El Centro/Methodist Dallas Fall 2014

U.S.A. Texas


I've created this new thread for those applying to the Methodist Nursing Program linked with El Centro. This program is for those that are employed, have immediate family members employed, and volunteers that have reached a certain amount of hours at a Methodist hospital. They currently are only accepting 10 people per semester.

I know of like 5 people who I volunteer with! However, I decided today that I am going to apply for the traditional El Centro program. I am too nervous to risk it since only 10 people get accepted! :(

i know exactly how you feel. Specially because there's a greater change with El centro. Trust me I feel the same way. I'm applying to Methodist because it's the only deadline I was able to meet for this semester. However, I will apply to El Centro in spring if I don't get in at Methodist this fall. If you don't mind sharing. Do you know how many points other people are applying with? I'm dying to know.

For Methodist? From the people I've talked to the highest is 30, but that was just one person.. others were like 27, 28, 29!

Thanks! This whole process is so nerve wrecking. Wish you the best. Hopefully we can both get in this Fall :)

Anyone else applying in May???

OMG that sucks that we can only apply at one or the other. I am fixing to start volunteering at MDMC. Only reason I did that was so I had another chance in getting into program. I want to apply at ECC and Methodist programs and also MVC :(

Yes, unfortunalety we are only able to apply to El Centro or Methodist. I have decided to apply for the Methodist nursing program this Fall and then just take it from there. I don't know :( but I do believe that if I don't get in to Methodist this Fall, I will more than likely apply to El Centro for Spring just to increase my chances.

I know this is the thread for the Methodist partnership but I work for THR and was planning to apply for both. Where did y'all find out or see that you can only apply for one or the other?

I found out about it when I went to orientation.

I found out about it when I went to orientation.

I spoke with someone at Methodist in the nursing dept. She said they cant technically stop you from applying at both... so im wondering what if I do apply at both lol

Did they say at orientation why or if you did???

I applied at El Centro as well. I figured you can see if you get in at El Centro before you apply at Methodist, and decide. El Centro letters or emails go out May 15, and Methodists deadline is not till the 20th so you have a few days to decide.

Congrats, I missed the deadline so I will be applying this May. How many points did you apply with?

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