Do I have the intelligent capability of becoming a nurse?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I must study at least 26 hours a week just for anatomy and physiology 1. That book NEVER leaves my side. I read, re-read, watch you tube videos, write down online lectures, and I just don't understand it. What I do understand, I forget when I review. I've made one 68 and the rest low C's. I've been in and out of college for about three years; I have never struggled with a course as much as I have this. I'm also taking three other courses in which my grades are gradually decreases, I spend most of my time on A&P, and I start Phlebotomy classes at night so I can work in health care while working towards becoming a nurse. In the summer, I'm starting CNA also because I hear it's very challenging to find a job as a phlebotomist as a back-up plan. I'm starting too feel like I am not smart enough to be a nurse. I put so much into this class and so many students are failing and dropping. My instructor expects us to learn on our own and doesn't teach: he's a 83 year old man. I also didn't graduate high school which plays a role in my weak educational background in science, and I guess I should add I use to be a heavy drug user meth, cocaine, weed, ecstasy for most of my teenage years which greatly affects my cognitive skills. Please give me any advice. I've become obsessed and need some answers.

NOTE: My teacher has given us a just a week to study for 5 chapters, 132 pages of material. It's towards the end of the semester and were moving quite fast.

stay positive and focus, I wish I had the confidence I have now in my past I would have finished nursing school much sooner.

Well, you did right to leave them. Nobody has time for unproductive study sessions. Find one study partner and give it a shot, if you can. When I had the time, I drew the appendicular bones and labeled the parts (and wrote down little facts). To me, appendicular is easier to learn. Axial took a little more time because we had to know so many facts about each part. I really used the models from my lab to help me study. How's your lab?

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

Do not blame the instructor. You will work for bosses you do not like. You will work with people you do not like. You have to learn to survive. So your instructor expects you to do something. DO IT. I had instructors I didn't like, but it doesn't matter. You just have to do it.

I never said I didn't like my instructor personally. He is an older man who is retiring at the end of this year. And bosses. I was a store manager before starting college again this semester so I know a little bit about being a boss and taking orders.

Hang in there! Your instructor could be a blessing in disguise. If you learn now to be resourceful and teach yourself, nursing school will be much easier to adapt to. Much of nursing school is teaching yourself things you don't understand, that are quickly or not at all covered in class but you are expected to know. You will be ahead of the game. I had a similar instructor in my AP1 class. Over half the class failed out. Sometimes I wonder if that was a way to weed out people who wouldn't be able to make it later. You are lucky to get an outline. If your teacher is trustworthy, use it as your guide.

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.

Lol, wait until nursing school where you have a week to go over 25 chapters.

Seriously, though, it's not the material you have to cover. It's how you cover it. Like everyone above said, you need to maybe refocus on what your learning style is -- maybe the book just doesn't have it.

As for your prof, if other students are having problems, why not complain to the department? I had a tough instructor but he was fair and that's more likely what everyone needs and, at 83, maybe he should mosey on down that dusty road....*edit* it appears indeed he is moving on so maybe you can audit the class or just start over.

Also, is it possible to take these classes somewhere else? Changing out professors may take longer than you have left for the remainder of the course you're in so just cut your loses and start over somewhere new.

Since you state you're having cognitive difficulties, have you considered getting tested for what these issues are? Your school should have resources that can direct you down the right path to finding means of overcoming your unique obstacles.

Good luck! I can tell you want this but you just need to find a way to prove to yourself that you CAN do it!

Specializes in hospice.

Did everyone just sort of miss his comment about heavy drug use in his past? OP, have you been to a doctor to look into the possbility that you do have some cognitive deficits caused by that time? While learning such a fact might seem disheartening, there may also be specialists who can help you design strategies for success based on what abilities you do have and help you learn how to compensate for the deficiencies.

Specializes in Emergency and Critical Care.

Morganward 5, I think you got it when you realized you need to study from you outline. So often students get so caught up with studying they forget to follow their outline, or objectives. As an fyi, state boards are getting very tough with the licensing, if you have anything that will show up on your background check you should make sure you speak to your state board to make sure you will not have problems getting your license or even being aloud to take the NCEX exam.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Did everyone just sort of miss his comment about heavy drug use in his past? OP, have you been to a doctor to look into the possbility that you do have some cognitive deficits caused by that time? While learning such a fact might seem disheartening, there may also be specialists who can help you design strategies for success based on what abilities you do have and help you learn how to compensate for the deficiencies.


The best step in determining whether you are adequately retaining information is to see a specialist to find out if you have some cognitive deficits; once you are in the clear or have a plan, then find out what your learning style is, as well as your test-taking style.

I also would caution using your full name and your personal pic on an anonymous site as AN; first, it's not that anonymous, and second, nursing is a small world-nurses, including deans or nursing programs and potential managers as well as members of the BON could be on here, leaving too much to the imagination can cut your career short before it even starts-admitting having a drug problem even a former one can bode issue down the road...there is one member that I can think of that is in this position right now-this member is in a monitoring program despite being clean for over ten years...look in the Recovery section of this forum and read their story-that is, after you change that pic and your user name, please.

Best Wishes.

I got my test results back for my lab practical and my lecture this morning and.... I got a 88 on my lab and a 96 on my lecture!!! Clearly, I was studying too much material and should have followed the outline from the get-go. It is such an amazing feeling because I really believed there was something wrong with my learning abilities, which to an extend I believe there is, but nothing I can't move past with taking more time out to study. I want to thank everyone for your encouragement and advice. Now that I'm "with the program" I just need to maintain it. Have a blessed day everyone!

Morgan- my first science in college was Biology and I was like you, studied non-stop and barely passed with a C! The next one I did a little better.. than I started to 'get' it. I just graduated nursing school in December. I'm 41! Keep at it, you can do this!

Sorry for the late reply, and CONGRATULATIONS! I love so much to hear people succeed and finishes nursing school. I wish you much success in your future, and thank you!

Wow i too am currently taking this class and its no joke. Most professors (depending on what degree level they have) dont know how to dumb it down for us. My professor is 71 and has a doctorate and the FIRST DAY OF CLASS he came in asking us to name every bone, and muscle in the body..OOOH H*ll no we all stood our ground and said no this wont work..and he has been much better since then. I am currently making an A by reading the book, and youtube tutorials and most of all i visit quite often and that websit is a life savior. Good Luck and keep pressing

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