Do employers want BSNs or does it matter?

Nurses New Nurse


Just curious...since you guys are out of school now and into the "real" nursing world...

In general, do employers seem to be more impressed with a BSN? Or does it matter? I'm sure that with the shortage it isn't an issue affecting whether or not you'll be hired...but are you finding that it makes any difference in starting salary, getting your first choice of area/department, etc.?



Depends on where you go! Some places prefer it, others prefer and ADN, others a diploma. It does matter where I am and it can be used as a consideration factored into who gets a job, but I seriously doubt anyone will find themselves unemployed with an ADN.


Like the posters say, it does not matter for floor nursing nad depends on where you want to go with nursing.

The BSN does open more doors for you. Some facilities offer a minimal pay dif (I have seen a dollar dif) with a BSN. With board certfication of some specialties you must have the BSN although you can certify.

I am proud to say I have my BSN.


For general staff nurses, I think all most employers want right now is a valid license and a pulse. :chuckle

Shay says it best.

Most hospitals in my area hire ADN's for EVERY specialty. Members of my graduating class went to ICU, ER, L&D, OR, AND PEDS.

I dont really think it matters, and not having a BSN will definately NOT keep you out of getting a job :) I get 50 cents an hour more for having my BSN, which isnt much. Out of 25 new nurses that started hospital orientation with me in May, only 3 of us have bachelor's degrees. It doesnt keep you out of the job market at all :) at my hospital, charge nurses, supervisors, whathaveyou, it doesnt matter on degree, just on performance and seniority.

higher positions such as administration, directors and that type of positions when vacant and posted say things like "BSN prefered", but that is not mandatory. they look at many other things when filling the postions, not just degrees


I haven't even started my final year of a my diploma nursing program (your ASN) and the offers keep rolling in. Like Brandy said it doesn't really matter, there is plenty of work for everyone.


I work in a federal hospital, and to have positions like head nurse, community health nurse or hospital coordinator ("supervisor") you need a bachelor's. It also gives you higher ranking on desired shifts/replacements. Also if you have a bachelor's you get $1000 extra a year. (Canadian) and my hospital will pay for the tuition.

I have my RN diploma from a 3 year college program. I graduated just over a year ago. I am an assistant head nurse, part time on night shift and I work on availability on evening shift. I have the highest position that I can have with my education at my hospital.

In 6 days, I am starting my bachelor's degree, part time, while working.

I came out of an ADN program and when I was interviewing no one asked me if I had a BSN, the only question was when I was going to sit boards! Where I work BSN is not even on the name badge as there is no pay increase for getting the BSN. Non BSN nurses serve in all areas of the hospital at most levels. Nurse Manager requires a BSN.

Kaiser Permanente in California grab BSN's as soon as they walk in the door. The pay is $1/hr more also.

It's true that both ADN and BSN grads will always have jobs especially with the demand. However, what happens if you want to try another field or industry that requires a Bachelor's degree. The fact is ADN is not a Bachelors degree that's necessary to propel your career and simply, BSN can provide more opportunities long-term.

I've been working outside of nursing field and it helps having BSN that I can fall back on in case I want to make career changes. For example, pharmaceutical, medical, biotechnology fields require Bachelors and prefers allied graduates such as BSN, PharmD...

I'm off to studying NCLEX :) Have a nice day!

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