Do you "tell" Facebook where you work?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Do you "tell" FB where you work?

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      I don't have a FB

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Of the nurses I know, some have their place of employment on their FB page and some do not.

I am just curious to see if you post your place of employment on your FB page and your reasoning behind your decision.

I'll start:

As a new grad, on the hunt for a job, I was originally thinking that the minute I finally become employed I am going to shout it to the world (meaning put it on FB). But then I got to this really a good idea?

I have previously worked in healthcare (non-nursing) and even then I was hesitant about posting my place of employment on FB. I mean I did, but, this time feels different. I do not plan to post my future places of employment on FB.

I previously did not realize that anyone can find you (including patients) just by typing in your place of employment!

I have seen (I believe here on AN--maybe not--not sure) a story where a patient's family member/friend has attempted to friend the nurse on FB hoping to gain information about a patient.

Just seems a little risky IMO...

But I'm curious to hear others opinions and reasoning!

Facebook=personal me

Linked In=professional me

It all depends on how you plan to achieve balance in your life. To each their own. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and rewarding career.

under my white cape/ blue paper pad is the true super hero :)

Specializes in ICU.

FB has me in a nearby city in the state next door. It's within 100 miles ... close enough. Same for this website. Place of work. NOT! I have also heard that the major healthcare company around here has people searching FB and such for posts related to them. Be careful out there!

Totally agree. Anyone who works for an entity which has a badge stamped "Property of US Government," knows the policies and procedures in place which govern "one's use of social media." Use caution nurse friends :)

As someone who owns a Massage Therapy business (I'm also a nursing student going into my 2nd and last year) and has a business facebook page, people who "like" my page I only see what they post if they directly respond to something my business posted or tag my business in a post. Just because you like a page does not mean they see your personal posts. Just clarifying this if thats what you were referring to.

As someone who owns a Massage Therapy business (I'm also a nursing student going into my 2nd and last year) and has a business facebook page, people who "like" my page I only see what they post if they directly respond to something my business posted or tag my business in a post. Just because you like a page does not mean they see your personal posts. Just clarifying this if thats what you were referring to.

You see everything they post or just what they posted to your business page?

Never ever post your place of employment. Plus do not post about work. Mainly because there are some companies that have a continuous search engine looking for postings with their name in it. Or looking for what you post. I have heard of three nurses in the last three months be terminated or reprimanded due to a Facebook post.

Just what they post to my business page.

Just what they post to my business page.

Thank you.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

I have no problem with my place of employment being on Facebook. But then I never post anything work related, or even anything that can be viewed as really inappropriate so no worries. I do see some co- workers post really nasty things about work and pictures of themselves using illegal substances or even just posting drunk and half naked pictures. Since they are still employed I guess at least where I work employees social networking sites aren't monitored.

I never post to any social media websites anything related to my employment and the place of work. My FB account is locked for privacy. You never know who is looking at your profile.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Just be careful what you post. My hospital has a whole freaking team that does nothing but search the internet for tags acknowledging the hospital. Recently a group of girls got written up for posting selfies from work (mind you, NO pt information could be seen in the picture) :lol2:

Do you know what the "offense" was that required a professional admonishment?

Facebook=personal me

Linked In=professional me

It all depends on how you plan to achieve balance in your life. To each their own. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and rewarding career.

under my white cape/ blue paper pad is the true super hero :)

Agreed. Thank you for your kind comment!

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