Do I have the intelligent capability of becoming a nurse?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I must study at least 26 hours a week just for anatomy and physiology 1. That book NEVER leaves my side. I read, re-read, watch you tube videos, write down online lectures, and I just don't understand it. What I do understand, I forget when I review. I've made one 68 and the rest low C's. I've been in and out of college for about three years; I have never struggled with a course as much as I have this. I'm also taking three other courses in which my grades are gradually decreases, I spend most of my time on A&P, and I start Phlebotomy classes at night so I can work in health care while working towards becoming a nurse. In the summer, I'm starting CNA also because I hear it's very challenging to find a job as a phlebotomist as a back-up plan. I'm starting too feel like I am not smart enough to be a nurse. I put so much into this class and so many students are failing and dropping. My instructor expects us to learn on our own and doesn't teach: he's a 83 year old man. I also didn't graduate high school which plays a role in my weak educational background in science, and I guess I should add I use to be a heavy drug user meth, cocaine, weed, ecstasy for most of my teenage years which greatly affects my cognitive skills. Please give me any advice. I've become obsessed and need some answers.

NOTE: My teacher has given us a just a week to study for 5 chapters, 132 pages of material. It's towards the end of the semester and were moving quite fast.

Just FYI, OP is a male. :)

Male or female, same standards apply.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Male or female, same standards apply.

Not disagreeing, just giving proper gender when wouldn't want anyone calling you a she (regardless of your name being a male name)...same rules apply.

I agree with everyone when they say to try different study methods! I used to take a lot of notes in class and it wasn't until last semester that I realized I was taking TOO many notes and that if I just listened, I was way better off. That's not the case for most people, but it is for me! Do you know what style of learner you are? (ie, kinesthetic, auditory, vidual?) Knowing that can definitely help. YouTube videos helped me more than the book, as well as the Kaplan anatomy coloring book. Handling the models in class was also really helpful, as well as doing practice quizzes online, like placing/naming the bones. I don't think I even bought the book for A&P II because I never used it in A&P I!

Right now, while you are in your pre-reqs, is the time to figure out the best way you learn. I am in the first semester of the nursing program and our first test (only 4 weeks into class) was over 23 chapters that totalled more than 1,000 pages! Needless to say, the 132 pages you were assigned is more managable than 1,000. It's important to figure out what you are assigned to read versus what you should read.

I think you deffinitely have the drive to be a nurse, so as long as you keep that and keep trying to do well, it is achievable! Good luck!

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