing' you too!!! ;)

Thanks, I need ALL the prayers I can get.....that's an understatement!

Katie, I only have the final, which is on the 10th. I'm having a hard time trying to focus on the GI/GU/DM stuff when I keep jumping back to the need to review old material, especially cardio!

...Except for the fact that I am suffering from heartburn, gastritis or PUD....stress related of course. :lol2:

Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.

Just checking in to cheer you guys on for finals! Good to see you all doing well! Chins up - you can do this!


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