Published Oct 9, 2007
2,441 Posts
I know a guy that is a friend of our family, but the problem is, he's a pot-smoker. It's not an everyday thing, more like an every weekend thing.
He recently quit his job that he had for 7 years, and it was a boring job and I can understand why it just drove him nuts...the problem is he has been in full party-mode since he quit.
He's now looking for another job, and with so many employers drug testing, I CANNOT convince him that those "test clean" kits don't work. I saw somewhere on here where they spike high for nitrates, or something that will tell the examiner that you "took something" to try to hide the results.
He keeps saying, "Oh, I know people that have done it"...the thing is....I never have. I told him to "lay off" the weed for at least 35 days and then just hope he doesn't get a random test b/c he won't quit.
Is there any websites that I can send this idiot to prove my point?
sharona97, BSN, RN
1,300 Posts
I was told that the part of mj (don't even know the word) that gets a person high may stay within muscle tissue up to 6 months. Sounds like he is in denial of possible consequences. Wish I had a website for you. Have you googled in allnurses or any other browser. Check DOT drug testing, (even tho he may not be a driver). Maybe they have an answer more conviencing. Good Luck!
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Here are a couple things you can share with him:
Example of only one state:
First offense: up to 5-year jail term, up to a $2,000 fine
Subsequent offenses: up to 10-year jail term, up to a $5,000 fine
*Alternative sentence: up to 3-year indeterminate jail term with conditional release by correction commissioner
DEA Facts for Teens:
State by State Laws (as of Aug. '06):
154 Posts
Actually, from my understanding it stores in fat, not muscle... so even if he quits smoking, then gets really healthy and loses a lot of weight, he could still come up positive (albeit weak).
I would not trust my livelihood to some quack "cure" when the simple solution is to JUST STOP DOING IT. EVERYONE drug-tests now -- fast food, Wal-Mart, transportation companies... Where does this guy think he's going to find work??
I had a hard time convincing my sister of this a few years back... she ended up living with Mom for quite awhile because she couldn't get a clean test. Finally she stopped smoking the stuff, and now she's doing great -- good job, stable relationship, managed her own bills/rent.
But then, some people have to be hit over the head with reality a few times before they recognize it. :trout:
Jo Dirt
3,270 Posts
He may need to get the wax kit and a new bob. Maybe they will take hair samples.
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
And what's sad about pot is that it DOES stay in the system for so long, the length of time determined by how long and how much is/was smoked. He could be clean and sober for months yet still test positive.
Sorry about that, it is the fat duh. I thought I remembered something to that effect when DoT screening first started.
I stand corrected Thanks!
Thanks for the responses...this guy is one of my husband's "leftover" friends from college...the friendship really doesn't go much past him calling every now and then and once in a great while he'll stop by for a few minutes...maybe once per month. So he's an easy person to tolerate...always seems fine when he visits.
Those websites that sell those kits just make it seem so easy...and that is the draw for him. He just doesn't seem to "get" that these drug testing companies are onto that sort of thing, and measures would have to be put in place to make sure the test is valid...may not matter for a job at Wal-mart, but for alot of jobs, someone can get killed if they hire a user.
let him learn the hard way. even if he were lucky enough to test negative and no one caught the nitrites in the sample, sooner or later he will be caught under the influence and will have to pay the piper.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Actually, from my understanding it stores in fat, not muscle... so even if he quits smoking, then gets really healthy and loses a lot of weight, he could still come up positive (albeit weak).I would not trust my livelihood to some quack "cure" when the simple solution is to JUST STOP DOING IT. EVERYONE drug-tests now -- fast food, Wal-Mart, transportation companies... Where does this guy think he's going to find work??But then, some people have to be hit over the head with reality a few times before they recognize it. :trout:
There are several drugs that get stored in fat tissue, and that may get "reactivated" - remobilized after weight loss. Most are not in large enough quantities to cause serious problems. But there have been known issues w/"flashbacks in hard core users of psychodelics, after weight loss and after they had been clean for a while.
The bigger issue is anyone that can not stop using for at least 35 days, has a bigger problem than no job. When you allow a substance to control your life, you need serious help.
69 Posts
Time for him to grow up, or face the consequences of being a partyboy. You've told him, not much else you can do. He has to decide he wants to change and better himself. If he ever indicates he is ready, then you can help him. Until then, I would be reluctant to ride with him or visit his house because if he has drugs on him and he gets caught while you and your husband are there, you could go down with him. Be careful.
5,758 Posts
I think he has a drug problem. Quiting a job cause it is boring is the sort of thing they will say when it is really the drugs. Let him fall, he will find out the hard way. He needs to know college is over and it is time to get real.