Published Sep 25, 2009
103 Posts
I am so BEYOND frustrated. Far beyond.
It’s the same sob story…new grad May ’09 who keeps getting doors slammed in her face. I have, since May, applied to 102 jobs (Med/Surg/ICU/ER/SNF, in-state and out of state, urban and rural). I have been fortunate (and grateful) to have had 4 interviews, but still no offer.
I am currently working a very boring, dull admin job that pays the bills (well, not really – I have had to borrow money every month to pay for my rent). I was delivering the physician mail the other day and just sobbed. I just stood there and sobbed. I have a BSN that I worked my @$$ off for and my other degree (BA) that I also worked unbelievably hard to earn and I am DELIVERING MAIL.
I go home and cry EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am going out of my mind. I want to give up. I hate who I have become: I am so negative and pessimistic that I don’t’ even like to be around me. I just can’t stand it.
My friend that used to work at my dream hospital as a charge nurse called the nurse recruiter directly and totally praised me and told her how great I am and what an asset I would be to them (she knows, she used to work there for many, many years). I call the nurse recruiter to follow up and she totally blew me off. Low and behold, I find out two weeks ago that my one of my classmates will happily be started her new job there.
I KNOW that I am not alone – there are thousands of new grads in my same spot. But I just can’t help but wonder “What is wrong with me?” Why did I get completely blown off (even with high praises from an employee) and my classmate got hired?
I am at my *wits* end. I am extremely depressed, angry, bitter, and feel totally rejected. I basically did all this work for NOTHING. Not to mention, I am terrified that I am going to have to file bankruptcy.
I know people keep saying “Don’t worry…things will turn around soon” and “You’re not alone” (Side Note: If I had a dime for every time someone has told me that, I wouldn’t need to be worrying about bankruptcy) but it really doesn’t make me feel any better, even though I really appreciate people trying to make me feel better about my situation.
I just don’t’ know if I can take this anymore…………………………………………….. :crying2:
38,333 Posts
I think it is time that you seriously consider relocating for a job in nursing or get some help in dealing with your negative feelings about all of this. Sounds as if you are at the point where the situation is affecting every aspect of your life and having a negative effect on your health.
Kim O'Therapy, BSN, RN
773 Posts
Dear JoblessRN,
I am sorry to hear of your employment woes. I hope and pray this will turn around for you soon. All of your hard work will not go down the drain - I promise. Eventually, something will become available and your education will pay off. Best of luck to you. :icon_hug:
i think it is time that you seriously consider relocating for a job in nursing or get some help in dealing with your negative feelings about all of this.
i have. two of my interviews were 3 1/2 hours away from where i live. i am willing to move away form my husband for a couple years just to get the experience.
33 Posts
Oh hunny my heart goes out to you. I would feel exactly like you if I had gone through what you are going through:angryfire:bluecry1:. I know that it is hard but try to forget about what happened with that employer. Did you ever think that the employer did that just because she could. Because you were reccommended she decided to go with someone else just to assert her power. There could be many more reasons that you did not get on there.
I know that you've heard it all before but :grn::sfxpld:there is a rainbow out there with a huge pot of gold :tinkbll:with your name on it. I am sure that you will find other hospitals that you will love just as equally if not more AND can foot the bill. Where do you live? If you don't live in Texas and can relocate we are in need of a good nurse or two or fiddymillion!!!!
24 Posts
I'm sorry...same boat as you. I always thought my financial/self esteem issues would be solved once I graduated. I dreamed of this all 4 yrs of my program while eating Ramen noodles every night and worrying about how I was going to pay for gas commuting over an hour to school. This has been a complete nightmare for all of us and I am also on the verge of bankruptcy...I am starting to apply to temp agencies that need people for secretarial/office work because all of the time spent on networking with people that swear than can get me a job, calling HR and applying is just not working for me. I always thought nursing was a calling and that I was destined to be a nurse...but If God wants me to be a nurse, why all of these delays?
2,228 Posts
How about joining the military?
where do you live? if you don't live in texas and can relocate we are in need of a good nurse or two or fiddymillion!!!!
i *so* appreciate your concern and empathy. :icon_hug: i live in california (no wonder i can't get a job). i have applied for jobs in tx, pa, fl, or, and wa. there's just one issue with working out of state: my debt is so ridiculously high. i would be earning (insert sate) wages with california bills - i don't know if i can afford that. you see, my husband has been footing most of my bills (he is so supportive, i love him dearly for his patience and love) but he can't do it for much longer...he doesn't make that much money himself.
so, in order to make my minimum monthly payments for all my bills, i need to make a certain amount.
i truly hope that doesn't make me come off as me being picky or snobby. i certainly do not want or mean for it to come off that way.
348 Posts
New grads and old pros are going through this right along with you, hun. Nurses with years of experience and seniority in their workplaces who thought they had job security are on unemployment or are headed for it. Every nursing position that opens up gets tens... dozens... hundreds of applicants lined up for it depending on where it is. It's brutal out there. It's brutal for everybody. No one is getting out of this downturn unscathed, in every job and profession. To add insult to injury, there are employers out there who are only using this "contraction" to further cut their workforces just to reduce their budgets and pad their bottom lines to try to make themselves look better.
Contact your student loan service and get yourself whatever deferrals or forebearances you can qualify for. And keep delivering that mail. Cry with frustration if you must, but you are WORKING, unlike >10% of the American population.
We hear you. We hear you.
StNeotser, ASN, RN
963 Posts
I know you're doing all the right things and don't have any good advice to give you. Thinking of you and good luck! Unfortunately the reality is, some hospital most likely needs you.
4 Posts
My heart goes out to you. I don't know how old you are but hate to say if you are over 45 that may have some part in it. However-you do have a job which is more than some do. Keep delivering and keep looking. Try networking on facebook,linkedin or some other kinds of sites. Try sites like,monster,careerbuilder, like that. Employers like to hire people who are already looking.
I live in the state with the highest unemployment with nursing shortages and am having trouble. So hang in there.
and keep delivering that mail. cry with frustration if you must, but you are working, unlike >10% of the american population.
oh, dear. i think i might have come across like an idiot. i am definitely grateful for at least having a job. i knew that "you’ll be beating recruiters off with sticks" was a complete and utter lie, but i never thought i would be begging my friends with connections and groveling at feet.
i don't know that i can appropriately express, in words, how grateful i am for the words of encouragement and understanding.
thank you all.