Do you have to take ATI exams?


Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

OUr first ATI test is comming up next month. We have them through out the program. Even if you pass the class, but can not pass an ATI exam you are out of the program. Does any one else have to take these? If so how hard are they? Study tips? Anything??


We have to take them. They are VERY hard! We have taken 3 so far & they highest grade I have heard of was 85% for the first 2 med-surge, and 1 person that got in the 90's on the psych (she had an extensive psych background before entering the program).

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.
We have to take them. They are VERY hard! We have taken 3 so far & they highest grade I have heard of was 85% for the first 2 med-surge, and 1 person that got in the 90's on the psych (she had an extensive psych background before entering the program).

Me------>:uhoh3: :scrying: :barf01: :barf01:

You must obtain a score at or above the 70th percentile national average in order to obtain the 25 points. Any score at or above this designation will receive the full 25 points. Zero points will be awarded for a score below the 70th percentile national average.

Do you know what the 70th % is?

That is exactly how we feel after we take them :)

Me------>:uhoh3: :scrying: :barf01: :barf01:

Do you know what the 70th % is?

I'm not sure exactly, because it depends on each test. If you PM me, I will discuss in more detail.

Specializes in Urgent Care.

If you scored 85% you probably ranked 99% for all students. That is really good! The grading scale is different for ATI because it is a nationwide exam and you are more than likely not taught everything you are tested on. You need to see how you are ranked amongst other ADN/BSN students to see how you really stand. We take them also, but it is not part of our grade.

Specializes in Pediatrics, High-Risk L&D, Antepartum, L.
If you scored 85% you probably ranked 99% for all students. That is really good! The grading scale is different for ATI because it is a nationwide exam and you are more than likely not taught everything you are tested on. You need to see how you are ranked amongst other ADN/BSN students to see how you really stand. We take them also, but it is not part of our grade.

We take them and we also must achieve a certain level or we can be failed. I took a practice one and was slightly annoyed to find out that there were several questions about things that we did not cover and I know we will not cover before the end of this semester.

Wow.....I feel sorry for you guys. In my program we use ATI exams, but only as practice for the NCLEX.

Specializes in Family.

We had to take them in school. You had to pass (they considered exceeding the national average as passing) to pass the individual class. As hard as they were, the last graduating class had a 100% pass rate on NCLEX for both PN and ADN students. I'm proud to be part of that group.

We have to score in the 60th percentile to pass; we get three chances, then have to take the class over again, though that hasn't happened yet in any class since ATIs started three years ago. Some of them ARE pretty hard; some of them are easy.

There will always be things on the ATI that you didn't study in class, because you simply don't study everything in class--remember that that holds true for the NCLEX too! You WILL get questions about things you haven't learned! So it's good practice. (Whether it's fair to base part of your class grade on things you haven't studied is another question.)

My school hit on the 60% because according to ATI, that's the percentile you need to be fairly sure of passing the NCLEX. If your school is requiring something more than that, I'd encourage them to talk to ATI about it.

Our NCLEX pass rates have gone up since starting the ATI, too. Good luck! Take the practice tests! Watch the DVDs!

Yes, we have to take them. We have to pass by the 70th percentile.

I'll be the odd man out though...I have thought every single one I have taken so far ( fundamentals, med/surg, psych, and OB) were easy. I scored in the 99th percentile.

So....good luck!

Specializes in NP / USAFR Flight Nurse.

We have to take them...You have to pass, but if you pass the first time, you get a 100% towards your grade. If you fail, you can take it again in 7 days and passing will give you a 75% towards your grade. If you dont pass the second time, you are out of the program.

I have only taken the nutrition one and practice FON. (Im in an LPN program) Passed on the first time :)

I like them though, the are a lot like the NCLEX and help my grade.

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