Does anybody had seen a nurse with tunnel earrings?

Nurses General Nursing


have any of u guyz seen/met a nurse with huge big hole on both ears (tunnel)

coz i was just wonderin... :p hopefully if i passed NCLEX (still w8ting for result) :( i'll be the nurse with a tunnel earrings (huge hole gauge 4) and tattos as well with shaggy emo hair hehehe

weird nurse ha.. :p hopefully ill pass (fingers crossed)

My daughter is 18 and a senior in high school. She has gauged ear lobes (small - I have no idea of the number) and she has a nose ring on the side of her nostril.

I think it detracts from her beauty. It has nothing to do with me being a conservative regarding politics. ;) I grew up in the 60's and 70's era of SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL :smokin: so it has very little to do with conservatism.

It has to do with she looks less attractive. Oh, and her boss made her change the ring to a stud to look less obvious and she has to wear plug earrings so people don't see big old holes.

The truth is, as a professional, you must take into consideration the way you present yourself. What if wrinkled scrubs came into fashion? Would you wear them? Because that would look unprofessional too.

I consider myself a rebel . . . . .I only have one small hole in each ear and I haven't followed the crowd. ;););)

Actually, at the rural hospital where I worked, there were many people with multiple piercings - mostly CNA's - but still, they were hired.

I add my good luck wishes for your test:balloons:


Specializes in critical care.

I'm not a nurse yet, but I have 00g earrings and I need to wear plugs in them (as opposed to tunnels) when I'm in the hospital. I wear double flared plugs (without o-rings) made out of a pretty stone material and nobody notices. However, there are certain nursing schools in the area where the dress code allows only one STUD earring per ear, so that could cause a problem.

Granted, I am in GA so the atmosphere here is probably much different.

Personally, even if I was allowed to wear tunnels, I would choose not to. I like to expose people to new things, but its probably not the best idea to be shocking sick patients because their nurse has gaping holes in his/her ears!

I remember the first time my boyfriend's mom realized that she could see through my earrings. She didn't speak a word for about 10 minutes after that, and I'm willing to bet that she had a sick feeling in her stomach! And this was someone who had known me for quite a while, so her impressions of me were already made. I would hate to have a patient react like that and then judge me on that basis alone. It would make both of us unnecessarily uncomfortable!

wheww...thnx for not discriminating the looks :) coz i know its a free country right :D oh btw what facility are you in mam? :) i better stop the growing of my tunnel on gauge 4 so it wont look that creepy thou... thnx for letting me know!

Personally I don't care what you look like as long as you're a good nurse, but I think you'd find it difficult to land a job at my facility. They're just now allowing eyebrow and nostril piercings, and require tattoos to be covered. I don't think they're ready for the tunnel earrings quite least, not on clinical staff.

im currently workin now @ L.A. home health :) gladly i got a job but i was thinkin to apply on hospital if i passed :( thnx for the good luck thing ;)

You may have to work a little harder to find a job, but not all managers would turn you away. I don't mind tattoos as long as they're tasteful and in moderation, but I have to be honest, I hate the tunnel look in ears. That's just my opinion, I have been known to be an old fogey when it comes to modern ideas. Good luck with your NCLEX result!

thnx for the tip jls :) actually im really workin in L.A. as a Q.A. (quality assurance) i do plan of care for homebound patients and hopefully if i passed :( they'll send me out for eval :)

You will probably find work somewhere in L.A., since you say you work there. They tolerate much more flamboyant type appearances there I'm sure. It wouldn't be a big plus in other locales where the clientele is more conservative.
Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I stopped wearing earrings once I started nursing school because they drilled in our ears that they were not professional and can be carriers of infection. Now that school is over, I would not mind putting them back on, but I just got used to not wearing them.

I think that stud earrings are fine, but, to wear large, tacky ones will dampen the image of caretakers.

@ mom2michael, puresass, stevielynn, ktliz

thnx for all ur tips guyz and for sure i'll use plugs for me not to aggravate patients conditions :) oh btw it was a fun read... thanx also for the wishes :)

and you know actually i have a 10 year old daughter and she is horrified w/ my ears lol ii dont want that to happen to clients too specially @ a hospital setting :) how bout hair?specially for males do they required like a clean thing like for army :) tia agen..

mine is not that large its on 4g only (size of a pen) as i read along with u guyz i dedcided to stop it on that gauge :D

I stopped wearing earrings once I started nursing school because they drilled in our ears that they were not professional and can be carriers of infection. Now that school is over, I would not mind putting them back on, but I just got used to not wearing them.

I think that stud earrings are fine, but, to wear large, tacky ones will dampen the image of caretakers.

Specializes in Gyn Onc, OB, L&D, HH/Hospice/Palliative.
have any of u guyz seen/met a nurse with huge big hole on both ears (tunnel)

coz i was just wonderin... :p hopefully if i passed NCLEX (still w8ting for result) :( i'll be the nurse with a tunnel earrings (huge hole gauge 4) and tattos as well with shaggy emo hair hehehe

weird nurse ha.. :p hopefully ill pass (fingers crossed)

What, no forked tongue?? ;)

:D nahh.... id rather make my body as a living canvass rather than a fork tongue :p

What, no forked tongue?? ;)
Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.
@ mom2michael, puresass, stevielynn, ktliz

thnx for all ur tips guyz and for sure i'll use plugs for me not to aggravate patients conditions :) oh btw it was a fun read... thanx also for the wishes :)

and you know actually i have a 10 year old daughter and she is horrified w/ my ears lol ii dont want that to happen to clients too specially @ a hospital setting :) how bout hair?specially for males do they required like a clean thing like for army :) tia agen..

Maybe your daughter is telling you something you need to hear? Children generally prefer that their parents aren't too outlandish in their appearance, I've discovered in many years of parenting. They especially dislike their parents adopting styles of younger trendsetters that are conspicuously out of the mainstream. Examples of this might be outrageous appearing tatoos, unusual piercings, odd hair colors.

I'll never forget when I was a teenager how embarrassed I was with my swinger Dad who was going through a very prolonged midlife crisis and attempting to mimic the younger generation in dress and lifestyle. Just food for thought...

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

Another example I can think of is a friend of mine who is an old feminist who refuses to shave her legs. Now, I'm a confirmed earth mother who has never worn make up and I dress very simply. But, my daughters have confided in my that they are extremely grateful that I don't have hairy legs like my friend does. I'm not saying that we have an obligation to shield our teenagers and pre-teens from our embarrassing them, since it's an impossible task. My point is that our kids like us to be somewhat conservative and conventional. Also, your unusual earrings will make other parents suspicious that you are into drugs or worse. They might not want your child to associate with theirs. Your daughter is probably aware of that.

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