DRUGS they give on NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


please share with us the drugs that came with your test. it will be very helpful.! (and also even if they came from planet Mars and Pluto, we definitely wouldn't mind) lol.

plus i had a friend who took the test about a month ago, he said he had this drug that causes a bluish discoloration on the skin as a side effect! say what??

Specializes in Peds.

This is just a general question about beta blockers....you don't give them to sumone with any degree of heart block, right? I should just go look it up, but I love talking to you all lol

Specializes in Peds.
thanks for that. i actually thought twice before asking for such opinions, but then i thought, there must at least be 3000+ common drugs out there that some can share. but anyway, thanks again. i understand your point. and thanks kgh31386 for the info. i only know methylene blue to turn blue skin stains but i've never heard of the drug Minocycline (call me a dope if u may). =)

I'm late but I think Amiodarone (Cardarone) can also turn the skin blue.

i'm late but i think amiodarone (cardarone) can also turn the skin blue.

:yeah: hi! anggie, i knew you passed!!! this site is relaxing..... :yeah:

Specializes in Peds.
:yeah: hi! anggie, i knew you passed!!! this site is relaxing..... :yeah:

thanks! lol still waiting for it to be official...then i can really breathe and celebrate!

Specializes in LTC.
why don't we just share all the questions from our nclex along with the meds. lol :uhoh3: :nono: :nono:

i agree with kgh...

when you complete your nclex exam, you confirm that you will retain confidentiality of all information.

no one on this website or any other should be providing you the exact names of any meds that were within their state board exam. to that, no one should be providing the questions that were contained in their exam either. for this reason, you will find that many threads that contain information on "topic/subject" only.

your friend, depending upon what information he/she revealed to you, if over heard by the wrong person, could easily be reported to the state board and find him/her self in serious trouble.

plus, the odds are against you if you hope to get the same nclex questions as your friend. during a given month, most test takers see the same/similar question. each month (or every few weeks), the questions/topics rotate. while your friend had certain questions last month...you will probably not see the same question on your exam. it would be too easy for everyone to pass if they (the state) didn't rotate their 3000+ questions around from month-to-month/week-to-week.

i try my very best not to share what was on my nclex too because it is against the law. although, i have seen another thread on here that people were advising on meds and those meds did pop up on my test... too bad it was afterwards though.

Specializes in Med/Surg n ICU.
I try my very best not to share what was on my nclex too because it is against the law. Although, I have seen another thread on here that people were advising on meds and those meds did pop up on my test... too bad it was afterwards though.

do u remember the thread??lol seriously

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

We have several threads discussing pharmacology, try searching for them. Remember though you can't discuss things you actually saw on the exam. Would suggest looking up common drugs especially ones you see advertised. Look at suffixes and groups of medication like Beta Blockers, Anti hypertensive drugs, Antibiotics, anti emetics, etc

Did u have a lot of meds u didn't know? and how did u study for them? thanks in advance!

honestly i think half my test was pharmacology! but you could say although i was weak at it, i realized that if drugs were the ones that mostly came up on this year's test, then i wouldn't mind putting a lot of time and effort to study it. i didn't read any pharm book cover to cover, nor did i read the drug guide on the Kaplan course book. what i did was study only the common drug groups and made sure i knew by heart their side effects. i wrote all the drugs that came out of my review, and even made flashcards of the ones i just can't retain :) also, i would always have my pen and paper ready for those tv drug commercials. my guess proved me right. study the ones you see on tv and you'll do fine on the exam for sure.

goodluck to all of you and thanks again for the responses :)

believe in yourself!! God bless!!

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