Do you believe in a "calling" to nursing?


I'm surprised to sense what I can only describe as a "calling" to nursing -- in midlife and quite out of the blue. Has anyone else had this experience and how would you describe it?

I too am in nursing because I feel it is my calling. This is not a career I chose for my self in fact I talked my self out of it a few years before I went to school while talking some one else into it. By the way she hates it. I love it.

I do not know how to explain it. I just feel it in my bones this is what I was meant to do. So much so if I won the lottery I think I would still do this in some form. :nurse:

I am not sure that I had a "calling" to nursing, but there came a point in my life where I knew that nursing is what I wanted to do. Partially it was my four year old son asking me "Mommy what are you going to be when you grow up"?, and partially I was influenced by the experiences I had (a phenomenal L&D nurse, and an insensitive ER nurse) I just decided that nursing was IT for me, and I saw how I would make a difference.

So, I started from there and tackled all the pre-reqs and then got my BSN. I had two small children and it was not easy. However, there is not a day that goes by that I am not glad that I did. I am also glad that I didn't wait "until the kids were older", as many advised me.

If you have heard that calling, I hope you follow it. It has brought me a lot of satisfaction to follow my dream.

Best of luck. :)

Definitely I believe in "calling". I have experienced so many situations in the health care system, with loved ones and my own. I have always felt a need to thoroughly research any and all illnesses and conditions that have been experienced by myself and family members. When I was going through my own experience in the health care system the nurses, radiologists, neurologist and neuro-opthamologist kept asking if I was a nurse because I was so knowledgeable about everything. When my husband and I were going through the same situation with his mother and my father (they had severe CVA's within hours of each other - I jumped in the van and drove in one direction, he jumped in his truck and drove in the other), I felt a need to KNOW what was happening and why. Through helping my mother to care for my father after his CVA, my son asked me why I didn't become a doctor. I told him that doctors don't really have the time to spend with their patients, and certainly have no time for their families. My son then asked, "So, why don't you become a nurse?" CLICK! Light bulb went on and I enrolled in nursing school. I will graduate in May of 2004. There have been so many things with clients where my personal experiences have helped them and myself... it can't all be coincidence! I even met one woman who came over from Scotland after WWII with my grandmother and father (who was just a toddler at the time)! This lady hadn't seen my grandmother since but, what a small world! So, yes, I do believe in a calling. I wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't felt "something" pulling me in this direction.

In a one word answer to this topic... Yes

I'm told from the time I was a little girl (about 4 years old or so) when asked in pre-school, then on to kindergarden "What do you want to be when you grow up" my answer was always

"I want to be a nurse!"

I got a little older then pursued art, stuck with a community college for about 1½ years studying business admin *snore*:zzzzz before needing to work to survive. Eventually moved, worked in EMS for awhile, did a few other odd jobs here or there, but feel the calling the now to re-attend school in the RN program.

I'm hesitant at going back to school, yet out of many careers to choose from, nursing is one I still feel called to this many years later.

As I think about this topic, I'm making the distinction between a "career decision" and a "calling." The decisions I have made until now have been from my own head and heart and I've been happy in my work. I see a calling as different in it seems to be from outside the self -- like a still small voice that is just always *there.* I'm not a particulary religious/new age-y person, but I have to tell you this is something to be reckoned with! What IS it?

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Exactly what it sounds like........a calling. Sure, it sounds sappy and corny and cliched, but those who are fortunate enough to receive such a gift are given a huge opportunity to become something more than they ever believed they could be, and be part of a greater good that benefits not only themselves but many, many others. You never know who you're influencing, or how you do so, but you see it in the eyes of little children who look up to you in your nursing uniform, in the smiles of patients to whom you have brought comfort, on the faces of those who are preparing to leave this world with you by their side.

It's an awesome blessing, and an awesome responsibility......but if nursing is what you're meant to do, you'll find a way to do it.

Oh yes, absolutely YES YES YES!!

I too was very young (5, out walking with my mother and my sister, then in a stroller) when a neighbor asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I did say a nurse.

It took me *45* years to get here. Mom was a nurse but not very encouraging, although she seems to have been an exemplary one--put her patients ahead of her license, dared to do the right thing when it was difficult. Father thought I was "better than that!" By the time he died, I was already on my way in another direction, and had put nursing out of my mind almost entirely. Of course I was taking care of everyone and everything in the meantime!

Then, as a wedding present almost 2 years ago, I got to go to nursing school. The practice of nursing is (so far) everything I hoped it would be, taking care of patients is way beyond my wildest dreams, and I do feel it is a calling--a complete, religious, spiritual, God-thing, calling.

I'm so glad you asked--I didn't think too many of us felt that way (and we might be in the minority yet! ;)

Specializes in NICU.

Hmm...sometimes I *do* think that nursing "called" me.

Sometimes I also think I should have hung up. :D

Specializes in Home Health Care.

I definatley know I was called, though It's hard for me to explain what it feels like. I think I've been called before, and didn't listen.

My first real job in H.S was as a dietary aide, then I was so interested in nursing I became a C.N.A. When I was a C.N.A, I had a chance to go to nursing school, but didn't and went to beauty school instead. :eek: I worked for a while, until I started my family & became a stay at home mom. I had planned to work for my husband's business when the kids were all in school.

A few years ago, I got this uncontrolable desire to want to go to nursing school. I don't know what brought it on, but the feeling never went away.

I had started watching all the T.L.C medical programs on t.v, and became quite addicted. My husband was so tired of it, he said, why don't you go get a job making money at it instead of watching it? I then had a light bulb moment, and started planning out, how i would reach my dream.

I had worried about how will I pay for it, how can I go to school with young children at home, am i smart enough, can i do it, ect?

Well, everything is falling into place. It feels like it's dropped right into my lap. I feel like God has me by the hand and is showing me the way.

I have just completed my first term of pre-reqs and I am so excited for next semester to start :)

Originally posted by NICU_Nurse

Hmm...sometimes I *do* think that nursing "called" me.

Sometimes I also think I should have hung up. :D

LOL and Ditto That!!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Geriatrics.

The short answer to your question is: NO.

I never did and I never will.

And if I did, what I have experienced over the past 12-13 years would have been enough to make me change my religion.

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