Published Jul 25, 2012
147 Posts
I was reading a few posts on here and I saw a few people say that they bought a good stethoscope (a littmann for example) and used that for learning, clinicals basically ... that was their main stethoscope.
But then they also bought a cheaper stethoscope (like a prestige stethoscope/ BP cuff combo package for 30-40$) and they used that BP cuff for practice/ lab and then kept that stethoscope in their car so they always had a back up stethoscope in case they forgot their "good" stethoscope at home on a day of lab/clinical.
Did any of you guys do that?
Do you think its worth doing that?
299 Posts
Uh no, no need for 2 unless you are just tragically unorganized and lose things often. This seems like a silly waste of money, there is nothing wrong with a good littmann and I highly recommend it but don't get a crappy one unless you're strapped for money. I know people say that the crappy one's are fine while in school because you don't know what you are listening for but to me that statement makes no sense. Yes you don't know what you are listening for but over a 2-4 year time period I would hope that you could tell the difference between good clear lungs sounds and adventitious lung sounds, you need a good stethoscope so that you can LEARN the difference between the sounds. You can get a good lightweight Littmann for around 50 bucks and it's well worth the investment!
prettymica, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN, APRN, NP
814 Posts
I had only one a littmann for LPN school. Now in my LPN-RN bridge program, I had to buy another one yes cheaper( $10-12 bucks) for my peds rotation because of the changable diaphragm and bells
90 Posts
thats funny you asked this because i just bought a second one for a CNA class that was $12 at allheart. I originally bought a nice littmann for nursing school but figured it might be a bit much to bring for a CNA course.
so add me to the "more than 1" category
58 Posts
I was reading a few posts on here and I saw a few people say that they bought a good stethoscope (a littmann for example) and used that for learning, clinicals basically ... that was their main stethoscope. But then they also bought a cheaper stethoscope (like a prestige stethoscope/ BP cuff combo package for 30-40$) and they used that BP cuff for practice/ lab and then kept that stethoscope in their car so they always had a back up stethoscope in case they forgot their "good" stethoscope at home on a day of lab/clinical.Did any of you guys do that?Do you think its worth doing that?
I have 2 stethoscopes.....1 is a cheaper version similar to a Littmann that I keep at home (along with a BP cuff) in case I need it for my folks who are older. Also, I have volunteered at various healthcare fairs and the like and this way I don't have to take my Littmann (that I use in the hospital) out of my locker at work and possibly forget it or lose it! It's bad enough when you lend it to a doc then have to chase them down the hallway to get it back :)!
Never hurts to have 2......
Double-Helix, BSN, RN
3,377 Posts
I left my good stethoscope in the car- and still do. That way I always had it for clinicals, lab, class, etc.
I didn't see any reason to keep my stethoscope in the house. That was just asking for it to be left behind.
ETA: If you forget your stethoscope at clinical, grab one of those disposable isolation stethoscopes. If you forget it for lab, borrow a friend's.
1,917 Posts
No, I don't see a need for 2. I used my Littmann in clinical and yes, I left it in the car between uses.
Also, why would a Littmann be a too much for CNA class?
7 Posts
I am starting Nursing school in the fall and all of the Professors informed us to purchase a cheap one for school. I bought the Prestige Combo and if it doesn't cut it then I will invest in a more expensive one.
112 Posts
No need for an expensive Littmann or two stethoscopes unless you really want to spend the money on them. I bring my Prestige stethoscope in the house. It is part of my uniform, so I hang it with my clinical top the night before when I lay out my clothes, prepare my lunch bag and any book/folders I need to bring with me.
Our school is just the opposite. They recommended we get a good one: Littmann or a something of similar quality. Everyone in my class had a Littmann, a couple people had an MDF. One person had a Prestige from the bookstore.
5 Posts
I always have 2 stethoscopes for use. the "expensive" ones might not be "all they're cracked up to be" because I've learned it's not how much money you put into the scope that matters, it's how well you can HEAR or LISTEN that matters.
Having said that, I had a "el cheapo" sprauge dual tube scope (20 bucks) that was the worst one I've ever used, but carry 2 ten - dollar single tube ones now , and can hear best with those, even outdoing the littman's I've borrowed.
It boils down to a matter of affordability, practice, and knowing your own preferences.
In the hospital, there are supposed to be disposable scopes available for the Isolation Carts so in a pinch, I'd rob that if I had to.
I started out as a Medic, worked as Patient Care Tech in over 3 hospitals, and can say this. A Nurse may or may NOT have her scope with her, and may only have one, but ask ANY Nurse, and they'll tell you the GOOD nurses are the ones who ALWAYS have a good scope with them. You never know when you're going to need it.
My scope is multi purpose. It carries tape, a tourniquet, and is a good scope, and helps to identify me from the professional that I am from the "daily housekeepers." I won't ever be found without a GOOD one, especially as a Student Nurse..
6,011 Posts
An entirely different point of view: Littmans et al can disappear when a sticky fingered person (doctor implied) asks to "borrow" yours. Never, never, never lend an expensive one without getting something like a wallet, shoe, watch as a deposit. If someone tries to take yours-refuse. That is why I kept a rotton old $6 faded red one tube one in my other pocket visible while my littman was hidden in the other pocket.