Driving an hour to school there and back

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I applied to 2 different nursing schools. One is 15-20 minutes away but I only got accepted to the LPN program. The other school is about an hour away and I would have to drive there I'm sure everyday just about. I got accepted to their RN program. Now I have a decision drive 20 minutes and be an LPN or 2 hours everyday going to the other school there and back.... I am worried about being overly exhausted. Driving an hour every day to school sounds like a bad idea. I want to be an RN (& it's only 2 years) but I'm dreading the fact that I'll be spending 2 hours everyday driving. I just need some advice....

Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, Neurology, Rehab.

OP: Tell him about others who also are currently driving and have driven to accomplished their goals, maybe that may make him feel better, best wishes to you!!

please, all of you listening on the ride, be careful you are not becoming a "distracted/impaired driver. and no matter what good use you can put that time to, if you are sleep deprived, you are impaired.

Specializes in PACU, presurgical testing.

I had to make the decision between a 2-year ADN program down the street vs. a 2-year MSN program halfway across the state. I decided to make the most of my 2 years and drive. I had an hour and 10 minute commute for 2 years of school and drove between 30 and 60 minutes for clinicals each way. TOTALLY WORTH IT. As others have said, some of my classmates used the time to listen to recorded lectures. Others downloaded podcasts that interested them. I am an avid reader but had no time to read for fun when I was in school, so I devoured audiobooks! I also carpooled with a classmate but still enjoyed the 25 minutes of alone time I had before our meeting spot.

That said, if this is going to be a real sticking point with your husband, see what you can do to lessen the impact on your family. I'm not some kind of 1950s wife, but the support of my family was key to surviving that kind of schedule. That's where listening to lectures on the drive might be good; it could preserve some more time for your husband and child. The house--eh, let it go. Clean as you go. Go on cleaning binges during breaks (that's the only time my house got cleaned!).

I just happened to stumble upon your thread, my husband is also stationed at Ft. Campbell and I just got my acceptance letter to the HCC RN program yesterday. What a small world! I don't know if that is the school you got accepted to but it will also be an hour drive for me each way. I also have a daughter who I will need to drop off at daycare on post everyday. You are not alone with your worries, that is for sure. I believe you made the right choice by going with the RN program if that is your ultimate goal. Good luck to you, maybe we will run into each other someday.

I have an hour drive each way 5 days a week. I have come to LOVE the alone time. I blast the music and sing like a rock star the entire drive. It's the only decompression time I get because I'm a single mother and work full time on top of it. The drive isn't as terrible as you would think. Good luck in school!!

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

Well I don't know how you're going to make it in life if you think that driving an hour to get what you want is too much. In real life the majority of the people I know drive at least that much one way to get to their jobs daily. When I was going to school I drove an hour and a half to get to school. As one person suggested, tape the lectures and listen to them on the drive. Don't mess around with bridging and all that stuff, just go for the RN if that's what you really want.:yes:

I drive 1.5 hours each way, 3 hours total each day for nursing school. I'm at the end of my first semester. I could've had a five minute drive and gotten my ADN but opted for a school with a great reputation that offers a BSN. Is it tiring driving three hours a day? Absolutely, especially when I have to be there at 6:30am. Would I do the same again? Yep. I don't just drive those three hours, I study. I listen to lectures, listen to youtube videos that are covering whatever we are learning, listen to professor's podcasts. I look at it as three hours a day I get to study without feeling like I'm studying. I have all A's and high B's so I'm doing something right! I also have a high sleep need so when I have to be up at 4:30 I'm in bed at 9:00 pm without question.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

There are many days when I WISH I had a longer commute. A little recovery time before I get home and go from taking care of needy people at the hospital to needy people at home!

I would recommend taking the RN program. Its going to pay off in the long run and you will be so grateful for having made the decision to go the RN route. I would definitely consider the idea mentioned above about recording and listening to your lectures are the drive to and from school. If possible, even try and find somewhere to stay near school maybe a few days of the week? not sure what your other priorities are but a couple of people from my cohort would stay the night at peoples houses from monday night to wednesday because thats when we had lectures. Maybe even consider getting an apartment? Again, not sure your financial situation but it would definitely be something to consider. Go for RN, definitely more worth it. Goodluck

I applied to 2 different nursing schools. One is 15-20 minutes away but I only got accepted to the LPN program. The other school is about an hour away and I would have to drive there I'm sure everyday just about. I got accepted to their RN program. Now I have a decision drive 20 minutes and be an LPN or 2 hours everyday going to the other school there and back.... I am worried about being overly exhausted. Driving an hour every day to school sounds like a bad idea. I want to be an RN (& it's only 2 years) but I'm dreading the fact that I'll be spending 2 hours everyday driving. I just need some advice....

I've commuted a ton in my life and an hour each way sucks but is not unbearable... I've done it over a couple of different stretches in my life (the furthest was 90 minutes/80 miles each way... without traffic).

Do realize that the time spent in your car gives you enforced blocks of time to study.

I would never choose LPN over RN only in order to save 90 minutes per day... or 7.5 hrs per week... or 375 hrs per year...

In my mind, you sacrifice what you need to in order to achieve what you want.

I was only hesitant because I'm not used to driving more than 5 minutes to school. I guess I just got a little spoiled. RN is my dream and I'm going for it.

I live in a rural area,so nothing is 5-10 minutes away. I've been driving an hour there and back for the past two and a half years. It's definitely not fun, but it is worth it. You might try listening to recorded lectures on your drive. I personally like to listen to the radio or enjoy the silence. I actually really enjoy the time alone, because I know that the moment I get home I will have so many things to do. Every once in a while I feel really done with the driving thing, but by the next week I'm back to enjoying the solitude.

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