Does bullying really go on in Nursing?


I kept on hearing from fellow classmates that superiors and fellow nurses bully their young. Not in terms of physical bullying, but psychological. I don't understand this at all. Could someone please emphasize or provide any examples? Also, what offers them the motive to bully? Were they insecure during your youth?

I also heard that the bullying in Nursing is far more abundant than any other profession. My professors have joked that I will most likely not be bullied because I am 6'5 265 lbs and they will be intimidated. But, I don't understand this. Could someone please provide some advice on how to avoid this bullying treatment from other nurses? My entire class was talking about it, yet I had no idea about bullying within the Nursing circle until two days ago.

Random question, do Physicians get bullied around? or is that nearly impossible since their on the top of the food chain?

Specializes in Critical Care.

If you google Nursing Lateral violence, lateral hostility, horizontal hostility etc. you'll find plenty of info on the subject. It's a pretty well known problem, although I have run across plenty who swears it doesn't happen, these also seem to be the same Nurses who are doing the harassing.

Absolutely! I can testify first hand.

It is 100% true.

Think back to 7th grade mean girls, it is exactly like that. Cliques and grown adults ganging up on each other. It is absolutely true. Not sure what makes nurses so mean an miserable but I can attest I see it happen every single day. Not just to new nurses, although they get it the worst, but also to floats and agency etc.

Specializes in Acute Rehab, Med/surg Pediactrics.

Yes Definitely, I can testify first hand.

Specializes in pediatrics, public health.

It's not universally present at every work site. I worked in a hospital with minimal bullying (one or two mean nurses who I quickly learned to ignore) and now as a PHN I don't deal with it at all.

Bullying occurs in Nursing but not from all nurses. Most people will probably be pretty mellow, especially since you are a big one.

Just know that bullies are miserably unhappy people. Or maybe they just are born mean. They bring their meanness and unhappiness to work and try to let it out on the weak.

Try ignoring, try understanding, try avoiding them. You're sort of powerless

as a student - not really, but you want to try to avoid confrontations and reporting people if you can. Being nice to them, praying for them are good, too. Pray for God's favor for your own life.

Once you are working, well, that might be another story. Cross said bridge if you come to it.

Specializes in I like everything except ER.

It depends on the work site. I have learned that you can tell if your in a bully site in the first month on the job. In retrospect I should have just left. It is really a management issue. They allow it to go on. Some don't want to be bothered. Their are many reasons why nurses are mean to each other that I will discuss at a later time. But MD's are mean to each other also but not as much. Some nurses really want to destroy your life.

Bullying is prevalent in nursing - as someone who has worked various different jobs throughout life I am amazed at the down right nastiness of some nurses.

Now that I have been a nurse for awhile in a facility that is far from a pleasant work experience, I can see firsthand both side of the bullying issue.

Yes some are born bullies - but I truly believe not many are born to be this way. I truly believe it is a combination of many things including working environments and co-workers and administration. I also believe more men in nursing is a GOOD thing. I see a lot less bullying when there is a mix of male and female nurses on the floor.

I also see decent nurses get chewed up by the "bullying" from administration and corporate and this gets passed on. Kind of kick the dog. Sadly, I found myself getting short and snappy this past week and had to check myself.

I would say stress has more than a lot to do with the making of a bully as well.

In the end - it exists in nursing, it is the elephant in the room out on the nursing floor, and we collectively as nurses need to address it.

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

I see a lot of it where I work. And the bullies are usually the worst nurses in terms of clinical skills and patient survivability. I think they work on the assumption that if they're hateful enough, no one will challenge them on what they do. Until they mess up on a patient that's either a)a VIP or b) smart enough to know they don't want that person touching them.

Bullying happens in every workplace. But in nursing it really is prevalent. In my opinion, more in females than males. I don't get bullied easily, so I have not had an issue. But I have seen it happen. Best advice, do your job to the best of your ability. Know when you are in over your head and ask for advice. Follow the chain of command if you are being bullied. BE A TEAM PLAYER!

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