Hi, so I'm a new nurse and had a question about EKG's and orders. So I had a patient that was having chest pain and SOB. VSS. Still put her on 2l NC to be safe, even though her o2 was good just because she was having short of breath and gave two tablets of nitro. I stat paged out to the doctor and got no answer. At this point I grabbed a more experience nurse and he told me to get an EKG. The EKG showed AJR, so I paged again and messaged the cardiology doctor this time too, who told me to get an EKG, but the internal med doc needed to put the order in. Basically I got the EKG before an actual order was in since the doctor was taking so long to respond to my STAT page. Once an order was put in, I got another EKG that showed NSR with 1st AV block. Long story short I had rapid team come up to look at the patient and the rapid doctor came and looked at both EKG's. But the rapid team told me I could lose my license for getting the first EKG without an actual order. Has anyone heard of this? I totally understand grabbing an EKG for no reason, but I was just getting it proactively before the doctor put the actual order in since I knew it was gonna put in, and the cardiologist also said too. Feeling a little discouraged because I didn't know this and wonder what other things I could do in hopes to proactive and help my patient could actually get me in trouble.