Do hospitals normally give annual raises?


I'm a nurse in the hospital in Southern Cali. I'm curious if most hospitals usually give there employees annual raises. Are they based on years of experience? Pay increases for inflation? Are they based on performance? Please share!

It's always been based on the union contract......usually 3% per year for three years until the next contract is due.

Specializes in ICU, ER.

Wea always get cost of living (usually around 3%) plus merit (1-3%).

Specializes in Trauma/ED.

Yes we get two raises per for cost-of-living and the other our "step" raise (seniority).

Specializes in Med-Surg.

No cost of living. It's based on merit, usally 3-4% , which I perfer because it rewards the better workers. It would bother me if after busting my behind I got the same raise as a slacker just for showing up.

Specializes in ICU/CCU (PCCN); Heme/Onc/BMT.

Our hospital gives both. There are the annunal raises because of union contract. We also receive merit raises that are tied to our yearly evaluation. This works for our hospital. Without a doubt, we're one of the highests paying hospitals in the area. But because we're such a small, rural hospital, we can't find interested nurses to work on our units. So, the annual raises at least helps us keep competative. The merit raises helps those who go the extra mile or two or three to keep our hospital open. ;)

Specializes in LDRP.

we get raises tied to our evals. its very objective. if you get xxx score on your eval, you get exactly this much raise, etc. so the better score is the better raise. around the 3 percent range if you meet the standards.

so yes, its yearly. then occasionally a across the board raise if they determine the RN's need to be paid more.

like this year, when the new grad start rate went up 75cents from last years new grad start rate, they bumped everyone else up too,so new grads wouldn't be getting more than anyone else.

Specializes in Rural Health.

We are supposed to see annual COL raises as well as merit raises but I have been with the facility for 2 years and the only increase in pay I've seen is when I graduated and went from a tech to an RN.

Someone told me once the COL and merit raise usually equals less than 1% each year....

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
I'm a nurse in the hospital in Southern Cali. I'm curious if most hospitals usually give there employees annual raises. Are they based on years of experience? Pay increases for inflation? Are they based on performance? Please share!

1-7% based on performance for full-time and part-time. PRN-no raise unless they feel pressured by other hospitals in the area going up on their PRN rate.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, Emergency, SAFE.

My hospital gives raises based on Merit. that being said, the merit is determined by your peers with an peer review system. It SUCKS. If someone gets your eval. and they dont like you, there went your raise. They can write what they want, its not questioned. THe usual raise is 3%-5%. Also my hospital hasnt given a Cost Of Living Raise since 1983!!:angryfire

They say it isnt necessary. They also do a Market adjustment riase about once a year for nurses. Once every 3 years for everyone else. Needless to say, not being a nurse right now, I am not happy with this system.

Specializes in Spinal Cord injuries, Emergency+EMS.

from the right -pondian viewpoint

there's two parts to pay rises - the cost of living aspect and a 'progression/ experience/ seniority' aspect

the two should be decoupled - i.e. the cost of living rise shoudl be there anyway as part ofthe contract and then progression depeneds of performance and 'space' within the current grade / banding ( e.g. must of our pay grades have 8 -10 increments for progression - with a little overlap between grades so experienced Staff Nurses will get more than fast progressing and rapidly promoted first line management roles)

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

My hospital gives 4 types of raises.

1. Each fall, we get a cost of living raise that is usually 2-3%

2. In the spring, they do a market survey and adjust pay rates again based on what our competitors are paying. Sometimes there is a raise, sometimes not -- depends on what the survey shows. In the 10 years I have worked here, that raise has ranged from 0% to 15%.

3. Once per year (usually in conjunction with one of the other 2 raises), they make sure that everyone is getting compensated for seniority. So they increase the raise slightly to put people at the right level for their senority. (About $0.30 per hour per year)

4. Every 2 or 3 years, they increase the differentials for evenings, nights, weekends, precepting, and charge -- based on the results of the yearly market survey.

Per diem rates generally see an adjustment every 1-2 years depending on the market survey.

The system is not very transparent and sometimes it seems like "magic and voodoo." However, over time, people end up at or near a reasonable pay level compared to their colleauges and the local market.

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