Demented resident - we'll call her Mary - is always cold, often combative with care. She's freezing when she first wakes up. Incontinent of bladder. Her saturated chuck gets nice and warm.
She. will. not. get. up. The other nurse - I will NOT do this - tells the aides to get her up regardless. She's fighting and cursing and an aide ends up hurt and Mary ends up weeping in the nurses' station and asking me, "Why did you let them do this?"
She thinks she's been beaten up. Well, she kinda has been.
Now, I know she can't lie in her own waste all day and needs to get up. But how do we do this? (My co-nurse is pissed at me for suggesting that fragging her out of bed isn't the way to go. "They didn't DRAG her out of bed!" Of course they did, numnutz.)
Any suggestions?