I am so BEYOND frustrated. Far beyond.
It’s the same sob story…new grad May ’09 who keeps getting doors slammed in her face. I have, since May, applied to 102 jobs (Med/Surg/ICU/ER/SNF, in-state and out of state, urban and rural). I have been fortunate (and grateful) to have had 4 interviews, but still no offer.
I am currently working a very boring, dull admin job that pays the bills (well, not really – I have had to borrow money every month to pay for my rent). I was delivering the physician mail the other day and just sobbed. I just stood there and sobbed. I have a BSN that I worked my @$$ off for and my other degree (BA) that I also worked unbelievably hard to earn and I am DELIVERING MAIL.
I go home and cry EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am going out of my mind. I want to give up. I hate who I have become: I am so negative and pessimistic that I don’t’ even like to be around me. I just can’t stand it.
My friend that used to work at my dream hospital as a charge nurse called the nurse recruiter directly and totally praised me and told her how great I am and what an asset I would be to them (she knows, she used to work there for many, many years). I call the nurse recruiter to follow up and she totally blew me off. Low and behold, I find out two weeks ago that my one of my classmates will happily be started her new job there.
I KNOW that I am not alone – there are thousands of new grads in my same spot. But I just can’t help but wonder “What is wrong with me?” Why did I get completely blown off (even with high praises from an employee) and my classmate got hired?
I am at my *wits* end. I am extremely depressed, angry, bitter, and feel totally rejected. I basically did all this work for NOTHING. Not to mention, I am terrified that I am going to have to file bankruptcy.
I know people keep saying “Don’t worry…things will turn around soon” and “You’re not alone” (Side Note: If I had a dime for every time someone has told me that, I wouldn’t need to be worrying about bankruptcy) but it really doesn’t make me feel any better, even though I really appreciate people trying to make me feel better about my situation.
I just don’t’ know if I can take this anymore…………………………………………….. :crying2: