Did anyone take Medical Terminology course?

Nursing Students General Students


I had completed my electives, so I decided to take a Medical Terminology course. I know it won't help me get into nursing school, but I must say I'm finding it incredibly informative. When I had my interview recently, the interviewer was saying how she thought it should be a requirement for all of the Allied Health programs they have.

Has anyone else taken one? This one is great too, because it's through my college but all online. I've moved far ahead in the class in terms of work, so I have extra time to study for my midterm.

Specializes in Home Health Care.

I was planning on taking anatomy & lab by itself this summer, does anyone think it would be to much to take with Med term? If you were me and only wanted to take a class or two at a time, would you take med term first or would you try it with anatomy?

Please respond! :uhoh21:

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

If you are good at memorization, you could probably do it. I haven't taken A&P yet, but have heard that there is a TON of studying and memorizing. Same with M.T.

BUT.......I have found that my M.T. course and Human Bio course, which is like a step down from A&P, use a lot of the same terms, so they do sort of go hand-in-hand.

I'm working my way through one right now, and I agree, it is extremely useful!

Specializes in Tele, Home Health, MICU, CTICU, LTC.

I took it several years ago and find it to be very helpful now.

I took it before acceptance into my program and I'm glad I did. One of our self studies is the medical terminology section of the medical dictionary. For me it means one less thing to learn while in the program.

It is not an requirement at our school, but I took it last semester and loved it. I only wish that I have taken it with my prereqs. It was horrible for me trying to figure out what the words meant in A&P. Im in my second semester now and its flowing much easier now that I know how to break down the words. I feel like it should be required for any medical field.

We had a book that was kind of self study. The way it was set up helped you teach yourself.

:) :)

Yes, a few years ago - before I ever even thought about nursing I took medical terminology for fun - I would recommend taking it before taking anatomy even - it is so useful

I think it should be a requirement for nursing and possibly for anatomy - it makes things make so much more sense - knowing the latin roots of words and what they mean you can string medical words together and instead of them being long medical words that you have to memorize now you know what each part of that word means

It makes everything so mu

ch easier - like deciphering a language...

Specializes in Geriatrics, Wound Care.

For those of you who have taken or are currently taking MT online, where are you taking the classes through? I would like to knock this class out of the way, possibly during the summer. Please post schools! Thanks!


We used a book called Calculate with Confidence. I am absolutely retarded when it comes to math. It goes over the basic formulas up to critical care calculations. I am graduating in 3 weeks so it worked for me!!

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

I am taking Medical Terminology this summer along with Human Nutrition, both online and looking forward to it. I am actually surprised that RN programs don't require this course at all. In hindsight, I wish I had taken this class before A&P and micro, as I would have had an easier time studying for these courses with this kind of background.

I took Medical Terminology. My advisor recommended it. I thought it was a great class. Very informative. The only thing I didn't like was how much studying was involved. I found it hard to study for a class I didn't need when I had others that counted. Overall, It was a great course and I highly recommend it. =]

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