Dropping out of nursing school


I need help. I'm considering dropping out of nursing school, and its not something that I want to do but something that I have to do. I have a 7 month old son , and I can't find anyone to watch him while I'm at school, and at clinicals. My boyfriends work hours conflict with my school hours, so there is a time period where we would have to find something to do with the baby. Plus we only have one car and my clincal sites are over a hour away from home. Moms out there, what did you do with your kids while in school, or while at work? Am I doing the right thing by dropping out? I know I will really regret it later. Please don't bash me in the comment section. I just came here for emotional support, not to be judged. Sorry this post is all over the place, and random.

Specializes in Allergy/ENT, Occ Health, LTC/Skilled.

I have three kids so I know the pain of daycare. To avoid it thus far I have done as many online classes as possible and husband worked opposite shift of me. Now that I'm in the program and clinical start soon, my kids are going to daycare. Just my younger two and its going to run me $800/mo for three days which is all I need. I'm using a private student loan to pay for it and using my tax refund next year to repay the loan. Not the most financially prudent thing to do but since it was that or drop out, we went with the daycare. I did choose a facility because I'm not comfortable with in home daycare but if you can find a quality in home sitter that will substantially cut the daycare cost for you. When my oldest was 7 months he went to a great in home daycare and we paid $100/wk which is the going rate in our area. I wouldn't drop out, I would look into financial aid/private loans or having your SO work opposite shifts of your school schedule if he can. It's hard to do opposite shifts, we've been doing it 4 years but we have saved a boatload of money. Only reason the kids are going to daycare now is my program is 50% online and I need those days to concentrate on teaching those online concepts to myself. Hope you find a solution!

He just started a new job, so they are not willing to change his schedule sadly. And as far as the day care goes, he really has his mind set on the baby not going to daycare, because a lot of people in my area has had really bad things happen to their kids while in daycare . And even if he did agree to the daycare we couldn't afford it with all of the extra bills that we have. It just seems as if everything is going wrong for me at this point :(

Specializes in Allergy/ENT, Occ Health, LTC/Skilled.

Well he can't group all daycares in as bad because there are bad stories out there. Thats why you research, background check, etc. The money issue is why i suggested using a student loan opposed to dropping out. Or find an evening program. Unfortunately the whole family has to sacrifice when mom/dad is in nursing school but its for a short time frame.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

No one is bashing you. Did you have a plan in place prior to starting nursing school?

You are better to quit than to get F's. Next time you may need to develop a plan prior to starting school. Also talk with administration about re applying when you have a good family plan in place.

Quitting is actually better than failing. Grades are permanent and when you apply no one cares why you got the F...just that it is there.

Good luck!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

What type of nursing school are you going to?

I didn't have kids when I went to nursing school, so I can't really comment, however, I am curious if you have evening program nursing schools in the area, which may put you in a better position to complete nursing school while not having issues with childcare.

I went to a program that was work and child-care friendly; meaning, I went through a part-time accelerated evening program which only had classes twice a week 6p-10p and clinicals every other weekend for two years straight; there were moms, some who were single moms who were able complete the program and were very successful students; we all supported each other and they are thriving in this nursing business due to this opportunity. :yes:

If you don't have childcare I don't see how there is any way you can do nursing school. I have three children, two are in school full-time but one is 2. She goes to daycare. My husband runs a business and my parents watched her while I was doing prereqs, but I didn't want to ask them to watch her full-time once I was in the program. I pay $125/week for a licensed in-home daycare.

I'm kind of confused as to why this is just coming up now? Did your boyfriend's hours just change. How long is the time period where you would need someone? If it's only a couple hours I would to hire a babysitter. It's expensive but nursing school is worth it.

At this point I feel like I'm being pressured by everyone around me to drop out

Ask someone in the early childhood program at your school if there are any students looking for work.

Might be cheaper and more flexible.

Sounds like your support system really stinks. If it is really what you want to do, you have to find a way. And your boyfriend needs to get his head...back in the sunshine. If he won't help you figure it out, you're going to have to make some tough choices.

I have 2 kids, both considered special needs. Finding a sitter was a nightmare. My mom and friends helped me tremendously.

You can find a way of you really want to continue school.

Depending on your school, you can see if they have an in-school childcare/day care. Then take out a private loan as the above poster suggested. Most schools have them for the students studying in early education. If not, hire a babysitter if your boyfriend is opposed to putting the child in daycare.

However, if you believe this situation will drop your grade or you will miss clinical and/or classes than it is suggested you either withdraw from the program and re-start where you left when it is best for you. Some schools are accommodating to those factors. Before anything talk with the Nursing department to see what can be done. Also, ask classmates to help you or give you advice. Someone in your class has experience in what you are going through or knows someone going through it.

Best of luck!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing, Pediatrics.

Planning is key.

How long have you been in school? What was happening with the baby beforehand?

I really discourage you to drop out! you've come so far already to stop now. I know your boyfriend is concerned about daycare but I would check into home daycare's(after close review of course)because they are usually willing to work with you on a payments if you explain your situation. Hope everything works out for you!

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