Published Dec 8, 2010
25 Posts
I dont feel like studying anymore I do honestly want to give up. I studied day and night and any moment in between. I studied my weak areas Endocrine and GI and I now I love it. I actually looked forward to those questions. I got 265 questions it was long but I knew as long as the computer giving me questions I knew I was still in the game. How depressing... I dont know where to start anymore, I am waiting for my results and for the areas I need to work on. But I am tired and I know you have all heard it before but honestly I am feeling very inadequate now.... Our state says if after 4 fails you must retake the whole RN course. Who in the hell wants to do that? not me...Frustrated and tired..
201 Posts
awwwwwww,hugs!!!!!Don't give up.Apply to another state and endorse in your state later.Grive and start studying afresh like you never did before.
Try studying two hours a day instead of long hours and do that for the next 2months.Start with Frye's 3000bullets,lacharity,exam cram,lab values,infection control on this board and another things you feel it is important should be on your index card.Know now that your method of studying for the test is not working so adopt others method.I followed others on here and i passed the third time.You will pass it;just have fake and keep studying.Good luck!
wondern, ASN
694 Posts
Hang in there, friend. :redpinkhe Try hard not to beat yourself up too bad.
Did you know Albert Einstein failed a college entrance exam? :hug:
I just read this @
Try to do something nice for yourself. You do deserve it. :loveya:
111 Posts
Sorry to hear the bad news but give your self some time out and when you are ready, get back into the game. I am in the process of studying for the N-clex and after only one week, I am already exhausted.
28 Posts
Im sorry to hear that you failed again. But dont give-up. Nurses never give-up!! Don't study for long hours continuously. Make sure that when you read you understand the topic and not just you read them all. FOCUS is the key on this exam..and applying what you have learned. And when you test think that you are the only nurse around to do what the questions ask you to do. FOCUS!! FOCUS!! and you will succeed. NCLEX is all nursing process and critical thinking. You need to learn to think outside the box not just on what you have read on the book. It is 80% test strategies and 20% knowledge.. GO AND TEST AGAIN!! YOU CAN DO IT..I DID!!
Thanks everyone I have to say your replies have really made me feel a lot better. Thank u thank u...
225 Posts
Please, please do not give up! Hang in there in due time you will pass. Takes sometime out right now and then get back to studying, try a different study structure this time. Always remember that you got through nursing school and dont forget to pray! God Bless.
38,333 Posts
Just get a license in another state. Sure, it is a pain and a bother, but anything worth getting in the end is worth being a pain and a bother. Don't give up.
i thought about that I have a LPN license in another state that doesnt have limit. But I dont know how to go about doing that. The state I live in now has the 4x limit. Thank you there is light at the end of the tunnel...
88 Posts
Hey, just want to say I'm sorry you're going through this...and of course--DON'T give up! You probably already know this, but the fact that you went through 265 questions means you were SO CLOSE to passing! Failing at 265 questions versus failing at 75 is a HUGE difference. This means the computer was working with you--it couldn't decide whether to pass or fail you, because you were bouncing in and out of the pass threshold, AKA so CLOSE to staying in passing range! If you had failed on 75 Q's on the other hand, it means the computer is quite certain you are in the fail range. Like other members have said--give yourself some time to grieve, and also some time to rest your brain for a bit. No doubt your brain is fried and emotions are overwhelming. Take a deep breath, do something fun for a bit, make a plan, and study smart. Consistency is key, so make sure you do plenty of good practice questions (I say 'good' because there are plenty of crappy "practice questions" out there that don't resemble anything near the NCLEX). On the day before your next exam, don't study at all! Yes, that may sound suicidal, but as long as you've been consistent in the previous weeks/months, your brain will benefit from the rest. Like an athlete about to race in a major competition wouldn't spend the day before the competition training excessively, so you too need and deserve a break.
Don't ever believe that this means you are not a nurse, or are never going to be (a licensed) one. This only shows that perhaps you need to prepare some more. Good luck, you can do it :heartbeat .
10 Posts
Hang in there! The fact that you have studied so much and learned to love the areas that troubled you is awesome. Keep up that same attitude and get back on the horse. We are all here to help you. Start by doing questions I am sure you know the info but need help actually understanding which answer is best. This will only come with practice.
VAnessa, dh60 & everyone thank u. I have been grieving n can't bring myself to pick up a nclex book to study yet. But just reading all your comments has made me feel like there maybe some hope. I need a new study plan and in search for one. Any suggestions?