Doctor notes


Here's my question... Do you often call a medical provider to get background details on a medical note they have written to the school or to ask for more information? I understand that there's USDA and rules but it's a MD note. Doesn't that count for something? I feel like I am questioning someone higher than me and feel that is not right. I may be the only one who feels this.

Specializes in School Nurse, Pediatrics, Surgical.

Can you give more information? It really would depend on the situation, so yes I would call.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

I do. I call sometimes, and they give me the info I need, especially about a Doctor's note I got. I don't think it's questioning their decision, but more to ask what is going on and why, because my superior are wanting to know why this specific orders.

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

I rarely call.

I have never called a doctor's office - I call the parent and tell them the issue and they can correct/clarify it if needed with the doctors office.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

Yes if:

The request seems odd or out of line;

It's more than what we could do during the school day;

The parent or student says something different;

It's a medication being used off label or in a dose that concerns me.

Specializes in School.

I have called before. Most of the time, the nurse will take a note and call me back. I have also called the parent and asked them to make the call. And with that most times it's a long shot of getting clarification. However, I do have awesome parent who get me what I need.

One time I called a Dr just to make sure she wanted a kid to stay out of school for a month for a non-existing knee issue (test had been run and nothing evident). She had written on the orders for LD to stay home until cleared by PCP. I wanted to make sure she understood how long he would be missing in school. She let me know real quick she did understand and she meant what she wrote. I did let her know we would allow LD to use the elevator and other accommodations, but she would not budge. So, LD who was always looking for ways to go home (good, bad, or medical) got to be out of school for a month.

Specializes in NCSN.

Like the others it depends on the situation. We need to receive written permission from the parents before contacting their child's doctor.

It's pretty much notes written with very clear instructions.. either keep the child inside for Temps below freezing and avoid a certain food for this length of time. There's no confusion.its just feeling like the doctor note should cover and he shouldn't have to explain to me why he did that, especially when I do call and get exactly what the note says. Sorry it's just being uncomfortable and frustrating.

For a clear doctor's note, I do not call. Unless it's something we're unable to do and usually I call the parents first and explain and see if they can handle it. If they can't then I step in to help, but it's been rare. The only time I called was when a kid with live lice and nits came back the next day with a note from the doctor stating there were no live lice and nits. I could see nits without even checking his hair and could see lice moving (he had blonde short poofy hair, easy to see scalp). Even then it didn't help.

Thank you all!!!

I've called. Just like I would call for an order that I questioned when I worked in subacute care.

If too busy to call, I've also just circled the note/order and faxed it over with a note that says "Please clarify"

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