Published May 2, 2016
316 Posts
Once in awhile this ER doc calls the nurses monkeys. Being as I'm new, I haven't heard it for my self yet. The subject just came up when I was telling another nurse that this doc had just explained to another doc on behalf of our new ER Physician Assistant that 'PA school is like nursing school, but for smarter people.'
How would you interact with someone who has such an apparent disdain for nurses and other health care personnel?
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Use 'I' statements...
"I am feeling threatened whenever you resort to name-calling..."
"I feel a hostile environment is promoted when you refer to nurses as monkeys..."
"I feel you are behaving in an uncivil manner when you hurl insults. Please stop."
642 Posts
The old me would have some smart, snarky response to this.
The more insightful, improved me thinks the best course of action to this is to simply ignore it and move on. When the phrase 'monkey' comes up or any other such derogatory term, you can address it with a simple "I don't appreciate when you make statements such as those, and if we could re-focus the conversation to the patient, I feel it would be in our best interest." The more attention you give to those with a "disdain for nurses," the more justified they feel in their name-calling and/or assumptions.
The best revelation I've come to is that I do not need to militantly defend my profession to physicians and/or other LIP. My work should and does speak for itself. I'm there for the patient and not for the approval or justification of other disciplines. I know deep in my core that nursing is an essential part of patient care and I do not need physicians to acknowledge that for it to be valid.
Small minds talk about people. Great minds talk about ideas.
I am a bit surprised my new coworkers didnt demand more respect. Calling mysef, another nurse, a tech, or an emt a "monkey" --- and I wont shrug it off. I wont use "I feel..." statements for such batant disrespect either. No offense to your comment. Acting calm and rational is something I do out of respect for myself. Someone who disrespects nurses dosent get my kindest words, though. I stick up for my own kind.
20,964 Posts
Knowing my twisted/bizarre sense of humor I might just have started jumping around and scratching my pits, making eee eee eee sounds. Yea. That is how I would have handled it, so as to use absurdity to highlight the absurd.
A younger me would rise up in anger. The older, more calm me would make fun of such a comment and make him look silly by BEING SILLY.
Don't let stupid things like this get you down.
Knowing my twisted/bizarre sense of humor I might just have started jumping around and scratching my pits, making eee eee eee sounds. Yea. That is how I would have handled it, so as to use absurdity to highlight the absurd.A younger me would rise up in anger. The older, more calm me would make fun of such a comment and make him look silly by BEING SILLY.Don't let stupid things like this get you down.
It's hard to not let it get me down when so many patients' families condescend us... some of the actual patients are non-working entitled PIAs who OD on drugs, cigs, or food who are also condescending and demanding and the docs have some nerve talking to us this way. What do they think of the patients they treat?!.... feels like everyone thumbs their nose at nurses.
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,587 Posts
I would tell this doctor that he needed to provide medications and care to the patient since I am a monkey.
ArtClassRN, ADN, RN
630 Posts
Use 'I' statements..."I am feeling threatened whenever you resort to name-calling...""I feel a hostile environment is promoted when you refer to nurses as monkeys...""I feel you are behaving in an uncivil manner when you hurl insults. Please stop."
Or "You" statements. "You better knock that crap off in a big hurry."
Nonyvole, BSN, RN
419 Posts
I'd twist around, look confused, and say that I can't be a monkey since I don't have a tail.
And then I'd tell him to stop being so crass.
94 Posts
Call HR and follow it up by a written complaint. You want it on file for your protection. Such language is unacceptable under any circumstances. Do not reply to him , do not entertain him, do not add a comment. Just walk away and do the above.
EVERYONE does not thumb their noses at nurses. Been in the business 19 years and found that to be untrue.
OP,perhaps it's a problem where you work, but not where I do. But then I changed jobs and it got better for me.
Changing your situation is really up to you. You received some solid suggestions.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
How about "I think you are a sphincter"?