Driving an hour to school there and back

Nursing Students General Students


I applied to 2 different nursing schools. One is 15-20 minutes away but I only got accepted to the LPN program. The other school is about an hour away and I would have to drive there I'm sure everyday just about. I got accepted to their RN program. Now I have a decision drive 20 minutes and be an LPN or 2 hours everyday going to the other school there and back.... I am worried about being overly exhausted. Driving an hour every day to school sounds like a bad idea. I want to be an RN (& it's only 2 years) but I'm dreading the fact that I'll be spending 2 hours everyday driving. I just need some advice....

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

I would say about 20% of my class drive over an hour one-way from another metropolitan. It take me about 40 minutes. You can make it work.

Specializes in None.
I live in a rural area,so nothing is 5-10 minutes away. I've been driving an hour there and back for the past two and a half years. It's definitely not fun, but it is worth it. You might try listening to recorded lectures on your drive. I personally like to listen to the radio or enjoy the silence. I actually really enjoy the time alone, because I know that the moment I get home I will have so many things to do. Every once in a while I feel really done with the driving thing, but by the next week I'm back to enjoying the solitude.

This is off topic..however, we are having to move from a very rural area to a city. When we were looking at houses, the girl (landlord) said she has a very long commute. I asked how long and she said she has to drive 15 minutes to work everyday. I told her I live in an area it takes a good 30 minutes to get to a local Walmart, fast food, etc. Poor thing. I personally love a commute longer than 10 minutes, especially in the winter when it is freezing. It takes 5 minutes for the heat to warm up in the car :)

I travel from one island to another, 4 hours round trip to get to school & I have a kid. And I depend on public transportation 2/3 of the way.You will be fine.

Specializes in LAD.

I like my 45 min drive. It gives me time to reflect what I just learned in lecture but gives me some time to collect my thoughts on my readings prior to lecture. I listen to iTunes U lectures too!

Just an update. I've been in school for over a month now and I actually like the drive. An hour isn't so bad. I also made a friend who lives 2 minutes from me so we just started car pooling. We listen to lectures or just talk about life or what we've learned in class. I'm really enjoying it. Plus, it gives me time to reflect and just clear my head :)

I drive 2 hours every day, my friend drives 3 and works everyday we are not in school. Its do-able. the drive doesn't bother me but that is what I use as my break from school/study. Sure I sometimes wish I lived 1minute from school but I don't have that option. This semester my clinical are actually either closer to me or just as far as if I would be living on campus. For me, living off campus is a good choice.

One of my clinicals was 1 hour, 45 minutes away. *One* way. It was a terrifying drive on a road where people zig-zag and drive 90 MPH. It was so awful! School is 1 hour, 15 minutes, the drive feels safer, but not much. FL drivers are so much worse than NY! Another clinical is 45 minutes. I'm in an accelerated program, so I go 5 days a week sometimes. It's costing me thousands in gas and oil changes, and I am exhausted, but I have to get the BSN. LPN's only work in long term care, get paid nothing, and in my area they only want those with 5 years (!) of experience. There's more RN jobs then LPN.

I'm so happy that the highway I drive on is pretty safe. There's barely any cars ever. I see tractor trailers once in a while and there's never traffic. The speed limit is 70 but sometimes early in the morning I just don't even feel like going over 60 and that's ok because there's no one to honk at me lol.

Oh, and kudos to you for being able to handle all the crazy drivers and time spent driving and all that $$$. It will all be worth it in the end:)

I work and 8 hour day drive 20 minutes to school and then 45 minutes home every night and it is worth it! I must make sacrifices for the greater good in my life.....

I have a hour/hour and a half commute depending on traffic..I record myself reading my notes outloud and listen to them in the car to multi task..

My drive was 45 minutes each way and I would have to go sometimes 5 days a week.

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