Do you have children?

Nursing Students General Students


I am looking for some motivational stories of mommy's or daddy's who are in or plan on going into a nursing program and how you do it? I mean how do you not get super stressed? How do you handle school, work, and home life?

I am 25, 26 this Dec and I have a 2.5 yo and am due with my 2nd son in Dec also. I am pretty much just starting my pre reqs and it's not those I am worried about, it's the actual RN program that scares me and makes me think about how I will be able to spend time with my family, study hard, take care of home and possibly work, if I need to, which I hope I don't.

I have had this dream of being an RN for a long time and I guess you can say am a late bloomer and just now taking action. It's important to me now than ever because I have 2 little ones to care for and don't want to fail.

So please help a young mom out and give me some advice, tips, and your experience is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Peds; Cardiac, NICU, PACU.

I have 4 boys. 18,13,10 &7. My youngest 3 are in sports so they keep me pretty busy. I dont work and since they are all in school I try to study a lot while they are in school. then maybe just a little stuff to look over at night when they get settled. My husband is great and helps with dinner and the boys have chores. You can make it work. I took a time management course and that really helped me a lot!

Specializes in L&D/Maternity nursing.

I don't (though I am pregnant with my first-luckily I am due after I graduate this December) but a few of my classmates do. Its been challenging for them, balancing school, work [as some were techs, and now are RNs-we took our boards this summer] and family, but they do it. Its manageable, and even more so if you have a great support system to help back you up.

Last school year I was able to sleep in until 7:30, but with my oldest going into junior high this year, I will have to get up at 6:00am. Hopefully I will be able to get into bed way before 2:00am unlike last year.

You know, my mom did not get up with me when I went to junior high! I just set my alarm and got myself up at 6 so I could spend 30 minutes curling my hair. I did not get up with my kids, either, I just woke up and they were gone. The bus came even earlier when they started high school.

God bless all of you for taking care of your kids and also attending school. It must be extemely hard. I can only imagine.

I have 4 children 19 to 6 years and am worried about the same thing. Im barely able to handle the pre-reqs. I need to get disiplined with some time managment skills. Life would certainly be different in a program. No more long coffee breaks for me.

I have 4 boys..13,6,3, 19 months and it is HARD....I am going into my 4th semester Aug 16. I PRAY everyday...that is the only way I can get through it!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!! I started taking prerequisites in 2008 with 3 kids and it worked out great for me... I'll be starting NS on AUG. 28:yeah:.I managed to work some, make excellent grades, and keep my children involved in ballet, soccer, and church. I just had to learn to juggle. I would get up early or stay up late to study, and when I became overwhelmed I had to prioritize, so I quit my job. You may have to sacrifice somethings but I've never heard anyone regret sacrificing in order to further their education! So just do it!

SN: I feel that being older (28) and having kids helped me excel b/c I had sooo much to lose if I failed.

I am working on my pre-reqs right now, and I have 5 kids, ages 6, 5, 4, 2.5, and 1. I know it will be so hard, but like jayjo said, failing is not really an option so I know I'll work SO hard b/c I'm taking so much money away from my family to do this.

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

I have 4-year-old twins, and am a single parent about to enter my last year of NS. It's hard, but doable. Mine were 18-months old when I started pre-reqs and I didn't think I was going to make it through school. They were a lot needier then, too. Luckily my kids play together really well. I keep some of their toys in my room and let them play in there or watch tv while I study, but when it's time to really concentrate, I put them to bed or have them go into their room. Get used to making easy meals - grilled cheese sandwiches, omelets, mini pizzas, frozen dinners.

A big part of having kids and going to NS is getting your organization and your time management down. Being a mom has actually made me better at this, too. On Sunday nights I look at the weather and figure out what my kids are wearing for the entire week. I have a seven shelf closet organizer in which I put the clothes for each day, along with clean underwear, shoes, hair stuff, whatever. If something needs to be ironed, I do all my ironing on Sunday night, and hang it up. This helps a lot, especially on the weeks that I have clinicals. I live by my planner, and write down all assignments, test dates, etc.

Some other things I do are take them to McDonald's sometimes to eat and play while I study, look at flashcards while they play in the bath, and take advantage of their time in day care by getting as much study time done during the day as I can. I don't get to spend alot of time with them, unfortunately, but I know it will be worth it in the end. Just two more semesters!

I didn't take the time to read all the replies, so I'm sorry if I repeat something. I have a almost four year old who is autistic. It's tough helping him through his day without being in school. So I don't know how it's going to work when I start school in August.

All I can tell you, is that it's all about attitude. Just think to yourself...this HAS to work. It's going to be tough, but my kids and I NEED this to work. Going in with a can-do attitude will make all the difference in the world! Good luck!

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