Do you go to work with parabens on you?

Nurses General Nursing


What do you think of going to work with parabens on you?

Do you generally avoid parabens when you get ready to go to work in the morning, or do you apply them liberally? Do you think parabens factor into creating a "safe" environment? Some people are strongly against parabens. Where do you fall on the matter of bringing in parabens to work or spraying parabens around at work.

Specializes in BMT.
Rarely. I mean, sometimes right after payday I have a parabens in my wallet, but usually it's just a parageorge or paraalexander. I'm not against a parabens, I really like them actually. I cannot say I've ever seen a parabens sprayed...maybe in a strip-club situation or one of those fun phone booth games where they shoot the parabens in the air and people try to catch as many as they can?


Thank you, for making me smudge my makeup. I'm literally crying!

And should have been asked in the OP to show that this isn't another out there post.

No, I don't really consider it. But then, the only thing I wear to work that might contain parabens is deodorant. I don't wear makeup, perfume, or hair products.

...they are used primarily for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties...

Yeah, that original post was oddly confusing.

Personally, I'd rather take my "parabens" to work with me than bacteria and fungus.

But, that's just me. :up:

(I love the idea of a pair of Ben's on each arm though - as long as they are hot). ;)

:) I googled "parabens" . . . and noticed a whole bunch of "images" . . . here's one. I hope it isn't too big.


Parabens are preservatives, correct? Why then the assumption that they all have a fragrance like perfume does?

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

If parabens are deodorant then I strongly encourage everyone in 4th grade and up at my school to douse themselves in parabens for the good of all humanity.

What do you think of going to work with parabens on you?

Do you generally avoid parabens when you get ready to go to work in the morning, or do you apply them liberally? Do you think parabens factor into creating a "safe" environment? Some people are strongly against parabens. Where do you fall on the matter of bringing in parabens to work or spraying parabens around at work.

I think that saying parabens six times in one short paragraph is a lot LOL. I don't wear perfume at work. hairspray keeps me from looking like a sheepdog so I think I'm not giving that up!

If parabens are deodorant then I strongly encourage everyone in 4th grade and up at my school to douse themselves in parabens for the good of all humanity.

One time I had a student with me and she was going on and on and on about natural this and natural that, how we use too many drugs and too many chemicals, I did wonder how well she'd do in nursing, lol. But the point is she also said she only used natural bath products, natural shampoo she made herself and some kind of special crystal she rubbed under her armpits for a deodorant. I didn't have the hear to tell her that deodorant did nothing at all, she stunk! I wish she had used some parabens before coming to work with me.

Specializes in CVICU CCRN.
One time I had a student with me and she was going on and on and on about natural this and natural that, how we use too many drugs and too many chemicals, I did wonder how well she'd do in nursing, lol. But the point is she also said she only used natural bath products, natural shampoo she made herself and some kind of special crystal she rubbed under her armpits for a deodorant. I didn't have the hear to tell her that deodorant did nothing at all, she stunk! I wish she had used some parabens before coming to work with me.

So, there is a crystal deodorant you can buy at health food stores... Don't have to make your own necessarily.

In my experience, it makes BO worse. :bag:

I agree with the posters who spoke up regarding hot Bens. My three hottest ex BFs are all named Ben.

I tend to use more natural products because I have incredibly sensitive skin. I've never been that fanatical about parabens per se. I dabbled in natural deodorants when the big scare came out about aluminum, parabens, and breast cancer. Then I actually read the research and discovered that living my life is what causes cancer, and went right back to good ol' dove deodorant in original, which actually does what it's supposed to do.

And horseshoe is correct, products containing parabens don't have to be fragranced. They're most common in lotions, hair conditioner, etc, that would rot without them.

Specializes in kids.
Yeah, they're chemicals in cosmetics, deodorants, hairsprays. I saw some commercial advertising paraben free, and wondered if people took that into consideration when coming to work.

Nope, not for makeup anyway

What do you think of going to work with parabens on you?

Do you generally avoid parabens when you get ready to go to work in the morning, or do you apply them liberally?

OP, I'm slightly confused by your questions. I apply deodorant after I take a shower and my schampoo contains methyl- and ethylparaben.

What would be the rationale for avoiding applying/using these products? Do you imagine that they pose a risk to others? If so, how come?

Do you think parabens factor into creating a "safe" environment?

Again, not sure about what you mean. Are you thinking of work environment specifically or the environment on a larger scale (planet earth)?

Where do you fall on the matter of bringing in parabens to work or spraying parabens around at work.

The parabens that I "bring" to work are in my armpits and in my hair (likely very small/trace amounts since I rinse my hair after I schampoo). I don't consider that bringing them to work since neither my patients nor my colleagues come in close contact with my axillary region. It's not like I'm wafting a cloud of parabens around me ;)

What type of products containing parabens would I be spraying around me at work?

Not all parabens are created equal. These are the ones allowed and banned in the European Union. (I haven't researched the US).

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Consumers: Commission improves safety of cosmetics

Preservatives are important in cosmetics as they protect consumers from harmful pathogens that would otherwise invade the creams and products people use on a daily basis. Without preservatives all cosmetics would have a very short shelf life and would, in the most part, have to be stored in a fridge.

The group of chemicals known as parabens make up an important part of the preservatives which could be used in cosmetics. In addition to Propylparaben and Butylparaben, other parabens, like Methylparaben and Ethylparaben, are safe, as repeatedly confirmed by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS). They are also some of the most efficient preservatives.

Earlier this year, the Commission banned the use of five other parabens in cosmetic products - Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Phenylparaben, Benzylparaben and Pentylparaben (See Commission Regulation (EU) No 358/2014) due to the lack of data necessary for reassessment.

Products placed on the market after 30 October 2014 will have to be free from these substances.

Cosmetic products are regulated at European level through Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 to ensure consumer safety and the integrity of the internal market. Regardless of the manufacturing processes or the channels of distribution, cosmetic products placed on the EU market must be safe. The manufacturer is responsible for the safety of the products, and must ensure that they undergo an expert scientific safety assessment before they are placed on the market.

I agree with Horseshoe. Parabens are preservatives, not fragrances. The ones I've looked up are described as "odorless".

The reason some people are wary of parabens is their alleged estrogenic and antiandrogenic effects and that they might promote cancerogenesis through endocrine disruption.

From the research I've looked at I personally consider the ethyl- and methylparabens in my schampoo safe, and will continue to use it to keep my long blonde beautifully flowing tresses, clean and non-oiled :lol2:

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

Naw people would stare if I walked wearing parabens.

I picked up my car today that was worked on, and I thought I was transplanted into that Seinfeld episode. It smelled strongly of Man B.O. All I could think of was Elaine trying to get the smell out of her hair for weeks. Had to drive home with the windows down. This guy could have used some really good parabens!!!!!

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