Do Nurses Have to Make Their Home Addresses Public?


I am uncomfortable with that. Do we have options?

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

Ok, in SC anyone can look up your name and license # along with any actions against you because it is public record. But in SC they do not show your address or any other info.. Just name, license # and if you are in good standing or not..

Specializes in I like everything except ER.

I used to be listed in the NYC phone book. One day we had a terrible snowstorm that almost shut down the city. I recieved a phone call from one of the mental patients. "Hi, I know your there and alone and the police cars can't get to help you . I'm coming over I will walk forty blocks to come and see you" I told him I was there with my boyfriend who was home on military leave. He never called back. I will never let the public know my address if I can help it.

Specializes in Med.Surg/ Psychiatry.
You can, but as far as I know, no state board websites will provide your home address. Your state BON has that info, but they don't provide it to the public.

Georgia State Board of Nursing provides someone's name, license number, date of license and Home address online, as long as you have the person's name, it is a public record.

Specializes in Peds Hem, Onc, Med/Surg.
I'm in Florida and on the Department of Health website there is an area where citizens/consumers can verify a licensed provider. It displays everything - when the license was issued, when it expires, any discipline on file...and address of record. If the address of record for the provider happens to be a home address, then the public has fairly easy access to that information. I'm not saying nurses in Florida[i'] have [/i] to give their home address, but if one is applying for initial licensure and is not employed, there's not much of a choice as to what address to provide.

I'm from Florida as well and when I renewed I put the hospitals' address. Before that ANYONE could have known where I lived O_O

They don't post our addresses in the state I live and work. If you are in a state that does I would change your home address to your work address.

My state doesn't post addresses.

However, if you are a home owner, your address is public record through your county appraisal district.

If you are in a state where the address is posted on the BON, could you change to a p.o. box?

According to the latest Texas BON Newsletter, there is information in the back contact numbers for Mailing list sales. Hmmm.

I personally had my name and number taken out of the phone book. I live in a different city then I work in. It still is possible for someone to find your info online. I try to make it as difficult as possible by not being listed.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

if you have a phone, you can be found through the reverse listing site too

Why does the BON feel the need to post these things (such as date active, disciplinary action, ect). In my state, it's posted, too. Even birthdate!

The public has a right to know per statute.

Do they do this for MDs? Why are birthdays important?

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