Do you notice trends with your student visits?

Specialties School


I do! And they come in 3s, too.

Today is a rash day. Three rashes so far, but I have a few hours left in my day still.

This week has been a reptile bite week?!? We have a biology teacher who lets his student handle the reptiles he keeps in his class. It's always good fun when you call home to tell mom that Susie got bit by a snake on the back of the neck in biology class. :facepalm: I've had 2 this week (one snake bite and one lizard-ish bite).

At the beginning of April I had cardiology week. One student with a dx of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (no incidents at school thank GOODNESS!!) and 2 students on cardiac monitors at school.

Do you notice these trends/themes as well?

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

I had "broke my pencil lead off in my leg week" once.

One time I had a few little puddings I couldn't get rid of at home so I threw them in my snack basket at work. Boy, was that a mistake. Once word got out that there was pudding in the clinic I had "I think I need a pudding day" that lasted forever. I still get the random kid that comes in hungry and asks for pudding. And I'm like, "dude, we haven't had pudding in here since March!"

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

AND the first 3 weeks of school have been, "I just don't feel right" theme. They just can't put a finger on it, though. No stomach pain, no headache, no fever, no specific pain or problem. THEY JUST DON'T FEEL RIGHT!!

AND the first 3 weeks of school have been, "I just don't feel right" theme. They just can't put a finger on it, though. No stomach pain, no headache, no fever, no specific pain or problem. THEY JUST DON'T FEEL RIGHT!!

When a patient says that to me in the hospital I get the crash cart.

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

Yes, it's amazing how that statement from a student vs a patient makes such a difference!

Specializes in School nursing.
When a patient says that to me in the hospital I get the crash cart.

Yet in the school I wonder what class that student does not want to be in now...:whistling:

This week is "I feel like I am going to throw up." Which, given it is 90+ degrees and my school is not air conditioned, is actually likely a true statement that I can't do much about.

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.
This week is "I feel like I am going to throw up." Which, given it is 90+ degrees and my school is not air conditioned, is actually likely a true statement that I can't do much about.

Same weather here, same complaints, too.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70s- hallelujah!!!!

Specializes in Hospital medicine; NP precepting; staff education.

Not air-conditioned? Egads.

I'm spoiled, I guess, but I live in the southeast. It would be really rotten without air conditioning. How on Earth did humans exist without it?

Question: do school nurses now provide a variety or selection of feminine products? Because when I started at school for the first time ever, all they had were the huge bulky pads. No tampons.

I had "broke my pencil lead off in my leg week" once.

....and then the student desperately asks if he/she is going to get lead poisoning now....

AND the first 3 weeks of school have been, "I just don't feel right" theme. They just can't put a finger on it, though. No stomach pain, no headache, no fever, no specific pain or problem. THEY JUST DON'T FEEL RIGHT!!

I chart "general malaise" and give a few minutes rest with the reassurance that sometimes we "just don't feel 100%". BACK TO CLASS!

How on Earth did humans exist without it?

RIght??? I love the 21st century.

Today is "I just got new contact lenses and I cannot get them in for the life of me" day.

You KNOW I stuck the contacts in those kids' eyes. Or tried. The boy kept blinking and gave up.

It is also period day. My cots are full.

Two teeth!!! TWO!



Blood moon eclipse?

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