Published Jul 26, 2005
83 Posts
Have you ever felt left out because your family members or people in your social circleare are NOT nurses or do not work in health profession? ...sometimes I came home and feel blank... I do have friends... but I just can't relate to them coz they have no idea what nurses do and the level of stress and excitement we have at work... They can't help me with the anxiety about going to work the next day.
I used to talk to my mom who is a nurse but all she give me are negative comments about nursing and discouragement... so I moved out.. unfortunately, to a place where none of them works in healthcare...
I wish I had a roommate who is a nurse. I really think that the opportunity to express feeling about work after coming home everyday is theurapeutic for us in first year in nursing.... that will decrease our stress while trying to build our confidence and skills as a new grad.... I just wonders whether anyone has the same feeling I have. At least, I have
185 Posts
I know where you are coming from.... I'm usually jabbering along about something "nursey" from school or clinicals when I realize my hubby has not heard a word of it, and I just shut up. I just come here and read and post at times like that.
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Have you ever felt left out because your family members or people in your social circleare are NOT nurses or do not work in health profession? ...sometimes I came home and feel blank... I do have friends... but I just can't relate to them coz they have no idea what nurses do and the level of stress and excitement we have at work... They can't help me with the anxiety about going to work the next day.I used to talk to my mom who is a nurse but all she give me are negative comments about nursing and discouragement... so I moved out.. unfortunately, to a place where none of them works in healthcare... I wish I had a roommate who is a nurse. I really think that the opportunity to express feeling about work after coming home everyday is theurapeutic for us in first year in nursing.... that will decrease our stress while trying to build our confidence and skills as a new grad.... I just wonders whether anyone has the same feeling I have. At least, I have
Yes, many times. I, too, am so thankful for this site. It makes me feel close to people like myself.
My dh is a dear, but, he looks at me like I am crazy sometimes, too. I don't feel so closed out as I did and finding this site has renewed my desire to share experiences with others like me.
Good thread, and feel free to let us lend a shoulder and an ear. We are always here.
278 Posts
I know what you mean-you hit the nail on the head-I ofetn feel "blank" when someone at home asks how was my day-how do you explain it? you have so much back-explaining to do; plus it is often hard to explain the good stuff, because alot of nursing, when described, sounds gross or negative or just plan hard. You can post here for input and hugs!
4,177 Posts
i never ever talk about work at home except to my dtr who is a nurse and that is seldom
i feel sometimes that the only way i can accept the problems of work is to leave them at work
helpinghands, BSN, RN
131 Posts
Wow, I feel pretty lucky. I made 4 wonderful friends in school and we chat all the time about the woes of orientation, precepting, and just basic culture shock. We also share all the new "tricks of the trade we are learning" which has been very helpful to all of us. I too love this site! I have learned so much here, and really think it has helped me alot the last few years! You never alone in your situation here and so much great advice!
985 Posts
some days I feel so lonely too. most times my dh will offer wit such as "I'd tie that sob up to his bed and leave him in his room, see how much he complains then (he is being completely serious!) , so I have gotten to where I won't even come home and talk about my worklife, at which point he says I must be hiding something if I won't talk about work. I can't win!!!!
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
Yes thank goodness, my hubby who is also an RN.
72 Posts
Yep, hubby had a talk with me the other night because he's concerned about my anxiety level! (I'm about to start my 3rd week with my preceptor on a VERY busy general medical floor). I tried to explain to him how many new nurses, on this website and even those on my floor, have said that they cry when they get home from work and cry in the morning before work because of all the stress! People in the business world can't relate to the stress of being a nurse, ESPECIALLY a brand-new nurse, you know? Hubby tries, and he's supportive, but non-nurses just don't understand how stressful it is to try to learn everything about being a nurse, plus being concerned about not killing our patients on top of it all! My "therapy" has been talking with my classmates about their new jobs and realizing that I'm not the only one who's about to go out of her mind from nerves!
it is often hard to explain the good stuff, because alot of nursing, when described, sounds gross or negative or just plan hard. You can post here for input and hugs!
That's funny. I can really relate to that.... I really have to be careful not to mention about body fluid (poops, urine, vomit, and wounds) when talking to non-nursing friend... I can't complain about patient, workload, or family member either..otherwise, they will see me as a non-caring nurse...
463 Posts
I can talk to my husband - he is a vet, so understands the stress of school, doesn't mind the "gross" stuff (according to the kids, there is way too much of it at the dinner table) so there is a certain level of support.
I find my classmates at school great support, also a few experienced RN's that are friends/mentors - they are great at listening and offer me a good sense that I am on the right track in learning, feeling, adjusting, etc. They are great!
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
I talk to my hubby, but he has no idea whats going on, lol. I try. I also do talk to my best friend who is starting nursing school next month.
I like to talk about what goes on at work, it's a nice release. I also do like hubbyt o know what I do at work, b/c he really probably has no earthly idea what I do all day at work besides give medicines.