Published Oct 25, 2009
91 Posts
In response to those who find/found nursing school easy. I want to hear from those who are finding it hard. I understand some people have found it easier than others and no offence to them, its cool they don't have to study much. But I don't find it one bit easy. So what do those who don't find it easy think???
25 Posts
having a very difficult time in school. not easy at all. lvn school was hard but the rn program is not fun at all.
i agree
38,333 Posts
I never appreciated that I was expected to not parent, not work to support myself or my family, or accomplish any other task of a grown responsible adult, while in school. Yes, I understood that nursing school is demanding and requires effort. What made the demands so hard to take was the flagrant, obvious preferential treatment accorded to the "princesses", no matter what their age, who by virtue of the efforts of their parents or husbands, were able to live in those better areas of the city and who found the nursing school "hobby" to be to their liking. It was no "hobby" to the majority of us yet we certainly knew who was appreciated in the classrooms and who was not.
188 Posts
I'm finding it hard. I didn't even look on the "easy" thread because I knew it would frustrate me!
3 Posts
It sucks worse than anything I have ever experienced. Even childbirth and Labor. My husbands cancer didn't suck this bad. I cant wait for it to be over. I'll have no friends left then, since no one understands and calls me selfish all of the time. But oh well.
As you can tell, positivity has left the building.
2 Posts
I find it harder and more demanding every day. I don't have a job nor am I married and/or have kids. So for all of those people who work during school and are married and/or have kids - I really commend you. I wish I had that talent, I don't know how you guys do it. I always feel like I'm barely hanging on. If anyone finds it easy, that's great, but don't brag about it or even ask if anyone else finds it easy. It's definitely not an easy major for the majority of us. Thanks for starting this thread, at least it shows that people do find it hard and I'm just not dumb.
Thanks for everyones imput. I started reading the nursing school is easy thread and i wanted to cry. All these people saying how they never studied and passed with A's and i'm busting my butt to pass. Good Luck to everyone!!
61 Posts
Think about how much better a nurse you are going to be for all of your studying. The director of my program was talking to our class last week and said she found nursing school easy and breezed through it but when she went back for her masters and doctorate paid for it in the end because she had to learn everything over again.
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
I'm in the easier than I thought it'd be camp BUT I'm worried that I'm finding it not that bad because I'm missing a lot of stuff. Our clinical instructor is really casual on care plans, and I was looking through my care plan reference and just do not get it. Clustering symptoms, deciding what defining factors you have, etc. I haven't been tested on any of that so I haven't had to struggle with it, but I'm worried that suddenly next quarter we'll be expected to be old hands at care plans.
Also, the book stuff is ok, but the physical assessment stuff is really giving me a hard time. I got a better stethescope and still can't take blood pressure- I hear the stethescope or the cuff moving and miss when the heart beat is first audible. I thought that stuff wouldn't be that bad, but I just feel so disorganized with it.
106 Posts
I replied to the nursing school is easy thread because it's easier than I expected. I know it's going to get harder that's why I'm not bragging nor am I saying that I'll have all A's. I'm not the smartest person but I study my butt off every night and that makes it a little easier for me because I try to stay at least a half step ahead of my teacher by reading whatever we will be going over the next day.
Nursing school is not meant to be easy but some students just find it easier than others so we just have to step our game up and graduate and become the best nurses we can be no matter what our grades are!
Good Luck 2 Everyone and STUDY HARD(ER)!!
The assessment stuff is hard. I start clinicals in a week and we have to do a 17 page full body assessment on our client! Keep practicing your blood pressure, it gets easier